Ah, weekend! Sweet weekend...but of course, my life is crazy. So much to cram in and so little time, especially when tired.
Here's Friday's ensemble:
I am feeling better, thank you all for asking, and hopefully a few sleep-ins and naps will cure that extra tiredness. This was a nicely comfortable outfit for a busy day.
I know these drapey cardis aren't in with the cool kids anymore, but dammit, they fulfill a good function: non-fitted cardigan/layering piece. This one is an old Dots purchase, and was last seen in the December 2012 capsule (recap
here), last time
here on Christmas Day.
The striped top was last worn
here (2nd outfit) to the Vintage Expo in September.
The skirt is the green corduroy one I thrifted
here (way down) a couple of weeks ago for $10.50. It's the first wear for the skirt, and it is the last. I wore a half-slip under it to prevent tight creep, but it managed to bunch in wildly unflattering ways all freaking day and I was so annoyed with it by the time I got home, I threw it in the donation bag immediately. Gah! Evil skirt of bunchiness!
"I barge in like I own the place." |
I wore really cool striped and snowflake tights under the skirt, but they barely showed (you can see a bit in the top picture).
I've had the boots since October 2010 (
here, with my thoughts on the age-appropriateness of me wearing miniskirts and thigh-high boots). I last wore them as part of the November 2012 all-neutral capsule (recap
here), in this outfit
here, over my black satin pants.
Mr. Lovey came in for a cuddle:
"This is so undignified." |
As you can see, I wore all my badass rocker chick accessories - I'm beating this cold up through the power of fashion!
I'll try to squeeze in outerwear shots when I can, as I know some of you (hi, Yvonne!) like to see what I'm wearing when I'm out and about. I'm having fun rediscovering some of my cool-weather coats, like this awesome Italian-made piece.
Scrumptious, isn't it? I last wore it in December 2012 (
here). I paid $72.00 for it on consignment.
The bling:
I like a little spooky in my accessories in October.
Cardigan (Kensie), top (Finnigans for Truworth, consignment), skirt (Talbot's, thrifted), boots (Pegabo), tights (Trasparenze), tile necklace/skull earrings (locally made), spider ring (homegrown vintage, 1984, gift from Mom and Dad), snake ring (homegrown vintage, 1985, BC Museum Gift Shop), coat (Vassali, consignment).
I had to rush home right after work and feed Vizinni before heading back to town for our friend Chris' surprise birthday party.
It was a fun party outfit, and a good time was had by all.
My leather shirt was last worn
here earlier this month for my company's annual meeting.
The skirt is a basic grey one. I think I will look for a lined replacement. I last wore it
here in September when I put on a tough face for the dentist.
The tights are pretty cool, eh? I found them at Heart's Content in Fan Tan Alley - they're made in England.
My fabulous red birthday shoes came out to party again. I last wore them
here on my birthday.
Blurry and in a hurry!
Same coat as during the day, plus my fingerless gloves for the chill of the evening.
Working on a better back-view pose |
The fascinator tickled my fancy. Why not?
The bling:
Leather and studs.
Shirt (Danier Leather, thrifted), shell (Spense, thrifted), skirt (Plum), tights/fascinator (Heart's Content), shoes (Marc), cuff (Guess, thrifted), studded cuff (homegrown vintage, 80s), red cuff (Rimanchik), earrings (locally made).
After a lovely sleep-in (thank you, L), L and I went for our weekly brunch.
I like long sleek lines on the weekends. I forgot to take a picture of my bling today, but it's the same earrings and rings as Friday daytime, and the necklace is my octopus Mahjong tile (
this one).
This sweater is such a great colour, and I love the bell sleeves and that it's a thin weight. I picked it up at Winners a few years ago.
I last wore it in the October 2012 capsule (recap
here), last time worn
here with my paramecium shirt under it (ooh, I need to wear that again soon!).
I like how this pose makes my butt look |
The skirt is my lovely new-to-me grey pinstriped mermaid, last worn
here last week with my Empress Sheila jacket. It is truly lovely to wear, all swooshy and full.
I wore my granny shoes with a pair of grey socks (still not so cold that I need tights regularly, thank goodness).
I last wore them also in the October 2012 capsule (recap
here), in the last outfit of the month, my Hallowe'en costume! Check it out
here - I was Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" and yes, I wore that to work and worked in it all day.
The shoes are amazing to walk in - I loved rediscovering that today. Plus, I thrifted them for only $19.99 (note that the red Marcs above that I'm wearing I bought on deep discounted sale for $111.00!) - I was walking with smugness, I tell ya!
Are you dressing up for Hallowe'en? I will be again this year - I'm excited!
Sweater (Max Studio), skirt (Planet, thrifted), shoes (Marc, thrifted), necklace (locally made), earrings/rings as above.
So remember
this dress that I tried on? My amazing Aunt Kathy insisted that my mom pass her mother Joyce's dress along to me. So my goal is to drop about 5 pounds so that my boobs fit in it - I need to wear this dress!
I got to take a really good look at it. Check this out:
That's not an applique - that is
hand beading! And it's all totally hidden - gorgeously done.
In fact, this dress is actually hand-made:
That's the inside seams. It's fully lined, but you can see that the fabric was cut rather raggedly with pinking shears. That's classic 60s/70s lace binding - my mom used to have stuff like that in her sewing area when I was a kid.
If that dress weren't the most awesome thing ever, look at what else Kathy gave me.
Tail-tentacle |
YES. That is a vintage nylon chiffon peignoir set (Wiki
link for info)! This is a total of four layers of nylon chiffon fabric.
This is the sleeved peignoir with the extra-long hem and lace trim.
Dear god, I think these need to come back into fashion!
This is the matching nightgown portion:
Isn't it amazing?
The vintage label:
I found a few on eBay that were listed from $19.99 to $49.99. I think mine is a pretty nice set.
Kathy also passed along this
It's a slightly different shade of pale blue, and has coloured lace up the front, with longer sleeves. Vizzini was all over me in this - he wanted the ribbon ties very badly, naughty boy.
Another Canadian lingerie company:
From my research Patricia seems to be a 1970s company, sold through Simpsons department store.
I couldn't help it: I've been wearing this since I took these pictures and have been swanning about the house in this for a couple of hours! L actually really liked these - they have a fun vintage "Mad Men" feel to them (I should have a big bouffant hairdo, yes?).
I feel like the Lady of the Manor Home. Fetch madam a glass of wine, would you?
I don't know what the heck I'm going to do with these (wear them around the house??), but I love them.
As promised, cat pictures! After two sessions of banging on our bedroom door this morning (6 am and 8 am), L fed Vizzini and then he napped on his post for the morning.
"Hey, I'm napping here." |
As I went in for a tummy-rub, he got all cute on me.
"I'll allow it, just this once." |
I patted him goodbye and back to sleep he went.
"Enough of the papparazzi, I must nap." |
And so must I! I have a big day ahead tomorrow: shopping with my eldest niece Zoe for her 14th birthday!