Saturday, June 8, 2024

Vacay Daze: The Annual Day of Indolence; a Wee Saturday Brunch

Welcome back to my Vacation Days (aka Vacay Daze), Gentle Readers! As some of you may recall, we always do an extra bit of celebrating during L's birthday week, in the form of the....[drum roll]

The Day of Indolence! 

You can enjoy last year's DOI here in June 2023 and a full listing of all of our previous DOIs here. And what is the Day of Indolence, you ask? It's a full Friday when any of our friends who are able to take the day off, do so, and join us for hours of wandering around, shopping, drinking, and generally carousing and basking in each others' company...and if we're lucky, the sun!
Knowing we'd be doing a lot of walking, sitting and just hanging out, a very comfortable outfit was needed. I also wore a couple of new-to-me things, which the eagle-eyed will have already spotted. 

  • Velour hoodie - Juicy Couture, vintage 90s, thrifted; last worn here (2nd outfit) in May for brunch in neon brights
  • T-shirt - Uniqlo X Marimekko, thrifted; first seen here in March with an orange pleather suit
  • Skirt - Love Tree, consignment; purchased here for $49.99 with store credit 
  • Shoes - L'intervalle, consignment; last worn here (3rd outfit) in May for Book Club

I liked this outfit until I saw the pictures - I don't like how the sleeves of the tee and the hoodie work together. Mental note not to wear them like that again. 
But I love everything else, so I'm just going to ignore that! La la la...

I couldn't resist wearing this newly-purchased nylon cargo skirt. 
It was wonderful to slouch and stroll around in it all day - I had little sporty shorts underneath so that I could go bare-legged (I dislike my thighs touching). 

Without the hoodie. 
I used all of my pockets - both of the ones on this skirt (sunglasses, phone). 

And the two in my hoodie pockets. 
Plus the purse, which is a "clown car" according to Randall, who watched me later pull a ton of stuff out of it. "How did all that fit in there?"

The stuff: 
I brought the long black and white silk scarf in case I needed it on my head or to block sun on my arms (I carried sunblock as well), but it stayed on my purse all day. 

  • Purse - Roots 73, thrifted
  • Scarf - Metropolitan Museum of Art, thrifted; purchased here for $14.95

Bold bling: 
The bigass chain necklace, the jeweled cuff and the Colquitz Blue Devils pin are also all new-to-me. 

  • Belt - vintage 80s, thrifted
  • Black and white cuff - vintage 80s, vintage fair
  • Colquitz Blue Devils pin - vintage 80s, purchased here for $3.00
  • Jeweled cuff - Loren Hope, consignment, Sidney; purchased here for $34.00
  • Steel/Lucite ring - Calvin Klein, thrifted
  • Lapis lazuli ring - Wendy Brandes
  • Earrings - vintage, vintage fair
  • Chain necklace - consignment; purchased here with store credit for $39.99

Here's our birthday boy, looking dapper in his lazing-about 'fit. 
A straw hat, thrifted vintage blazer, a consignment Hawaiian shirt, his DIO t-shirt, jeans, and a pair of consignment Fluevogs.

Ready to go get silly with a pack of our pals, my love? 

Yes, I married a goofball. The pins are a Frazetta-ish image of a sexy lady, and button that says, "The meek shall inherit the sh*t." So KLASSY. And yes, the centres of the hibiscus on his shirt are pin-up girls. It's by Hilo Hattie's of Hawaii, and was also free-to-me in store credit from House of Savoy last week.

We walked to downtown for the only set-time meet-up - BRUNCH!
It ended up being roasty-toasty hot all day, with temps in the low 20s. Heaven! 

A group of 9 of us descended on John's Place for yummy food to fuel our Day of Indolence. 
From left: Randall, Cat, Chris, Nick (hiding behind Chris), L, Casey, Ross and Yvonne. 

And here's me. 
My usual toothy grin. 

