Thursday, January 9, 2025

Mom-Day Adventure: Puzzle and Tech Assist

Welcome back to the first of the 2025 Mom-Day Adventures, my friends! It was so good to see Mom again! 
Due to some minor issues earlier in the week, Mom was not feeling up for hours of walking, plus she's been dealing with a tech issue which needed to be taken care of, so I bussed out to her house and we spent the day together. 

Here's what I came up with, after a few minutes of playing around in my closet. 
Knowing I'd need to walk a bit both ways to/from the bus stop, and that I'd be going up and down a ladder (changing a lightbulb for Mom), I went with a fairly practical outfit. 

  • Vest - Marla Wynne, consignment; first seen here in October 2024 with blue suede trousers
  • T-shirt - Marc Cain, thrifted; purchased here for $8.95
  • Jeans - Mac Jeans; last worn here in November 2024 for a Mom-Day at my house
  • Boots - Official Mittwoch, Fluevog; first worn here last week for dinner out
  • Alpaca/wool coat (below) - Mallia, consignment; last seen here in December 2024

The tee and jeans are a natural match, as there's a band of neon yellow in the pattern.
There's a little bit of orange in that pattern too, just right for matching my boots to.

It's too chilly to just wear a t-shirt, plus I wanted to hide that deplorable blank back, so I layered this long black vest over it all. 
I swooshed about like Darth Sheila in it. 

Rock on! 
Gotta love a vest. I liked this one much better than on the first wearing, so it's earned a reprieve.  

Without, although I never took it off. Mom's house is chilly.
Just so you can see all the details properly. 

I had to wear my longest coat to cover the vest, then I played with my accoutrements from there. 
I loved all the bright colours, and was snuggly warm in this. 

My ginormous Pringle bag came out to play - Mom admired it. 

  • Bag - Pringle, consignment, Sidney
  • Plush alphabet scarf - thrifted
  • Leather gloves - Echo, consignment

The stuff: 
My boots are still a bit stiff - I need to bend the heel cup and stretch it out a bit. They are spotted with water, as I had to scrub the soles out with an old toothbrush in the sink - I walked through a lot of mud, and left dirt all over Mom's floor (sorry). No harm done to the boots - it's just water.

Pokey bling: 
Rock and roll accessories. 

  • Belt - B-Low the Belt, thrifted
  • Fur brooch - Catawampus Fudge & Funk
  • Leather/steel brooch - Rimanchik
  • Leather/metal reversible necklace - Stella & Dot, thrifted
  • Silver/onyx ring - Tocara, vintage fair
  • Silver/red enamel ring - antique shop, Sidney
  • Earrings - Glee 
  • Talitha bracelet - Jenny Bird, consignment; purchased here for $68.40

I mentioned when I bought the bracelet that the peg/leather hole-and-slot fastening was VERY tight, and likely the reason it was consigned. 
Ever the crafty person, I cut the slot open a bit further with an X-acto blade to open them up slightly. It's much better - I left it on the tighter side, as the leather will stretch out as it's used over and over. 

I hopped the bus, transferred downtown, and ended up in the boonies where Mom lives an hour later. I dashed back inside the house at the last minute to grab my sunglasses.
I was texting her along the way. "I'm nearly there!" I sent, with a pic of a sheep farm near her. See the sheep under the tree, on the left of the trunk?

I love this barn - the sheep that usually cluster along the fence were nowhere to be seen, aside from the above one. 
It was crisp and cold, but not windy or rainy. We even got a bit of sun! 

This connects up to the Glendale Trails.
I saw no one, and took my earbuds out so I could hear the birdsong. 

I liked the glimpse of this abandoned tractor, and the layers of trees in behind it.
A mouse skittered across the path in front of me. 

Here's the muddy section. 
Well, shoes are made to be worn. A little mud's not going to deter me! 

As I walked up to Mom's door, I saw a wee lizard sunning herself. Hold still for a picture, darlin'! 
Hose tap left in for scale. She scampered away as I went up the stairs. 

Mom and I sat in the sun and worked on this puzzle that she got for Christmas. We got a lot done! 
We enjoyed cups of tea and a good chat while we worked on it. We are both good at jigsaw puzzles - this is a fun activity we can do on rainy days when Mom isn't up to going out. I was ready to knuckle down and finish it, but it would have taken another hour at least. 

After a stressful time on chat and phone with Mom's internet provider, we managed to resolve her issue and everything was working again. Instead of going out for lunch - my stomach was rumbling! - I made us canned beef barley soup and some grilled cheese and ham sandwiches (burnt a bit, just the way I learned from my mother, ha ha). We devoured them and savoured the relief in having the tech issues out of the way. I'm glad I can assist with things like that. 

