Tuesday, May 21, 2024

From Space to Sea, and a Sailboat Dress

Hello, Gentle Readers! It took a lot of energy to get going today - these short weeks always feel very long.
I built the outfit around this new-to-me peachy-pink silk top. 

  • Jacket - Prosperity, consignment; last worn here in April 2023 with blue Versace pants
  • Top - Marc Cain, thrifted; purchased here here for $14.95
  • Skirt - Danier Leather, thrifted; last seen here here (2nd outfit) in February with shades of teal
  • Shoes - Sol Sana; last worn here here in April with a black and white circle skirt

It's a One-And-Done - not staying with me. 
It doesn't go with anything in my spring/summer wardrobe - peach and grey are not two colours that I own much of. 

Isn't the jacket cool? It has stars, constellations and planets on it. 
Not Adidas, despite the stripes. 

Here's the top on its own. 

Very shiny.
I wore a camisole under it. 

I'll be able to get my $15 back on it easily, I think. 
The skirt is a mix of leather and thick stretch fabric. Every so often, I really need a black skirt! 

Done up for the rain. I clipped my hair up under the hat to keep it dry. 
And I wore my new-to-me Valentino mermaid scarf, which was snuggly warm. I like the juxtaposition of space - the furthest reaches of exploration! - with the sea theme of the scarf.

...To the deepest depths of the sea, where the nipple-less mer-people live! 

  • Hat - Delux, Saanich Fair, c. 2008
  • Silk scarf - Valentino, consignment; purchased here here on the weekend for $38.00
  • Brooch - Sara Coventry, vintage, vintage fair

The brooch looks like a spiral galaxy.

The stuff: 
Still hanging onto these shoes, as this is a very useful shade of pink. 

Blue and green bling: 
The earrings reminded me of comets! 

  • Rhinestone cuff - Swarovski, consignment, gift from L
  • Silver/malachite bangle - Mexican, thrifted, Sidney
  • Silver/malachite ring - consignment
  • Silver/crystal ring - Soul Flower 
  • Silver/aventurine ring - consignment
  • Silver/kyanite ring - consignment
  • Silver earrings - gift from Petra

I popped into Rich Rags on the way home to see if a dress was still there that I'd seen last week. I have a party coming up (nautical/tropical theme), and I'd passed this up when I had a browse on Friday after work. 
"This isn't edible!"

No, it's not edible, but it does have sailboats on it. That's what the pattern is. 

It's 100% cotton 
That's a large small - an oxymoron! 

It's by Animale, and the lovely folks at Rich Rags gave me 10% off, so it was $54.00.
It's a very pretty dress on (I like the square neckline), although it doesn't have pockets. I may only wear it once...or it might be a Jammy Dress! 


  1. Hi Shiela! I love how you're not too sentimental about clothes. If you don't absolutely love it, it's out of your closet! Do you sell some pieces? X

    1. Hi, Jess, yes, I have started selling stuff in real life - both to consignment stores (just House of Savoy so far) and to friends. I don't sell online at all, and no plans to.

  2. For this outfit I delighted in the matchy top and shoes but so long top, out you go! Nonetheless, the outfit appeals, and with the jacket off you look very professional. Absolutely super bling, I like the colors, shapes, and what I call ‘warm weather weight’ meaning nothing too heavy looking. (We are having a week of sun and temps in the high 70s/low 80s.)
    Between the dress you bought on this outing and the previous haul of red and white (skirt and top) I spy more than one outfit for the upcoming nautical themed gathering….
    Cheers, Laurie

  3. Having a short week myself, I know exactly what you mean!
    What a shame the shiny top isn't a keeper, but obviously you know best. Apart from that, the outfit is absolutely perfect. The space jacket is very cool indeed, and how gorgeous is that mermaid scarf - I just realized I forgot to mention it in my comment on your previous post! xxx

  4. The space jacket is dreamy. I love the print and the length!
    Shame the top is not a keeper but it's good you are able to resell it...hopefully!
    The Animale dress is a lovely shape. My money is on it being a jammy dress!
    Hope you are well!
    Kezzie xx

  5. The mermaid scarf is fabulous and works really well with your space inspired outfit. Shame about the top - it's a gorgeous colour!

  6. That long jacket is so pretty....a fabulous outfit!


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