After brunch, we had a wander to Centennial Square to visit the fountain. 
Please, City of Victoria, do NOT tear this down and build a water park! 

This is a gorgeous Brutalist-era piece of ART, and it deserves preserving. 
I often sat here and wrote poetry in my youth. 

Like so! 
I'm ready for my close-up! 

From there, we dawdled over to a liquor store for some of our friends to grab cheeky portable Negronis while we strolled to...wherever we feel like going next! 
L, Casey and Nick, just back from visiting his folks in Halifax on the east coast.  

"How about some haunted mini-golf?" suggested L. 
I'm totally in! 

We spent a couple of hours in the Haunted Manor (link here 'cause I love), which is all built inside an old 125+ year old building (formerly the site of the Patch, my old favourite thrift/vintage store). 
The attention to detail was superb! We split up into two groups. 

Each mini-golf hole was set up in a different room in the "house". This one had a swaying chandelier, a bust that had a projected face saying creepy things, and lots of mood lighting. 
The green spots are the holes - if you got the ball in the large hole on the stairs, it wove in and out of the wall to the left. Very cool. 

Some of the holes were tests where you put your ball in and then adjusted things (like the ropes Casey is holding here, while Ross watches on). 
Casey, Ross, Chris and I decided not to keep score and we all gave the holes and puzzled a good go, although some of the puzzles were annoying so we just watched one person do it and then moved on. 

This hallway had creaking doors that popped open, plus a hole in the ceiling with the images of the ghosts frolicking. 
There were puffs of air, loud bangs (I shrieked more than once), and many videos and pictures that changed as you watched.

This room had two holes - one on the right of the fireplace - they're all lit with neon tubing. 
The other hole wove through the legs of the chairs on the left - when you sunk the putt, a telephone nearby rang. I picked it up, and a spooky message from the realtor cackled in my ear! 

This room had holes in the walls where eerie faces appeared laughing. 
Fantastic detail! I love the vintage pans and old food packages.

This bookcase is full of nightmare fuel (ugh, spooky dolls!). 
You controlled the shelves with handles, rolling your ball around the obstacles, getting it to drop to the next shelf, with the final shelf all in the dark - I got this in two tries! The green light only appeared after you succeeded. 

Our group wrapped up quickly (funny how much faster it is when you don't keep score) and enjoyed a beverage from the licensed establishment. Thanks for the soda, Ross! 
Nick got fed up with his group (which kept score and took FOREVER to finish) and wandered out to join Ross and Chris in the lounge area. 

Randall and Casey under one of the many old-timey photos. 
Phones buzzed - Justin and Vero are on the way! 

Vero is here! 
Great 6-pack of abs, Vero! She's a fitness instructor - I'm sure my abs look like that under my *ahem* fluff. *snort* Suuuuure they do....

From there, we had a wander. Where shall we go next? 
How about the Rooftop Patio at the Sticky Wicket? Yeah! Vero left us after our jaunt here - she had a boxing class to teach in the afternoon. 

L and Randall. L is drinking a "Shark in the Water."
You can see a glimpse of the white snow-caps on the Olympic Mountains in the USA in the far distance behind L. 

After a few refreshing beverages and some food, we strolled up Government Street like a bunch of tourists. 
I see Yvonne, Cat, L and Nick in front of me. 

We headed for the Garrick's Head Pub (a usual hangout for us), where Ali joined us after her work-day. 
Good to see you, honey! Glad you could make it - Chris missed you! 

I finally caught up with Justin and Jim here. We had our usual spot at the big table in the front window, scene of many a Chosen Family gathering. 
From left: Nick, Ross, Justin, Yvonne, Cat, Jim and Casey. 

Greg also arrived and had a few drinks. I enjoyed a chat with Nick and Randall and people-watching as the tourists strolled by.
Randall, you are looking a bit sauced after nearly 8 hours of carousing, sir! 

