Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Vintage Vivienne and Velvet...and the Mink

Today was a true Snow-Day, with about 15cm/7 inches of the stuff dumping on us overnight. Of course that low amount is a cause to freak out in Victoria!
I just layered up and carried my boots in a bag. And I wore my mink, since the temps dipped below zero.

  • Embroidered velvet blazer - Le Chateau, consignment; last seen here in December 2023 with flamenco flounces
  • Caramel cashmere sweater - Prada, consignment; last worn here in October 2024 for a Mom-Uncle-Day at Beacon Hill Park
  • Teal sweater - Bellissima, thrifted; last seen here in November 2024 with vintage cream
  • Skirt - Vivienne Westwood Anglomania F/W 2011, consignment; last worn here (2nd outfit) in September 2024 for brunch
  • Boots - Clarks; last seen here (2nd outfit) in December 2024 for brunch in leather and plaid
  • Mink coat (below) - vintage 60s, thrifted; last worn here in January 2024

Nothing new at all in today's outfit. The velvet embroidered jacket (c. early 00s) has been with me since 2011 and I've worn it 23 times. 
I first stalked it in the Le Chateau store in the early 00s, saw an old school-mate wearing it, then finally spotted it at Rich Rags in 2011. 

I often play with the colours in the embroidery: teal, caramel, blue, purple, forest green, gold. 
I left the sweaters both untucked - I like that you can see the teal hem. 

I remembered to follow the tagged instructions on this vintage 2011Vivienne Westwood skirt. 
"Wear the criss-cross in the back!"

I took the blazer off a couple of times when I felt a little overly snuggly warm. 
I layered the short-sleeved teal sweater under this cashmere Prada V-neck sweater. 

Outerwear - if it dips into freezing temps, the mink comes out to play.
I saw a lot of very cold-looking people on my walks to and from work. 

Not me, I was toasty warm.
I flipped the collar up on my walk home to cut the stinging wind. 

Should've worn a toque! My ears were cold. 

  • Wool beret - Fair Set, vintage 00s, thrifted
  • Fur scarf - thrifted
  • Velour gloves - thrifted

The stuff: 
Love these boots - I clomped around the office in them, giving out paper signs saying, "Snow Day? No way! I made it to the office on February 4th 2025!" Some of my colleagues have a rainbow of them from previous years.

Amber bling: 
Finding the perfect necklace for the V-neck sweater made me so happy! 

  • Large amber bracelet - consignment
  • Small amber bracelet - consignment
  • Silver/amber thumb ring - consignment
  • Green stone/silver ring - consignment, Sidney
  • Amber/gold ring - c. 1996
  • Silver/kyanite ring - consignment
  • Amber/silver earrings - thrifted
  • Necklace - vintage 1920s, vintage mall, gift from L

A view on the way to work this morning. 
A towering Garry Oak, looking very spooky.


  1. We've got frost this morning but no snow, thank goodness!
    Yes, you look the part. We're always being stopped and complimented on our ability to dress well for cold weather as everyone else shivers with bare heads and flimsy footwear.
    I love your velvet jacket, i remember admiring it before. xxx

    1. People are funny about cold weather here - no one has the right outerwear! Thanks so much, Vix!

  2. That’s a perfect snow, a soft dusting to appear magical but (at least in NY terms ;) ) not enough to pose anything other than a wish for just one really good snow like in days of yore.
    I love the color of the caramel sweater and of course of the teal, as well. You look cozy, comfy and toasty…the perfect combo for a freezing cold snowy day. Invigorating!
    Cheers, Laurie

    1. We still had some on the ground a week later, Laurie - that's how cold it's been, even with loads of sun. Thank you so much!

  3. I love when the mink comes out to play! Beautiful outfit.

  4. Oh oh!! The puzzle skirt! 😍 It's pretty great.

    1. Ha ha, yes, you've seen this one! I giggle at my note every time, but glad I did it!

  5. Très chic! I just found out today that the Pantone color of 2025 is Mocha Mousse, which certainly is thisclose to your ensemble today. But of course; Sheila effortlessly leads the pack!

    1. Mocha Mousse is a blah shade of brown, but I get where you are coming from. Thank you!

  6. We haven't had any significant snowfall here yet, but 15 cm - and less - would definitely freak us out as well :-)
    Loving the Vivienne Westwood skirt, the layered jumpers and the 1920s necklace (swoon!). Oh, and the mink obviously. People would be reluctant to wear a coat like that here for fear of being paint-balled by the anti-fur brigade! xxx

    1. We've been lucky so far this winter, Ann! thank you so much - I loved this layered outfit.
      You know, no one is carrying around paintball guns or cans of spray paint - no one says boo to me, and I don't even get the side-eye. People are realizing that old vintage furs are the way to go for a sustainable and biodegradable option.

  7. 15 cm of snow. I cannot remember when we had that. Oh now I remember, February 2021.
    The Vivienne Westwood skirt is to die for.

    1. It was a lot for us, Greetje! Thank you! I love this skirt.

  8. I can't say I envy you with that snow Sheila! I agree with Greetje - the skirt is the star of the show.
    Anna xxx

  9. I love your necklace! It matches the details on the blazer nicely. Beautiful sweater and skirt too. The coat looks very warm. :)

    1. The outfit really showed off the necklace well - I was very happy with it. Thank you! The mink is VERY warm!


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