Monday, June 17, 2024

Floral Jumpsuit and Gold Shoes

Yeah, not the most creative post title, but my brain's tired after a long busy day. However, as advertised, here's a floral jumpsuit...
...and gold shoes. I'm a woman of my word. 

  • Jumpsuit - Zara, consignment; last seen here in June 2023 for a Mental Health Shop
  • Shoes - Zara, thrifted; purchased here for $22.95
  • Leather jacket (below) - Danier Leather, consignment; last worn here in April 2023

I bought this jumpsuit way back here in October 2018 at the now-closed My Sister's Closet (RIP!) for $29.98. 
I'm on my 7th wearing of it. 

Oddly, I've never worn it with a gold belt before - I often wear it with orange, and have also done leopard and copper with it.
It got a lot of love at the office. I always forget that most people missed all my outfits in the Pandemic Years. 

I wore a bright orange cami underneath - this big slit in the back has a small zip at the bottom, and an elasticated button at the top.
The sleeves are very wide too. It's the easiest jumpsuit to pee in! 

Incognito in my orange outerwear. I'm shocked that I haven't worn this leather jacket since April '23. Tsk. It might have something to do with the lack of external pockets! The jumpsuit has big ones, thank goodness.
"Not looking at you..."

I didn't know I'd been photo-bombed until I uploaded my pictures! 

The stuff: 
These shoes were good - very comfortable. NOT real leather, though. 

  • Scarf - vintage, thrifted

Matchy bling: 
I loved how the necklace worked with the colours in the print. 

  • Belt - vintage 90s, consignment, Powell River
  • Gold/pink stone cuff - D'Orlans, vintage 60s, vintage mall, gift from L
  • Gold-tone mesh bracelet - vintage 70s, Mom's
  • Necklace - consignment
  • Coral/olivine ring - Hawaii, c. 1976, Mom's
  • Amber ring - c. 1996
  • Ear-balls - Dior, consignment

How was your Monday? 


  1. Good morning on Tuesday! Am thinking if you chose your footwear first and then matched the belt to the sneakers perhaps it was the sneakers that influenced your choice of a gold belt. Hence, if not worn previously with gold footwear then no gold belt worn previously. (Egads am I just stating the obvious! Apologies if that’s the case.) Regardless, what a comfy looking outfit and I’m a fan of all your accessories, especially intrigued by your Mom’s (former) gold-tone mesh bracelet.
    My Monday was lovely, having spent several hours with friends at Old Westbury Gardens. We are now prepared for a heat wave and will likely hunker down indoors in the afternoons, especially as air quality could be questionable.
    Cheers, Laurie

    1. Nope, I only choose footwear first if I'm going to be on my feet a lot (walking, shopping) - it's secondary for an office outfit, Laurie (plus I have a pair of gold shoes already). I "liberated" that gold plate/mesh bracelet (it's not real gold, by a long shot) from Mom's jewelry box back in the 80s, and have worn it ever since.

      Oh, that sounds amazing! Old Westbury Gardens looks gorgeous. Stay cool!

  2. That Vizzini photobomb made me laugh.
    The jumpsuit looks great with the gold accessories. Yep, wide legged jumpsuits are brilliant when the toilet situation arises! xxx

  3. What a gorgeous jumpsuit. The floral pattern is stunning. The white and the yellow in the pattern really stands out against the black.

  4. Oh yes, this is a keeper. You look very good in jumpsuits (unlike me).


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