Hi, everyone! 
From left: Cat, Jim, Casey, Chris, Randall, Greg, Nick, L, Ross, Justin and the back of Yvonne's head. 

Time to move on. 
Sitting on a picnic table on Government Street, at Bastian Square. The Hudson Bay Company crest on the ground marks one of the corners of the old Fort Victoria, when the city was founded (1876). I spy our gang gaggling near the entrance of the Garrick's Head. 

We ambled up Government Street, and Yvonne and Randall peeled off and headed home. Casey also left us (he lives downtown) on this stroll. 
I was shocked to see the Sasquatch Trading store closed - I remember it from the 80s! Of course, I never shopped there (I don't buy souvenirs of the city I live in!). I love the weird sign. 

We meandered up to Tora Tiki, a tiki lounge and karaoke bar. 
Head on to the back, Jim! 

We sat in a big booth facing towards the storefront. 
A very cool tropical atmosphere. 

Many of our crew had super-strong tiki drinks (soda water for me). 
Justin in front of a gorgeous velvet painting. 

I liked the hula girl lamps. 
The owners are very invested in making it all vintage and authentic, with real bamboo everywhere, and some amazing vintage posters. 

My bathroom selfie. 
Isn't that amazing wallpaper? The bamboo on the bottom of the wall is actually split bamboo, as is the trim around the mirror. 

And finally, just after 7:30pm, Cat and Ross and L and I walked home. 
Our shadows were long, and our hearts were full. How I love our dear, dear friends. What a fun day of doing nothing! 

We arrived home to a yowling kitty. 
"Clearly, this is not me yowling, Woman."

Very true, Vizzini - this picture is from the night before, when I caught him snoozing out on the deck. 

L and I followed our same plan as the previous year's DOI - get home at a decent time, nap for an hour, then get up and put some music on and play board games. In earlier years, we'd just fall asleep and waste the rest of the evening. We did it! And what a sound sleep we had.

We were up early and ready for brunch again - our usual Saturday, ho hum. 
Another hot day, so I am finally able to wear this new-to-me black linen dress! 

  • Dress - J. Crew, thrifted; purchased here for $34.95
  • Sandals - Geox, thrifted; last seen here (3rd outfit) in September 2023 with white jeans and floral

I usually wear my spring/summer dresses once, then tuck them away for the year to free up hangers, but this one I'm keeping out. 
I have a feeling I'll wear it again - they're predicting a very hot summer here. 

I love the double side slits. 
It's a classic Jammy Dress (although no pockets, grrrr!). 

Just pick your shoes and you're good. 
It doesn't even have a zipper! 

I added red accessories, and tied this long scarf to my wrists for sun coverage.
I know, doesn't look like much...

...but see? 
Keeps my shoulders and arms covered from the sun. 

I haven't been wearing my wool hats much - I discovered that the moths have been chomping on this one (I gave it a good cleaning with a damp rag before wearing it). 

  • Hat - vintage 80s, thrifted, Vancouver
  • Scarf - Metropolitan Museum of Art, thrifted
  • Purse - Zara, consignment

The stuff: 
Comfy sandals! We did a quick grocery shop on the way home. 

  • Silver cuff - Mexican, consignment, Sidney; purchased here for $105.00
  • Red enameled bracelet - vintage mall
  • Silver/onyx ring - Tocara, vintage fair
  • Red enamel/silver ring - antique shop, Sidney
  • Silver/plastic earrings - Tania Gleave, Vancouver

And this post will be the final installment of my Vacay Daze, as we're back to work on Monday (shudder). 
"Try to think sunny thoughts."

I am! We're holing up and hiding from the world for the rest of the weekend! Thank you all so much for the lovely comments - I'll be around to check blogs again soon. 


