Sunday, June 16, 2024

Weekend Wrap-Up: Funky Friday in Black and Cream (and Fringe); Saturday Brunch in Red Karl and Velvet (Shoe Change!)

Welcome back, my friends! It's been a pretty chill weekend in my world, spending lots of time with friends, L and Vizzini.

For Friday at work, I wore my new-to-me Essentiel Antwerp shirt. 
Black and cream is almost as fun as black and white - just not as stark. If I were still following the "Colour Me Beautiful" seasonal classification that Mom and I did back in the early 80s, I would only be wearing cream, as I was categorized as a Spring (I wanted desperately to be an Autumn - Mom was a Winter). 

  • Shirt - Essentiel Antwerp, thrifted; purchased here for $19.95
  • Leather skirt - Helmut Lang, consignment; first seen here (2nd outfit) with bits of caramel in March
  • Boots - Original Sabado, Fluevog; last worn here for the periodontist in May
  • Suede coat (below) - Mangoon, thrifted; first seen here in May

You have to admit, the shirt does go really well with this leather Helmut Lang skirt. 
I adored the ginormous pockets - seriously, both full hands fit in them - the pocket real estate takes up the entire front of the skirt! 

I wore nylons but I like the look of the miniskirt with tights better (see the last here link above). 
I'll probably move the skirt into my fall/winter wardrobe due to that. 

The snakeskin print shirt was lovely to wear, very silky and slippery. I wore a camisole under it. 
It wanted to work its way out of the skirt all day - I was constantly having to tuck it in, especially in the back. 

Outerwear - yes, it's June-uary! 
Coat still needed! 

Incognito. I waggled and swirled my wrist-fringe at a little girl on the bus on the way home, to her great delight. 
Fashion is fun! 

I didn't really need the scarf, but kept it on as I had a hair appointment after work, followed by dinner at the Winchester (aka the Fernwood Pub) with L, and it was a bit chilly by the time we strolled home.

  • Purse - Lodis, thrifted
  • Scarf - Metropolitan Museum of Art, thrifted

The stuff:
I planned the outfit for all the walking I did  - to work in the morning, bus home to feed Vizzini, then walk to my appointment, then to the pub, then home again. Twelve hours of booted glory! 

Square bling: 
I skipped bracelets because the sleeves of the shirt are quite long. My wrists felt naked. 

  • Necklace - Myka, thrifted
  • Earrings - consignment
  • Chain ring - Mexican, consignment
  • Silver/crystal ring - Soul Flower

L and I played board games in the evening (I crushed him twice at Ark Nova, ha ha!), then we were up early for our brunch at John's Place. 
I wanted to wear these new-to-me kitten heel sling-back shoes, so I built the outfit around them.

  • Jacket - Ed Hardy, consignment; first seen here in May with Vivienne Westwood
  • T-shirt - Karl Lagerfeld, thrifted; purchased here for $10.95
  • Velvet trousers - Escada Sport, thrifted; last worn here in July 2023 with red and roses
  • Shoes - Peter Kaiser, thrifted; purchased here for $28.95
  • Sneakers (below) - Findlay, consignment; last seen here in May

I love kitten heels with cropped pants, and since it was still chilly, these velvet ones worked beautifully. 
I had a black and white thing going on - it was the perfect opportunity to wear this new Karl tee. 

From there, I added the black and white and gold belt and my Ed Hardy jacket (gold trim, fixtures and embroidery).
The jacket has a red lining...but then it felt too much black/white/red. 

So I took inspiration from the mix of colours in the jacket decorations, and added turquoise eyeshadow/liner, and my aqua glasses. 
I took the jacket off while we were at John's - we ran into Mack and Petra, who joined us. Petra and I browsed through the thrift shop (I bought CDs for L) until the guys pinged us that they were seated.

With my matching Ed Hardy scarf, and my new blue bag. More blue! 

When I sharpened my turquoise eyeliner/shadow crayon, this lovely swirl came off. 
You can find inspiration anywhere! That's a Rimmel waterproof crayon, in case you're interested.

I had loads of comments on my bag and scarf (and the jacket). The kids love these Y2K things. 

  • Purse - Perlina Studio, thrifted; purchased here for $9.95
  • Scarf - Ed Hardy by Christian Audigier, consignment

The stuff: 
I was enraged by the kitten heels - the straps did not stay on my heels and one of the insoles peeled up. RAGE! I couldn't walk more than a few steps without them slipping off. 

  • Belt - thrifted
  • Turquoise/silver ring - Karen's
  • Fulvia Ring - Wendy Brandes
  • Turquoise ring - Glee
  • Earrings - Mango's

We stopped at House of Savoy on the way home so I could pick up my unsold consignment items (I'll take them to another consignment shop or sell them off to my friends soon), and dropped off the car at home. I changed my shoes to walk back down to Fernwood - which was swamped with FernFest - to meet up with Nick, Justin and Vero for a drink. 

I got cat-bombed! 
"But I need a tummy rub, Woman!"

Showing off the gold sneakers - which I liked much more with the 'fit - and how I carried my bag, folded and tucked under my arm. The silk scarf wafted and floated in the wind and I felt so very chic. Karl would have approved. 

And that's it! We hung out on Saturday night playing board games, and spent Sunday chilling out around the house. I hope you all had a fabulous weekend yourselves, and I thank you sincerely for visiting my little corner of the blogosphere! 


  1. So many fabulous outfits. We are playing board games as well this weekend.

  2. Wondering how the leather skirt would look with sandals. In any case, I haven’t wrapped my head fully around wearing black leather in summer, even with the occasional cooler days.
    I quite appreciate your cropped pants and red tee outfit, or outfits given the shoe and scarf changes. With the misbehaving kitten heels outfit I immediately thought of Grace Kelly, Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn movies. However, I prefer the outfit with the sneakers. :) You look comfy, relaxed and ready to take on the world. :)
    Cheers from a currently comfortable NY that is forecast to be clobbered by a heat wave (90s) for a few days.

    1. The skirt feels dressier than sandals to me, Laurie. Ha, I wear leather all year!

      Yes! I love the look of kitten heels, and I adore Audrey! I felt much more me in the sneakers too, though. Good luck - I hope your hot weather doesn't last too long!

  3. That sounds like a nicely chilled weekend! Loved both the black/white/red and black cream outfits. I've yet to find a pair of slingback shoes that don't slip off your heel; they're a pain in the arse!

    1. I am swearing off sling-backs! I am so fed up with them!

  4. I can just imagine you wiggling that fringed jacket at that little girl, I bet she loved that.
    Those trousers are such a good fit on you and ideal with the metallic shoes.
    How long is Vizzini? xxx

    1. She was full of giggles over it. I’ve never measured Vizzini! Very long?!

  5. Very attractive outfits! The mini skirt with boots is my fav.
    You rocked these looks!

  6. I like all of your outfits in this post but the top one takes the cake. I fully agree with you that cream and black is even better than white and black. I used to have a black and cream shirt too (about 25 years ago...sigh) and loved it to death.


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