Sunday, February 9, 2025

Bigass Weekend Wrap-Up: Yellow Bookending Leopard; VFF Gala and the 60s Mods; Brunch in Vintage and Fringe

Welcome back, Gentle Readers! It's been a whirlwind of a weekend, so get settled and ready for a slew of pictures. I have my Friday work outfit, followed by our chosen family making a splash at the Victoria Film Festival Gala opening, brunch on Saturday (and a wee shop), and we also hosted a Super Bowl party on Sunday (no pics of that, though - not a Fashion Event). 

A taste of fun things ahead! 
Me, Cat, L, Ross (in plaid), Randall, Nick and Yvonne at the VFF Gala

But first, as promised, here's my Friday work outfit. 
Colleague Camille saw me and said, "Uh-oh, you're wearing yellow, are you feeling okay?" Aw, she knows I wear yellow when I really need an energetic boost. 

  • Cotton sweater - Ralph Lauren, vintage 80s, thrifted; last worn here in February 2024 for a Mental Health Shop
  • Cotton skirt - Ganni, consignment; last seen here in March 2024 with orange bits
  • Boots - F-Trip Etta, Fluevog; last worn here (2nd outfit) in January for brunch with the boys
  • Suede coat (below) - Danier Leather, consignment; last seen here in January

I had a spectacular view of the Castle in the morning. 
A wonderful glowing pink light. The weather remained clear and cold, and much of the snow has melted, hooray! 

I did wear yellow as armour - I had a 1.5 hour training session on some of the specialty finance work I do for my company, plus it was a very busy day.
My lovely boss let me leave 1.5 hours early due to my working at the evening event a few days earlier. 

I needed that extra time to get dinner and be ready for the VFF Gala on Friday night! 
I loved the yellow with this leopard skirt. Leopard goes with every colour.

Nothing new here. 
All favourites that I've had for a while - the boots are the most recent purchase.

The skirt is wonderful - I tucked my sweater in to give the paper-bag waist room to shine.
I walked to and from work in my yellow boots. Very comfy! 

Ready to go! 
More orange and yellow. 

I'm making my own sunshine.
All this colour is good for my mental state. 

Snuggly warm things. 

  • Toque - thrifted
  • Fur scarf - thrifted
  • Leather/fur gloves - thrifted

The stuff: 
Awesomely yellow boots. They make me want to dance! 

Feline bling: 
I see a lion and two leopards. 

  • Belt - Pringle of Scotland, vintage fair
  • Leather/metal bracelet - Jenny Bird, consignment
  • Stone bangle - consignment
  • Leopard brooch - Park Lane, thrifted
  • Brass Brutalist ring - vintage 70s, vintage mall
  • Brass leopard ring - thrifted
  • Earrings - thrifted, Seattle

I have lots of pictures of the Gala after-party, but here's my outfit. 
I just wore my regular my blue wig and my "Nadia buns" (aka cat ear headband). 

  • PANK dress - Essentiel Antwerp, consignment; last worn here in September 2024 with brocade boots
  • Cotton sweater - Sonia Rykiel, vintage, thrifted; last seen here (2nd outfit) layered under a pleated dress
  • Boots - Bond Girl, Fluevog x Anna Sui; last worn here in December 2024 with sneaky Adidas
  • Coat (not shown) - Donna Karan, consignment; last seen here in January

I flipped the long cuffs of the dress down to hide the thin black cotton sweater that I wore underneath for warmth. 
A pair of long-ago-thrifted floral tights, plus sporty shorts, for more coverage. 

I had an unfortunate "Steamer Incident" with the blue wig and it is now weirdly shaped, so I'll need to replace it. Do not steam your wigs! I didn't intend to...sigh.
We gobbled down dinner, walked to town, then to the Gala venue and then home after midnight. It was a very long night! 

Rock on! 
You'll see my make-up better in the below event pictures. 

Showing my pockets, which I filled with chocolates from Spinnakers. I ate a bunch there, and took 5 home, ha ha! 
This was a comfy outfit, good for hanging out.

I intended to wear my cat's-eye shades, but it was too dark at the Gala.
I also had contacts in, which is why many of my pictures were blurry! Can't see! 

No picture of me in my outerwear (it was my burgundy wrap puffer coat), as we were running late. 

  • Purse - Lewis, vintage 50s, consignment
  • Fur scarf - thrifted
  • Leather gloves - Roeckl, consignment

The stuff: 
Great gorgeous green boots! 

