Monday, January 6, 2025

Coat Dress and Brass Armour

Welcome to 2025, Gentle Reader! Here's to another year of wearing whatever the heck I want! 

Back to the office today, and oh, it was a very early morning...I barely have my eyes open! 
I didn't have as many emails as I'd anticipated and there were fewer urgent things to deal with than normally. Phew. 

  • Sweater - Papillon, thrifted; purchased here for $9.00
  • Coat dress - Saxx, consignment; last seen here in March 2024 with my old cream turtleneck
  • Shoes - Summertime Moonbeams, Fluevog, consignment; last worn here (4th outfit) in October 2024 for our Undead party
  • Leather trenchcoat (below) - vintage 70s, thrifted; last seen here in December 2024

I knew that I'd be hunkering down and not chit-chatting, so I dressed for warmth in the form of this blanket of a coat dress. 
It is outerwear-weight fabric and nice and heavy. 

I layered up my new-to-me cream mock-neck sweater. 
It bagged out weirdly around the neckline, and I also got coffee grounds all over one sleeve, as the coffee machine had exploded over the holidays. Good times! 

Anyway, we'll see how the sweater comes out in the wash, but this might not be a keeper. 
I'm a little iffy on the coat dress, but it makes a good work outfit, so it's still with me. For now. 

Because I'm basically already wearing a coat, not many of my outerwear pieces will fit over it. 
Leather trenchcoat to the rescue! 

Winter has been pretty mild so far! 

  • Silk scarf - vintage, thrifted
  • Wool beret - consignment
  • Leather gloves - Ralph Lauren, thrifted

The stuff: 
Clompy, loud shoes to assert my authority. "Who left all the dishes in the sink?" RAR! 

Brass bling: 
Colleague Nisha admired all of my jewelry. It's my armour! 

  • Belt - Pringle of Scotland, vintage fair
  • Brass horoscope necklace - Mexican, vintage 70s, Mom's
  • Brass strips cuff - Midzo, vintage expo
  • Brass/leather cuff - vintage 70s, Mom's
  • Brass rings - vintage 70s, vintage mall
  • Bronze ring - P. Sarpaneva, Finland, vintage expo
  • Brass earrings - LA Express, 1994


  1. Shame that knit didn't fare too well on your first day back at work, but you certainly looked ready for anything the day had in store! I really do like the coat dress, it just looks so cosy and yet stylish :) My first day back is tomorrow, I've already sneaked a peek at my emails, luckily it's below 100 so fingers crossed it's a calm first day back.

    1. Thanks so much, Mica! Glad you won't have a ton of emails to deal with!

  2. I'm glad that your first day back wasn't too stressy! The dress looks cosy but the jumper sounds like a bit of a nightmare. The only jumpers I get on with are those ultra thin skinny-fit thermal ones (mine are years old), no twisting or rucking up. I'm sure that's why the rails in charity shops are full of jumpers, most are too annoying! xxx

    1. I wasn't very happy with it - disappointing! I like a cream jumper as a layering piece - I have a thermal one but it's not appropriate to have this much of it showing, lol. Agreed, there had to be a reason someone donated - it's usually a hole, a spot or it's a bad cut. Sigh.

  3. You look great.. love the coat dress. I have been watching videos of people turning blankets into coats and I love the idea.. wish I had the talent.

    1. Thank you so much, Hena! I am not that good of a sewer to do that, but I love the idea too.

  4. Loving the coat dress but what a shame about the sweater; I hate it when the neck isn't right. Happy New Year, Sheila!

    1. Yeah, rather annoying. Thanks, Vronni! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  5. I didn't have as many emails as anticipated either. Phew! Thankfully I didn't have to deal with a sink full of dishes or an exploded coffee machine!
    Loving the coat dress but definitely hearing you on the misbehaving jumper ... xxx

    1. Woo! Good news. And I don't get so wrought up about exploding machines or dishes anymore. Whatever, you want to pay me to deal with this? Sure!
      Thanks, Ann!

  6. I love your coat dress. It's hard to layer clothing items that are thick- or coat like in materials. You did a great job layering with that coat, your outfit doesn't look bulky at all.
    It's good your return to office wasn't overwhelming.
    I started a new job at Monday. It's alright so far. I just didn't have the opportunity to have a proper vacation. Well, that's life.

    1. Yes, it really is tricky! Thank you so much, Ivana.
      Wow, a new job! I'm sorry you didn't get any downtime before starting it, but hopefully some time off will come your way.

  7. Bah to ill fitting sweaters. I'm sure you'll find something better. The coat dress is cool looking. Maybe with tall boots too?

    1. I agree! Thanks, I have worn it with tall boots before and should do that again.

  8. The coat dress was definitely not iffy for me! First thing I noted was how nice and less heavy it looks because of the shoes and stockings. I checked my comment from your previous wearing of the coat dress and wasn't at all surprised to see I quite liked it then, too. Funny how in the previous wearing the blue stripes really stood out due to the blue belt and shoes, yet the blue all but disappears in this outfit. Truly highlights the power of accessories!
    Welcome back to the work week! Soon enough you'll have a Mom Day Adventure. :-)
    Cheers, Laurie

    1. Thank you for the voice of reason, Laurie! Yes, I love patterns that change with the accessories. I would also wear yellow/mustard with it.
      Yup! We should be on for tomorrow! :)


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