Thursday, July 25, 2024

Mom-Day Adventure at Colquitz Creek in Summer Goth, and a Wee Shop

Welcome back, Gentle Reader! Mom and I re-visited the Interurban Road side of Colquitz Creek, which we haven't been to since way back here in June 2022! 

It was sunny, windy and also overcast at times - we also have some smoke in the air from local fires (don't worry, we're safe). I dressed for the cooler temps.
Leaning into my "soft Goth" side with my black tulle skirt, leopard and my "Jack Skellington" jacket. 

  • Coat - Noa Noa; last worn here (2nd outfit) in April with pink Boss Pants
  • Top - Culture; first worn here (2nd outfit) in April to see Katie Pruitt in concert
  • Skirt - Adidas, consignment; last worn here in April for our anniversary weekend in Vancouver
  • Boots - Original Samedi, Fluevog; last seen here in April with Ice-T and lime

I bought this awesome woven striped cotton frock coat at Dots in 2010 - 14 years! That's some good Slow Fashion there. 
I've worn it for Hallowe'en (multiple times) - enjoy a Flashback here from 2021 - I've now worn it 18 times, which I'm pleased with. My $38 investment is doing well.

I played with mixing my outfit tones. 
A little sporty ballerina in my Adidas tulle, chunky boots.

A striped formal jacket with embroidery on the back. 
Love those big pleats in the back.

Without the jacket, which I took off a few times when I overheated. 
The stripes on my skirt were mostly hidden by the coat. 

How most people saw me. 
A few strangers exclaimed over my outfit. 

Slouchy and a little bit Gothy - perfect for summer.

With my scarf at my neck. 
It was cooler earlier - by the time I walked home after a wee shop at the Quadra WIN Boutique I was sweaty and tired. 

Pinks and purples are so pretty. 

  • Purse - Michael Kors, consignment
  • Belt - consignment
  • Scarf - Maxine Noel, consignment; purchased here for $15.00

The stuff: 
Was it too hot for boots? I also had tights on! These were actually really good - I walked in them for close to 4 hours overall. 

Round bling: 
I played up warmer whites to go with the brown/cream buttons on the jacket. 

  • Lace cuff - Nashville
  • Leather studded cuff - Kipling, thrifted
  • Silver/crystal ring - Uffizi Gallery gift shop, Florence
  • Gold/amethyst ring - Frances Jewelers, c. 1965, Dad's
  • Earrings - Kate Spade, consignment
  • Necklace - vintage, consignment

Mom and I laughed when we saw each other. 
We both wore black, white, pink and leopard - and pearls! 

Mom's full 'fit. Excellent pattern mixing, Mom! 
Her top is 20+ years old - that's some on-trend homegrown vintage you have going on there, Mom! 

We parked near Montana's (our later lunch spot) and walked through Colquitz River Park towards Interurban Road.
Do you see the dream-catcher in the tree on the right? 

We were startled to find a whole whack of construction going on. 
Looks like they are adding a bike lane to that overhead bridge. 

We passed the intersection at Burnside Road, which gave me major flashbacks. 
I walked home from junior high up this road for three years! 

We enjoyed the burbling of Colquitz Creek, surrounded by thick greenery. 
One of the "stepping stones" has disappeared - you used to be able to cross the creek here. 

A row of cottonwoods. 
So much dappled light! 

We sat at a bench for a while and chatted. 
We always send a pic to our relatives (aunt, nieces, my brother) to say hi, and then wait for them to "heart" us. 

A butterfly posing for me.
Thank you, madam. 

More concrete platforms leading down to the muddy water. 
There were very few people around. 

Time to head back, my stomach is rumbling! 
So inviting. 

One cluster of red leaves. 
A reminder that summer never lasts. 

Blackberry canes growing near the water. 
When I walked along here - which I did with bestie Janet for years - there were very few trees and plants, and it was much more open. 

Shocker - plants and trees grow! 
These safety railings didn't exist back then. 

Long reaching branches. 
More creek, burble burble. 

This is my favourite spot. 
I love the curve of the path. 

And the way these trees lean out over the rocks. 
The rocks are covered in tiny succulents. 

