Friday, May 17, 2024

Funky Friday in Jammy Critters and Fringe

Welcome back, my friends! I hope you weren't worried about the absence of a post yesterday - Mom had a rough go at the dentist and needed to rest, and instead of shopping, I had a "nothing" day and lazed about the house, napping and reading and cuddling with Vizzini. I felt much refreshed after my vacay day! 

L is watching hockey and I can't let y'all languish without an outfit to look at over the weekend, so I'm dashing off a quick note to show you my Funky Friday outfit.
My Just Cavalli "critter" dress makes an appearance. I was looking forward to showing it off to my colleagues, but the office was empty. 

  • Dress - Just Cavalli, consignment; last worn here (2nd outfit) last May 2023 to see Jean in roller derby
  • Boots - Matisse, consignment; last seen here in March for shopping with Ariana
  • Coat (below) - Mangoon, thrifted; purchased here for $69.99

It's the Friday before a long weekend, as we roll into Victoria Day celebrations. When I was a kid, we were allowed to wear shorts after Victoria Day, and I recall the sing-song, "The 24th of May is the Queen's birthday," in reference to Queen Victoria, whom my city is named after. Hence, many celebrations. 
I'll be avoiding the parade, the little festivals all over, and the massive influx of 10,000 people off the cruise ships in the downtown area. Been there, done that, would prefer to avoid. 

I have delightful plans for the weekend, and this dress is just the start. 
It's covered in desert-themed creatures, like snakes, chameleons, cow skulls and scorpions. 

I am fond of creepy-crawlies on my clothes and in my jewelry. 
This is a Jammy dress, in case you didn't notice the pockets. It also goes with a lot of shoes and accessories in my closet. Easy to style, super-comfy, looks great - yup, it's a Jammy dress. 

It was blustery with gusty winds all day. Sunny...then grey...then sunny...then grey. 
I knew it would be the perfect day for a fringed jacket! Swoosh, swoosh! 

Done up and incognito. 
I did a little snack shop after work, and discovered that the fringe around the cuffs really gets in the way when you're trying to work a bank card or scan things. 

Must remember to only wear this when I'm going to stride about in the wind, looking like I'm running my own Wild West Show. 
Such a good fit, and I actually loved wearing it. The inside pockets were handy! 

The stuff: 
I basically just matched the boots and jacket and put a printed dress between them.

  • Purse - Michael Kors, consignment

Bold bling: 
The earrings perfectly match the big snake on the back of the dress. 

  • Earrings - vintage, consignment
  • Bird/eelskin bangle - consignment
  • Two bangles - thrifted
  • Olivine/coral ring - Hawaii, vintage 1977ish, Mom's
  • Silver poison ring - Karen's

Have a great weekend, my friends! Please do pop in on Monday as I'll have tales of adventure! Thank you so much for stopping by. 


  1. Thoroughly love your entire outfit and am smitten by, of all things, your earrings! Plus there's the meshing of jacket and boots, the pop of red in your pocketbook and one bangle, and the jammy dress, all a perfect combination!
    Helen, hoping you are fully improved from the dentist visit. For me it's the yearly mammogram, breast ultrasound and then seeing the doctor that wipes me out for the rest of the day.
    Happy weekend! Here's to enjoying the Victoria Day celebrations from afar and making your own long-weekend merriment, which I always look forward to reading about and sharing vicariously! :-)
    Cheers, Laurie

  2. Love the "critter" dress, it looks absolutely amazing worn with those tall boots!
    Sending well wishes to your Mom, and wishing you a wonderful long weekend. We are having one too! xxx

  3. I will gladly answer the call for that dress getting admiration. I love the colors, especially with your hair!!!

  4. Glad you got some rest. We all work too hard and need "nothing" days. Oh, and sorry to you and L about your hockey team going down in flames...

  5. That dress looks fab! Hope you had a fabulous weekend, full of fun! xxx


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