  • Cat's ears headband - costume shop
  • Heart earrings - vintage fair
  • Fulvia Ring/lapis lazuli ring - both Wendy Brandes
  • Tie/sash - from an old skirt

I didn't bother with much bling, as my colour was the big statement.

I did manage to wrangle L's picture before we dashed out the door. 
Looking very mod! The theme was "1960s Rome" which I felt was rather specific. L's brocade jacket is a recent consignment find, from Rich Rags. He's wearing a vintage white shirt with vintage cufflinks, a Versace tie (bought in Florence), consignment Banana Republic pants and Fluevog boots. 

Looking very fine! 
I like the white belt! 

Both of us - I'm trying to show my eye make-up here, which I struggled with. 
I had to erase the first try, it looked very Phyllis Diller (love you, Phyllis! no shade!). 

And here we are at the Vic Theatre, with Richard Crouse introducing everyone. I last attended the VFF Gala in February 2024 a pirate! L was sick last year, so it was good to have him back.
The movie we saw was called "Bob Trevino Likes It," a wonderful movie about chosen family. Link to the movie's website here (all links 'cause I love). Go see it when it opens! 

Yvonne and Randall, both looking suave.
If you recognize their pendants, it's because I styled them both on Thursday night, loaning them various pieces out of my collection. Randall borrowed an ascot (purchased in Powell River) and my Rafael of Canada bronze/glass pendant. "Prince and Muhammad Ali wore these back in the 70s!" I told him. 

I tried to take some pics in the theatre, but my skills lacked. Thank you, Rosanna, for this pic of you and Meika! They were both wearing laurel leaf headdresses, leaning into the "Rome" theme.
I remember when Meika was born (Rosanna went into labour at Spence and Kim's wedding!) - she's hung with us at various parties recently, and came to my Limbo Sale. This is her first "with the group" outing as an adult. Welcome, honey, you are part of our family!

We all had our pictures taken on the pink carpet, but once again the VFF has dropped the ball on posting the professional photographers' shots anywhere online. Seriously, post the damn pictures - you had a photo booth! 
So fabulous! Note Rosanna's Medusa purse (she added the image), the feather jacket and Meika's faux fur!

We arrived at a vacant car dealership space for the after-party and I had a cruise around to take pictures of the decorations. 
Vespas from a local motorcycle rental place, the snake is a re-use from VFF in 2020 here, when I wore the same blue wig and met Bill Nighy. I noted then that the snake operated on voice command, with flashing eyes! I wish I'd remembered that - I would have tested it to see if it was still working five years later. 

A green wall with various "medieval" influences - the themes were seriously all over the place - a "Roman" wall and a Mona Lisa face cutout. 
There was a photographer there, but no way to get the pictures from him - most people were asking him to use their own phones to take our pics. 

The collage backgrounds were all printed on giant canvasses (a great idea - easy for storing!), with embellishments on them. 
I walk past this building every day on my way to and from work and had noticed the sheep and the eyeballs (seriously, what is this theme?). 

Another printed wall, with another Vespa.
The paper flowers were re-used from last year's tropical decorations at KWENCH. 

L and I getting a picture in front of the celestial backdrop. 
Why the blue light? I totally disappear...

Me, Rosanna and Yvonne in front of the eyeball wall. 
Rosanna is wearing an amazing dress - and yes, if you are wondering if you are seeing nipples, that is a print of a naked body down the front of her dress! 

OMG, that dress makes me laugh! Of course, it's thrifted, as is her belt and everything else she had on.
Yvonne's outfit features my vintage paisley maxi vest, picked up at Value Village in the early 00s. I haven't worn it in years - I think the last time was for Ross' birthday several years back, but I can't find the post.

I modeled it here in May 2010, here's a picture of when I wore it c. 2002ish when L and I went to the local Wine Festival.
I basically styled up Yvonne the same way - I loaned her a chain belt, a purse and a bunch of jewelry. She had loads of admirers and swanned about like the goddess she is.

Cat was resplendent in her Kate Spade dress and Fluevog "Bonnie Henry" shoes. So chic and mod! 
She and Yvonne are playing bocce with foam balls in one of the old sales offices. 

