Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Marimekko Cow and Blue Bits

Another hot day today, so a minimal dress and shoes for my work outfit.
I know this Marimekko dress' pattern is stones, but it's always "cow" to me.

  • Dress - Marimekko for Uniqlo, consignment; last worn here in May 2023 with pink and copper
  • Shoes - Hopeful Sunny, Fluevog; last seen here in July 2023 with big pants and a striped top

Most of my dresses are only worn once a year - so many dresses! so little time! 
Note the awesome round pockets. I carried all my things in them! 

This is my fourth wearing of this awesome cotton dress, and this time I did blue bits with it. Some blue at the neck... 
And some blue on the feet - an easy bookend. 

I like this dress for once a year. Will I wear it again this summer? Maybe? 
I have a camisole and little shorts underneath - it's better for them to get sweaty than this nice dress. 

Incognito and deploying the Movie Star Wrap again. 
I probably should have covered my arms, but I couldn't bear another layer. 

Accoutrements and stuff: 
I'd folded this silk scarf up so nicely that I completely missed it in one of my scarf boxes! 

  • Scarf - Forele, consignment

Blue bling: 
I am a fan of this bigass chain necklace. 

  • Earrings - thrifted
  • Eelskin bangle - vintage 80s, thrifted
  • Gold bangle - thrifted
  • Necklace - consignment
  • Silver/kyanite ring - consignment
  • Lapis lazuli ring - Wendy Brandes

Hot enough for ya? North America is experiencing a lot of heat-waves! Sending y'all cool ocean breezes from the West Coast.


  1. We've only had a handful of hot days here and there, so most of my lightweight cotton frocks are still waiting in the wings. I wouldn't mind swanning around in your Marimekko dress, and your blue sandals and bigass chain necklace bookend it perfectly! xxx

  2. First thought: simple pleasures. :) Such a perfect outfit for a hot day with space to breathe. Like Polyester Princess, I’d happily wear this to be out and about!
    Cheers, Laurie


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