Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Linen Firecrackers

I'm on a dress kick, brought on by looking at my massive rack of dresses and realizing I've barely worn 10% of them. 
My annual showing of the Firecracker dress. It's a longtime favourite - I've had it for 6 years, and this is it's 9th wearing. 

  • Dress - JG Hook, thrifted; last worn here a year ago in May 2023
  • Camisole - Mantles, vintage 90s, thrifted; not tracked
  • Shoes - Groovy Aubrey, Fluevog; last seen here in March with leopard, peach and buffalo
  • Leather jacket (below) - Elizabeth and James, consignment; last worn here in March with plaid and white bookends

It is - as advertised - linen, a gorgeous thick yet soft fabric. 
The only downside to this Jammy Dress is that it lacks pockets. 

It had many fans today. 
I swooshed about the office, enjoying the weight and feel. 

I still can't quite believe I only paid $28.95 for this. 
There is no orange in the print (a light peach is the closest), but these orange shoes still work. Magic! 

Outerwear - it was cold and rainy in the morning. 
I hate carrying an umbrella. 

So I tuck my hair into my beret and it stays dry. 
Voila! I like shaking it out like a shampoo ad (no one sees me do this!). 

None of which were needed by the time I left the office. It was sunny and warm, but windy. 

  • Beret - consignment
  • Silk scarf - Halston, vintage 70s, thrifted
  • Gloves - Parkhurst

I walked home with my leather jacket open. It's spring! 

The stuff: 
These are the most comfy shoes - I had many compliments on them. 

Rainbow bling:
After I picked out the dress, I realized this newly-thrifted choker would work perfectly. 

  • Necklace - thrifted; purchased here for $10.95
  • Green stone bracelet - vintage, vintage mall
  • Red bracelet - vintage mall
  • Earrings - local
  • Silver/amethyst ring - vintage mall
  • Silver/aventurine ring - consignment
  • Silver/kyanite ring - consignment


  1. That dress is lovely, I'm not surprised you got complimented. That groovy new-to-you pendant couldn't be a better choice. xxx

  2. Love the dress, the shoes and the jewelry, plus the blue jacket, beret and fingerless gloves! Could have simply said I love your entire ensemble, but it’s more fun to spend a moment on each word and give each item some love. :)
    Cheers, Laurie

  3. Same story here with the dresses: I've got too many of them and too little time to wear them!
    Your firecracker dress is yet another favourite of mine and your fabulous new choker couldn't have been a better companion for it! xxx

  4. Beautiful dress! Such a shame about the lack of pockets. I think reading your blog has brought this issue into sharp focus for me - to the point that I'm finding it increasingly hard to tolerate a lack of pockets!

  5. This dress is stunning. I love the shoes as well. You look very feminine and chic!

  6. If your dress has side seams, you can always add side pockets. Just use a pocket pattern from a thrift shop pattern or make one from your clothing and a couple of pieces of fabric.


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