L, Nick and Linda. Nick went classic Bond in his vintage brocade jacket (it used to be L's). 
Linda's dress is vintage 60s - I was drooling over her Bakelite bangle collection, and you can just see a peek of her lilac Fluevogs (which I happen to know were from Cat, who bought them at WIN from a tip from me many years ago).

Some pictures later on of us in front of the green backdrop. I'm cackling away, as usual.
Me, Ross (in Vivienne Westwood blazer and amazing studded boots), Nick (also in Fluevogs), Rosanna and Cat.

Let's be jovial! We met lots of fun people, including a filmmaker who wondered if we were all "in the industry". Nope, we just like dressing up and having fun! 
We celebrate hanging with our friends! 

L lounged louchely on the chaise longue.
We both had our pics taken on it...will we ever see them? I'll edit and add some if they are ever posted online. I'm still waiting for the pics from 2024...

I air-dropped my pictures to Yvonne, who was flabbergasted at being able to do that.
Look at us, doing the technology! My tongue is out - full concentration mode as I attempt to see my phone while wearing contacts.

But this has to be my favourite picture - I can't stop laughing at the Mona Nick! 
It's the legs, right? Oh my gosh! That was such a fun time - much love and gratitude to my dear friends. 

Having an event on a Friday night always throws off my inner clock. I woke up on Saturday absolutely POSITIVE it was Sunday!
What a relief to be able to just throw on this "waiting in the wings" outfit and go for brunch. Phew! 

  • Wool sweater - Bartolini, consignment; last seen here in October 2024 for a Mom-Day at Gorge Park
  • Fringed wool skirt - no label, vintage 70s, thrifted; purchased here for $24.95
  • Boots - Clarks; last worn here earlier this week with Vivienne Westwood and velvet
  • Suede coat (below) - Zara, consignment; first seen here in May 2024 for a Winesday sleepover

I have to name this skirt so I can find it again on the blog - the pattern is faintly Navajo-inspired, so perhaps Navajo or Navafaux? Hee! Any other suggestions are welcome! It has to be a unique name, so that it's easy for searching.
As the skirt is pull-on with no waist clip, snap, hook or button, I have to cover the waistband, so picked this burnt orange wool sweater, and laid a wide loop belt over it. 

I did spent time fussing with that - readjusting the sweater and belt when I sat down/got up.
How I suffer for fashion! *dramatic swoon*

I also wore a vintage full slip underneath for some extra warmth, although the snow and ice are gone now. 
We enjoyed a lovely brunch at John's Place, then did a quick grocery shop.

I put this jacket in with my outerwear closet, which was a mistake. 
I completely forgot about it! 

I moved it into my main closet and now I will (hopefully) reach for it more.
Rock on! I shook my fringe for lots of folks. I loved wearing it again - this is only the second time, tsk!

I was the most fringe-y person in the grocery store.
I put the skirt's moth-hole side in the back where I couldn't see it. If I can't lay eyes on it, it's not there. La la la...ignoring it! 

The usual suspects. 

  • Purse - Ted Lapidus, vintage 90s, vintage fair
  • Fur scarf - thrifted
  • Leather gloves - consignment

The stuff: 
These boots just seemed like the right choice, even though I just wore them last week. 

Circular bling: 
I loaned Yvonne the "good version" of this plastic/metal/elastic belt. 

  • Belt - thrifted
  • Copper cuff - Karen's
  • Stone bangle - consignment
  • Brass Brutalist ring - vintage 70s, vintage mall
  • Bronze ring - P. Sarpaneva, vintage 70s
  • Necklace/earrings set - Robert Lee Morris, consignment, Vancouver

I was happy to sneak in the necklace/earring set - they don't get worn much, as they pull focus and are Bossy.

I had a quick look in the Beacon Ave Thrift Shop while L stood in line. 
This magnetic closure hinged bangle isn't expensive (no marks) but it's in good condition and I love having another orange bracelet. It was $1.00.

Speaking of bracelets, this little rhinestone chain bracelet is good quality (again, no marks).
I thought $15.00 was a little high, but it balances out with the bangle, and it all goes to a good cause! 

L and I spotted this young deer's siblings further down the road. 
They're a young trio that wanders around our neighbourhood, often strolling out in to the road and stopping traffic, or lollygagging on the sidewalk when I'm trying to walk to work.

Our own little monster carefully watched for treats to drop on the floor, nearly making off with a potato chip while we were playing board games on Saturday night. This pic is from a couple of weeks ago, but it still exemplifies Vizzini's strategy.
"I wait for one to fall. One always does."

