Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Eyelet Lettuce Dress and Optic Cardigan

Today's outfit features my one and only piece of clothing with eyelets, as I'm participating in Shelbee and Nancy's Good-Buy/Good-Bye Book, in an attempt to stay minimally visible in the blogosphere. 
Readers/commenters always slow down in the summer months (it's like y'all have lives or something!), and with Blogger flushing the email notifications of posts down the Interwebz toilet, I've noticed the numbers dropping.

  • Cardigan - Jean Paul Gaultier Soleil, consignment; last worn here in August 2021 with green satin
  • Dress - Taylor, consignment; last seen here in August 2021 for a trip to the mall
  • Shoes - Sol Sana; last worn here in July for a Mom-Day at Beacon Hill Park

Participating in link-parties, commenting on others' blogs, sending pics for themes - these all help build relationships with other bloggers and their readers. So if you're here because of the Good-Buy/Good-Bye Book, welcome! Feel free to look around. The other link-parties I participate in are in the right side-bar, and I encourage you to check them out! 

Anyway, back to the outfit. I've had this green cotton dress for 12 years(!) and this is its 18th wearing (Flashback here, scroll down).
I am fond of the ruffled hem, which reminds me of lettuce (I refer to this as the Lettuce Dress). 

The cardigan is classy designer Jean Paul Gaultier (he famously did Madonna's cone bra). 
I paid $24.00 for it and have worn it five times so far. Doing well! 

Here's just the dress. I took the cardigan off at one point, as I was getting sweaty from pushing boxes around. 
This is one of the older items in my closet at 12 years - it's testament to the design that it still makes the cut year after year. You know how ruthless I am with cleaning out my closet! 

Masked up. 
Snakeskin grey.

The cardigan has small pockets, just enough to hold my keys and mp3 player. 

More for show - the weather was lovely with a warm breeze.

  • Scarf - Metropolitan Museum of Art, thrifted
  • Mask - by Mom

The stuff: 
These are one of my favourite pairs of summer shoes (I even keep them out in fall/winter sometimes) - I've worn them 9 more times since I did the Flashback here - I'm at 21 wears now! 

Black, white and green bling:
I realized during the day I should have worn my new-to-me white lightning bolt earrings! D'oh! 

  • Solid cuff - Sziska
  • Hexagonal cuff - vintage fair
  • Earrings - vintage 80s, West Germany, vintage fair
  • Glass bangle - thrifted
  • Silver/malachite ring - consignment
  • Silver/aventurine ring - consignment


  1. Hello darling! And yes, it's summer and comments do fall away don't they, but you're always to be relied on and thank you for that! I love your lettuce dress and love the fact that you're still busy like me pushing boxes around regardless of how glam you look.

    1. They do - I remind myself of this every year! Aw, thank YOU!

      Yup, my outfits always have to perform in real life too!

  2. Top notch outfit! I was especially drawn to the accessories and those popping white earrings! Fred made me a pair of white earrings (designed in SketchUp and then 3D printed back in the days when he made a lot of 3D art, particularly light sculptures.) They were a replacement for a pair of statement earrings, one of which was lost in a parking lot.

    Both pieces are visually interesting and they play as well together as they do on their own. Yay!

    Here’s to a fabulous Wednesday!Cheers, Laurie

    1. Of course, I am referring to your dress and the cardigan. :)

    2. Thank you, Laurie! Oh, those earrings sound amazing - I didn't know Fred had those hidden design talents! You should wear them!

      Thanks - I like pieces that can be solo but also work well and play with others. ;-P

  3. That green is both a lovely shade and style of dress. The detail ant the bottom is so pretty.

  4. I love that dress on you, it's ruffle-tastic!
    Guilty as charged, I'm afraid. Summer's our busy time and I'm way behind with the commenting - I'm having a mad catch-up now! xxx

    1. Ruffle-tastic! Woo! It's okay, I'm not complaining (much, lol). Thank you so much for the blast of comments, my dear friend.

  5. I've noticed the dropping numbers too, Sheila, blaming it both on the Summer season and the lack of email notifications, although I am not sure many people were following me that way. Anyway, I'm happy with any comments I get, even if it's only from my regulars like you, which are the ones I appreciate the most anyway.
    Your Lettuce Dress is delightful and the Jean Paul Gaultier cardigan, artful scarf and green, black and white bling couldn't have been better chosen.
    I had to giggle when I saw your dress as I too recently wore an eyelet item of clothing, which I'll enter, and guess what: mine is green too! xxx

    1. It happens every summer, like clockwork - people get busy with holidays. My views have dropped by about 100 for each post since the emails stopped, but I still mostly get the same number of comments, which are the best part, right? I also rely on my "regulars" and so appreciate all the time it takes to comment (especially since I post so much!).

      Thank you, my dear! I love it all too. That is so funny that we both wore green eyelet for the same link-up!

  6. Isn't it amazing how long you can keep classic clothing and shoes. I know I do!

    1. I know! I have a lot of older clothing as well as my new-to-me stuff!

  7. I have to recognize that my blogging and commenting become (even) more erratic in the summer. But I'm still here! ;DDD
    Love your Lettuce Dress, its delightful colour and frilliness and love the shoes and jacket combo, such an amazing ensemble!

    1. I totally get that, and I'm very grateful for the comments, Monica, thank you!

      Thanks, I love all these pieces.

  8. You know I adore green and the lettuce dress is no exception. It is beautiful!!!

  9. I feel I am more active in blog world in summer as I'm hanging out in the aircon at the computer, haha! Winter I don't get up as early as I do in summer - too cold for that! And I don't stay up as late blogging as I just want to get cosy in bed with a good book! I am trying to make more of an effort to hope around the blogs of people I love like yourself though, you are always inspiring and I love that you've had this dress so long! Beautiful cardigan with it.

  10. I also notice the decline in readers/comments. Your suggestions on linking, etc. are smart.

  11. I forgot to ask, Sheila...What equipment do you use for photographing? I want to start blogging again and posting pictures, but there isn't always someone around to take the photos. And I don't want to have the cell phone camera in the frame either. Thanks.

    1. You're going to laugh, Zida. I use a point-and-shoot camera - I set the timer for all my pics and set it on the edge of a desk or on the railing in the exterior stairwell. It's a Canon PowerShot ELPH 360 HS with 12x optical zoom - bought it at the drug store a few years ago.

    2. I had the exact same camera which worked perfectly for years. It just crapped out on me so I replaced it with a new Lumix (Panasonic) point-and-shoot which not only has a Leica lens but 30x zoom!

  12. Yep, guilty as charged! Been away and loathe to get on my computer when I'm actually here as computers make me think of school (boooooo, only 3 days of holiday left...sob)
    Loving the lettuce dress- very flapper (and Lettuce- Letty for short used to be a popular name in that era!). Jean Paul Gaultier is very iconic as a designer- that cardie/coverup is so chiiiiiiiiiiiiiic!!x

  13. You are right, a good design can withstand the test of time (hope I said that right).
    The dress is one of a kind (and I mean that in a good way) and so it the gorgeous cardigan. Normally I don't like cardigans, but I will make an exception for this one.

  14. Ah, the lettuce dress! One of my all-time favourite dresses in your closet so I'm glad to see it still makes an appearance.

  15. This green dress is so pretty and you have styled it so well.

  16. Love the design of the dress and that ruffle hem!


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