Sun beaming through blackberries above our heads. 
Thanks so much for such a wonderful day, Mom! I love you! 

We enjoyed our lunch and I hopped a bus to town, then walked over to the WIN Boutique. 
A $2.95 pair of nylons, always a yes. 

I spotted this big red glass goblet for L (he's on the lookout for a new Goblet of Rock). 
It's a rich red colour, all pressed glass, made in a mold. 

Ha, it's by Avon! 
This is from the "1876 Cape Cod Collection" which was manufactured by them from 1973 to 1993. I thought $14.95 was overpriced...then I saw some of the listings online - they retail between $10 and $65! Very cool - I'll be keeping my eye out for more of this. 

Clothes-wise, I did pretty good. 
"What's up with all the pirate shirts?" said L when I showed off my purchases. I don't know, I like the ruffles down the front. And isn't this a glorious orange?

It's a Lauren by Ralph Lauren 100% cotton top. 
$19.95 seemed good. 

I liked the boat-neck of this black top.
And the interesting horizontal knit pattern. 

Ralph Lauren "black label" launched in 2005 as "modern" (Ralph does tend to excess in some of his designs!).
This was also $19.95.

I have been looking for a cream top for a while. I liked the cropped cut of this one - and the ginormous sleeves! 
"Another pirate top?" asked L. 

This is the only label.
I'm guessing it's by For Love & Nancy? They're a Korean brand.

It was only $11.95. 
I like the interesting textile, but I have no intention of exposing my midriff - I'll be layering this over something else, like a dress. 

Of course, this caught my eye! 
It's a dress - a VERY short dress - but I intend on wearing it as a skirt. 

It's by Forever 21 - the only way I buy this cheap brand is if the textile or print is really good. 
And cheap - only $9.95. 

The last thing I found was this soft knit dress. 
No pockets, nothing special - but a great colour. 

M&G, made in Italy? 
Sure! $14.95 seemed good - I'll likely wear this at home around the house. 

And now, off to leap into the weekend. This pic is from my Tuesday walk at Vic High with Sue.
Two big layers of smoky clouds. Scary stuff - the news is full of the fires in Alberta (Jasper! so sad!).

On the way home, a deer was wandering in the middle of the road, to the not-so-much amusement of the people trying to drive home. 
He finally meandered into a driveway. Silly beasts! 

Have a wonderful weekend, my friends! 


  1. We've also had some fires but we're also safe. The fires were on the hills surrounding Mostar city, so there was a lot of smoke in the air. But nobody was in danger.
    I love your outfit...and how you describe that tulle skirt as a soft goth. That's a great way to describe it. The coat is very pretty, I always like stripes and the pink leopard top is very chic.
    The boots are phenomenal!
    No wonder that strangers exclaimed over your outfit. It's fantastic.
    So nice you had a lovely day with your mother as well.
    You took some lovely shots to record your memories.
    P.S. Great finds as always!

  2. Dear Sheila and Helen, yet once again you two have serendipitously matched your colors, this time from head to toe and including patterns! Hearts to your mother-daughter selfie!

    I see your new-to-you cream top as a bolero to be worn as an outer covering so will be quite curious to see how you style it. Wow, yes, agreed that the soft knit dress is a marvelous color and, again, I'll be interested so see how you style it.

    And whew, I finally caught up to your most recent post. :-)

    Hoping the smoke doesn't get much more intense than it already is. A nephew of ours relocated from Florida to Oregon about a year ago and now lives in an area that is susceptible to fires. That prospect is causing him to seriously considering moving back east (to New York).
    Cheers, Laurie

  3. I'm sad to hear about the forest fires. Hope they don't creep too close to home.
    I'm in love with that Adidas tulle cool!
    I love your Mom day walks. You are clearly spoilt for choice of scenic walks.
    The deer photo was a great capture!

  4. Thanks for letting me tag along on another one of your Mom day walks, Sheila, and I'm loving your Summer Goth outfit very much indeed. And isn't that deer the cutest ever? Sorry to hear about the fires ... xxx

  5. Glass! Love the goblet. And the butterfly. And the nylons. Packages of nylons are my favorite thing in the world: so pretty and feminine.


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