Monday, January 4, 2010

And it's 2010! This Calls for Boots!

I'm conflicted this week. My office has been in a state of flux over moving for the past month - there is drywall dust everywhere, my office supplies are all packed up, and supposedly, tomorrow we will make the move. And we have to carry all our own boxes - outrageous! It's not feasible for me to wear what I want to wear, which is high heels and girly stuff, so I'm having to do a mash-up (to use an already tired phrase) of girly and non-girly:
My "chair" skirt that I had only worn once before, my new $19.99 sweater (from my gift money shop just after Christmas), and my new-to-me boots that I bought on Saturday.

I'm laughing at Inigo, who is attacking the rug in front of me:
I noticed that my usual motorcycle-style boots are cracking across the toes. Sadness. But they are nearly 3 years old and I wear them a lot, so they are now relegated to the Closet of Casual Shoes in the hallway. These will be my new "good" boots.

The stuff:
I like the brogue stitching on the toes, and the buckle detail around the band. Found these at one of my regular consignment shops - brand new, Aldo, $70. I didn't see any in the mall that were as nice!

A close-up of the jewelry:
That bracelet drives me nuts. It's not very well made - it snags on things and it's front heavy, and the clasp doesn't do up very well. Sorry, Mom.

Sweater (Press, gift), vest (Oxmo), skirt (Smoking Lily, consignment), boots (Aldo, consignment), bracelet (gift from Mom), assorted charms on silver chain.


  1. That's a shame about the bracelet because it is really lovely!

  2. The dogs occasionally attack the rug too!

  3. That skirt is so interesting, I just love the color and print! I'm digging that gorgeous bracelet, too.

  4. The Aldo boots are beautiful. I didn't even notice the brogue stitching until you mentioned it, and now I'm just over the moon. Great find!

  5. Too bad that bracelet is such a pain … it’s darling!

  6. Great new boots!!!! I really like the chair skirt, such a fun and unusual print. Very cool. Bummer about the bracelet though. Do you think there is anyway to remake it? The toggle type of clasp seems a bit weird with such a thick band.

  7. we have to move our own boxes too, and I dont think it's cool. I bring a change of clothes. Because I have the right to be fabulous every day.

    LOVE those boots.

  8. I know, I wonder if I could remake it somehow, as Alison suggested.

    Wendy, aren't they funny when they do that?

    FA, thanks! I adore this skirt.

    Thanks, Kari! I totally agree.

    Sal, I know! It's so sad.

    Alison, thanks! I like your idea. I would have to trim up the metal bits (those are the background of the bracelet). I hate the toggle - I'd like to have this be elastic because it always wants to lie flat rather than wrap around my wrist.

  9. As La Historiadora said, it's a shame b/c that bracelt is so fun!

  10. I know - I need to do something to fix it.


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