My major challenge (aside from over-scheduling myself socially) has been the tattoo. I can't wear a bra strap over it due to the healing process (it's nearly finished peeling, hurray!), so I've been wearing either an ill-fitting strapless bra or a regular bra with one strap just tightened up and tucked in. The result is that all of my tops this week have been of the "lock and load" variety.
First up, Monday!

I couldn't wear any necklaces this week as my tattoo goes up the back of my neck, so most of my earrings are very simple.
We met up with Cat and Ross right after work for dinner and then we went to see Lucinda Williams in concert! Reva, you were so right - what an amazing voice she has! Highly recommended.
Blouse (H&M, thrifted), vest (Cabi, thrifted), skirt (Le Chateau), shoes (Listen Up Harlow, Fluevog).
Tuesday was my WW day:

I kept my oufit very simple with the snug vest to once again keep everything from sliding south. I last wore this here, my lovely green ruffly blouse here (I had it in the giveaway pile for a while, which is why it's been so long), and the vest here. These are a better look at the shoes.
After my evening WW meeting, I hung out Tues night with the guys for D&D and took pictures of Inigo and Vizzini. Vizzini discovered the leopard scratching post and the hidey-hole:

Inigo watched warily from his box:

Later on, Inigo reclaimed the house while Vizzini slept:

On Wednesday, another button-down blouse and yet another vest made an appearance:
This is my silky brown blouse (last seen here), my black velvet vest (here) and my awesome leopard skirt (here). Of course, those are my Tsubos (last seen here).
I actually remembered to take a picture of my pin and earrings:
As the Lucinda concert was swelteringly warm and Steve Earle was at the same theatre, I went totally for comfort (and walking shoes). Another late night!
I got a few compliments on this outfit, and it felt really good on. I would have liked to have worn a cami, but again, that dang tattoo.
This is the second wear of my newish blouse (last seen here), but I haven't worn this skirt in ages (here, last August). It's one of those nice summery cotton ones, but it has cotton lining, so it sticks like mad to tights in fall/winter/spring. I will have to make more of an effort to layer it with some of my floofy skirts underneath so that I can wear it more.
The outside shot returns!
It was a little windy which is why my hair looks weird. We have not had much summer weather yet. *sigh*
And a shoe shot:
I haven't worn these in ages (last time here, back in October) - in fact, this is only the third time I've worn them! Wonder of wonders, I actually remembered that I tend to step out of them when I walk, resulting in a lot of toe-clenching in an effor to keep them on my foot. I tucked my Dr. Scholl's inserts into my bag and stuck them inside when I got to work. Perfect! Now I can wear them more.
I actually remembered to take a picture of my pin and earrings:
Blouse (Esprit), vest (Surrey Classics, consignment), skirt (Le Chateau, consignment), shoes (Tsubo Acrea), pin (gift from Mom), earrings (Plum).
I had to rush home and grab dinner before we dashed off to yet another concert - this time, Steve Earle and the Dukes. Awesome, totally amazing. I've seen him before, but on his "Townes" tour where it was just him on stage. This was much more rockin'. Highly recommended.
I did manage to give Inigo a snuggle before we left:

The kitties reached a stand-off:

Inigo's all, "Stop attacking my tail!" Vizzini can't resist it.
Tee (Plum), striped top (Majestic, swap from Caro), jeans (Jackpot, swap from Caro), shoes (Kenneth Cole Reaction).
Which brings us to today, which was the last day of work before the Canada Day long weekend - woo hoo!
Which brings us to today, which was the last day of work before the Canada Day long weekend - woo hoo!

This is the second wear of my newish blouse (last seen here), but I haven't worn this skirt in ages (here, last August). It's one of those nice summery cotton ones, but it has cotton lining, so it sticks like mad to tights in fall/winter/spring. I will have to make more of an effort to layer it with some of my floofy skirts underneath so that I can wear it more.
The outside shot returns!

And a shoe shot:

Blouse (Tabi, consignment), skirt (Banana Republic, consignment), shoes (Friis and Company). I'm off. And I plan to visit blogs this weekend. I also took Monday off, so I have four whole days with nothing much planned. Ah...I can't wait! In fact, I'm going to go have some wine right now. Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians, and Happy 4th of July to my American friends!