And now, my friends, a crowd of folks are about to descent on us to watch the Super Bowl! I hope your weekend was marvelous and full of good times. Thank you so much for joining me here! 


  1. What a whopper of a post!
    I spent ages scrutinising the photos and outfits from your Friday night party. As soon as you mentioned the theme I thought Roman Holiday and imagined everyone dressed like Audrey Hepburn despite the film being 7 years too early!
    Your eye make up is spectacular and I absolutely love Yvonne's (yours!) maxi waistcoat and Linda's entire look. I keep finding dresses like Rosanna's in charity shops here, they are crazy things! All the chaps look fantastic. The collage is super trippy. I still can't work out the significance of the sheep...maybe they couldn't get wolves!
    Look at cheeky Vizzini stalking the snacks and that beautiful deer!
    I hope your party went well. I was a cheerleader back in the 1980s when American Football made a bit of a breakthrough here hadn't got a clue what it was all about, I obly did it for the pompoms! xxx

    1. Oh, thank you so much for your time and for this lovely comment, Vix! I really struggled with the make-up and eventually said, "F*ck it, let's go!". The vintage pieces are so good, aren't they? They reused props from previous galas, but no idea when the sheep were used!
      Vizzini is still always on the prowl for dropped treats even though he can't see them anymore. The Super Bowl party was good - a small crowd, but very appreciative of my chili!

  2. This post is pure prime Sheila style, both for outfits and writing! You had me chuckling multiple times. :) Loved your alliterative description of L louchely lounging…and his flowered Fluevogs are awesome! Everyone was in top form for the benefit and the fun and friendships are palpable.

    Your Friday work outfit shines and everything about it…the vibrant yellow, the pocketed leopard skirt, the color and cut of the coat…are a perfect way to finesse a Friday.

    I think you could have had a career as a costumer for shows.
    And now I will go check the results of the Super Bowl. We used to watch years ago, not so much as football fans but for the advertisements and half time shows. Our next door neighbor produced commercials so it was always entertaining to hear his take on the ads.
    Thanks for taking us along on your jam-packed, fun and friend filled weekend!
    Cheers, Laurie

    1. Thanks so much, Laurie! We had such a fun time, and I'm glad I took loads of pictures. I love my friends so dearly.
      I liked the yellow too, thank you! Ha, I would not want to turn my passion into work, although if someone offered me a boatload of money...?
      Eh, it was an okay game and we only get Canadian commercials, so not as interesting.

    2. Ha, it never occurred to me that the commercials wouldn't be the same but, of course, that makes perfect sense! Yuh, after seeing the final score the next day I can imagine that the game was simply ok. A blow out isn't as interesting to watch.

  3. Your friend Nick has become a real silver fox!

  4. I love the leopard and the yellow together. And I'm not even a fan of yellow! What a great weekend you had!

  5. Loving Friday's yellow and leopard 'fit, and of course that marvellous orange suede trench!
    Your funky outfit worn to the Gala after-party is absolutely fabulous, not in the least because it features the PANK Essentiel dress. Those tights and - gasp! - those boots, though! Seriously swoon-worthy! And oh my, how fab is L.'s outfit!
    Thank you for sharing those wonderful photos of the party. I absolutely loved seeing the effort everyone's made with their outfits. xxx

    1. Thanks so much, Ann! I thought of you when picking the PANK to wear! The boots are amazing, and had many admirers.

  6. Mona Nick is a classic!
    Love the Pank!
    My chosen family♥️

  7. Love that you and L are wearing yellows in this post - my go-to answer to the winter blahs. Fabulous photos of your Gala do - and that dress of Rosanna's is a scream! Thank you so much for sharing xxxx

    1. YES, bright colours work so well to cheer me up. Thanks so much, Anna!

  8. Oooh, your eye makeup is niiiiiice!!! Good job on that!!! Your outfit is splendid too!! So much pank this week!!!
    The whole event sounds great fun and I love your pals and their amazing outfits!!! Xx

    1. That's so kind of you - I wish I'd practiced it ahead of time. It was a wonderful event, so much fun!

  9. So great you had such a great time. I love your costume look. The wig and the glam eye make up suited you fabulously.
    The outfit with the yellow top paired with a leopard skirt was a winner, too. You look beautiful in all of these photographs.


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