It was getting late, so I walked back to the bus stop, pausing for this spectacular display of Cloud Drama. 
I needed to work on my upcoming Closet Sale invitation, so no Wee Shop this week. 

Thanks for a lovely afternoon, Mom! I love you! 
Here's to another year of spending time together. 

And now, I'm signing off for the weekend, Gentle Readers, so please do stop in on Sunday for tales of adventure. Thank you so much for visiting! 


  1. I'm glad you were able to help your Mum sort out her internet issues, they're so annoying at the best of times. I loved your walk...sheeps!...and the jigsaw's a beauty, I've not done one in ages.
    Have a fabulous weekend and best of luck with getting your sale stock sorted! xxx

    1. We were both surprised with how much we enjoyed doing the jigsaw puzzle together. Thanks so much!

  2. You two are rocking your glasses and your necklaces! Sheila, yay for your cheerfully colored and patterned top (never mind the black back, especially with your long duster vest over it!) Like you, I love all the bright colors and it holds for the scarf as well. Nothing like color in the (almost) middle of January to brighten the day and the spirits!

    A jigsaw puzzle! I find them absorbing, almost meditative and keep trying to persuade Fred to join me but so far, no success. :( However, we just completed the December New York Times Mega Crossword Puzzle. It is a two-page spread and we like to take out time stretching out the "doing" - spending anywhere from 10-30 minutes at a time over a month. Then, when the puzzle is completed, there is a second puzzle, usually consisting of taking letters in circled entries and figuring out an additional word or words based on the clue. He enjoyed this so much (usually he doesn't join me for the Megas) that he actually considered doing a jigsaw puzzle with me…

    Glad you were able to help your Mom sort out the Internet issue. It's frustrating enough when there is an issue and it is compounded when the resolution is either not straight forward or when the user hasn't done anything different than usual and yet a problem occurs. Hope you two did a happy dance when everything was back to being functional. :-)
    Happy Weekend!
    Cheers, Laurie

    1. Aw, thanks so much, Laurie! Lots of colour is good for what ails me!
      I am not much of a fan for myself, but I really enjoyed working on it with Mom. We used to do crosswords and word puzzles together when I was younger via Games Magazine. You and Fred sound like you have a fun routine with yours.
      Yes, it's becoming difficult, especially for older folks - you have to have a smartphone, you have to have two emails, you have to do things online or on your phone. It's very biased towards younger people. Yes, we both were jumping up and down! :D

      I hope you had a great weekend!

  3. As I'm currently wearing jumpers with long-sleeved tees layered underneath to combat our current cold snap, I got goosebumps when I saw your short-sleeved top and sleeveless vest!
    Seeing your long coat and that fabulous scarf made up for it, though, and I'm absolutely loving your Pringle bag!
    Glad to hear you were able to assist your Mom with the tech problems. I'm pretty useless at them, I'm afraid. I haven't done a jigsaw puzzle in ages! xxx

    1. Ha, yes, we have been really lucky with the weather - as I write this, the sun is shining and it's 7-8 degrees out, pretty nice for January.
      Thanks so much, Ann! Yes, glad I can help Mom.

  4. My 78 year old dad isn't one for keeping in touch, but I can rely on a quarterly call to play tech support!!

  5. Gosh, your mom’s neighborhood is so lovely and peaceful! Hard to imagine it’s just an hour away from the bustle of the city by bus. Always great to see photos of you two having fun together.

    1. Our city still has pockets of ruralness here and there - Mom's area hasn't been overrun with development, thank goodness.

  6. I rely on my child for tech support too!
    I’m impressed with your busses going all the way into the country. Our rural areas are completely isolated, making it difficult to grow old outside the city.
    - goody

    1. Ha, so I'm definitely not the only one, Goody! The Victoria area is all very small and compressed (it's on the tip of the island so geographically limited), and we have a solid bus system.

  7. I like these posts and always find surprising tidbits in them. Like "boonies" which I assume is short for boondocks which I assume means remote countryside. And those clouds!

    1. Yes, it's short for boondocks, which is a word from Tagalog that means mountains.

  8. What a heartwarming and productive day! It's wonderful to see the mix of practicality and personal style in your outfit, and the way you made the best of your time with your mom—whether it was fixing tech issues or sharing a cozy meal. Your attention to detail, from your accessories to the puzzle-solving, really highlights the joy of spending quality time together. It sounds like a perfect balance of adventure, comfort, and love
    href="">Style and Colour Finder Australia


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