  1. You live in a perfect place for a DOI with so many possible places for strolling, lazing, playing and eating. So much eating! Am trying to imagine the state of my stomach if I trawled around to so many eateries! But that’s a digression…it’s SO SUPER that you and your buddies meet up for this every year while conveniently extending the celebration of L’s birthday. I love how friends come and go as suits their availability.

    The haunted mini-golf is interesting; I’ve never seen an approach like this and imagine it could be quite entertaining. Reminds me just a little bit of an escape room.

    As for outfits, well, the black dress looks just right for a hot day and the neckline makes the dress. That’s a novel approach to using the scarf as a shawl and, coupled with the hat, shoes and bag takes a simple black dress and ups the wow factor. Your DOI outfit says cool (as in funky) colorful comfort and “I’m prepared for anything!”

    Surely there must be a creative way to incorporate a water park around/adjacent to the existing fountain rather than replacing one with the other…

    Sounds like serendipity guides the path of the DOI; sheer delight to simply be open to wherever the current takes you!
    Cheers, Laurie

    1. I only eat at brunch and later for dinner - okay, I might have had a few nachos, Laurie! We love this celebration of L and our friendship - I look forward to this every year, as do many of our pals.

      Yes! There is very much an escape room vibe about the mini golf.

      Ugh, don't get me started. The last thing we need in downtown is a water park - the weather here, the other things needed downtown, and generally, the lack of appreciation for a work of all appalls me.

  2. I really like this styling. The blue skirt is gorgeous. I love the dotted t-shirt as well. If you don't like how the sleeves look with the vest, you can always tuck them in a little bit or something like that. Nice sneakers! You look so lovely. Your husband looks really cool, too. I really like his shirt!
    I'm happy to read you had a nice time together.

    1. I did try tucking the sleeves up later in the day, Ivana, then I just let that go, ha ha. Thank you!

  3. A Day of Indolence sounds fabulous! I might rename your day to 'Sheila, L and Friends Do a Pub Crawl' or as they say here 'Sheila, L and Friends Go on The Piss' - only joking. The haunted house golf and puzzles was a very weird place. I've been on a ghostly/haunted 'pitch and putt' on a short holiday with the grandsons a few years ago but there weren't any puzzles to solve...

    Loved yours and L's outfits especially the linen dress - so very chic. The trick with the scarf as a sun cover was excellent!

    1. Ha, well, Vronni, many of us DO go on the piss! I used to get quite sozzled on these DOIs in the past. Thank you! I love wearing my scarves like that.

  4. Honey!!!! Love the DOI review and that scarf for sun cover up is inspired. xoxocaro

  5. Thanks for taking me along on your day of Indolence, or like Vronni says, your day on the piss (although I know you don't drink!) It doesn't seem like a year since you were last celebrating L's birthday.
    I love the look of that haunted manor house and the Tiki bar. I thought my abs were ok but Caro's are amazing!
    The spotty top is fabulous with the blue skirt and you look like a rock star in your black linen dress.
    Did Vizzini buy L anything for his birthday? William sent me out to buy Jon a birthday card, he was too lazy to walk to the shop himself! xxx

  6. You pair certainly know how to maximise your celebrations! Love the idea of a DOI.
    What a great bunch of friends you have. Sometimes it can be a nightmare organising such things, but it's lovely that everyone is up for it. The haunted manor looks and sounds like something I would enjoy!
    Gorgeous cobalt blue skirt and black linen dress by the way! x

  7. It is so fantastic to have such a tight group of friends. What would we do without them eh?
    Love your black dress and the red sandals. Stellar.
    Your husband always looks so good.
    About the abs... On Instagram I saw a TV interview with a chubby lady. I think she was a quizz contender. She said with a straight face: "I am a gorgeous size 6". And continued after seeing the doubt in the interviewer's eyes, "...and I hide it under a layer of fat so it doesn't get scratched". God, that was a good one.

  8. Brilliant mega post Sheila, thank you. PS If I had a six pack like that I'd be wearing crop tops every day of my life!!!!!


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