Oh, my friends, what fun, hot and exciting weekend it has been! I have so much to tell you about and many pictures to show, so let's get 'er started!
Friday's outfit. My company's golf tournament event was Friday afternoon so the office was dead by mid-afternoon. I do not golf.
Besides, I had plans for a wee shop after work, and then met up with L for dinner, before having an evening of wine and boardgames. Aren't weekends just the best?
- Cardigan - Reitmans, thrifted; last seen here (3rd outfit) a few weeks ago over a one-sided dress
- Dress - A.J. Bari for Neiman Marcus, vintage 80s, thrifted; last worn here in June 2016 with pre-scrunched blue
- Sandals - Dr. Scholl's, consignment; last seen here in May with leather and leopard
Here's the dress without the cardigan, with the belt over it. I only wore it like this for dinner with L, where I got recognized by one of the readers of Ephemera. Hello! Thank you for reading!
It's a gorgeous thick cotton - it's one of the few pieces that I have paid to have altered. I bought it
here back in January 2013 for $10.00 at the Patch, then paid another $40 for a new zipper and to have it taken in so that it would fit me - it is a vintage size 14, which is about a modern size 10 (that's still a bit big on me, as I am in the 6-8 size range). Worth it, though!
This was how I looked to my work colleagues.
Ready for business!
It was hot on Friday, and has only gotten hotter all weekend - we nearly broke 30/92! It's supposed to calm down and be in the low 20s/low 80s for the rest of the week. Y'all know I am
a delicate f**king flower, so this is good news, hee hee.
Wanna see the little dotty built-in crinoline of the dress?
Of course you do!
The stuff:
Awesome shoes!
Blue and silver bling:
My usual subtle stuff.
- Belt - Mimi Di N, thrifted
- Earrings - thrifted
- Lapis lazuli ring/Fulvia Ring - Wendy Brandes
I had a quick browse in the Patch and found this lovely silk sundress.
The skirt is made of a total of 5 large "scarves."
The back:
It's unlined and very flowy.
It's still wrinkly as I just washed it (machine wash on delicate, cold water, hang to dry) and haven't had a chance to steam it yet.
It's by Kate Moss for Topshop, so I know that's UK sizing there.
It's about a size 8 US/Canadian. I paid $32.95 for it, and a bit of digging around on the Interwebz reveals that it was a very popular piece from her 2008 "A Bohemian Summer" collection, selling out almost immediately. It originally sold for 75 Euros, which is about $150.00 Canadian. Score!
So, a couple of weeks ago, I got a box in the mail - it was a present from John Fluevog!
It contained a little canvas pencil case, a Fluevog button, a single sock, and an invitation to go to the opening day of the new Victoria John Fluevog store, and collect the mate to the sock...for free! Th socks sell for $18.00 a pair. What a smart marketing idea! Of
course, I'm going to do that!
Cat and Elaine and I already had plans to go out to Sidney by the sea, a little town north of Victoria (about a 45 minute drive) on store opening day, but we quickly amended our plans to "meet at Fluevog!" (I think that's going to be a standard meeting place!).
I had another outfit planned (same shoes, though), but it was WAY too hot to wear a sweater, so I threw this together at the last minute in the morning.
This is my outfit for Patti's "
Visible Monday" over at
Not Dead Yet Style. Get yourself over there! I was certainly visible in this and had my picture taken many times at Fluevog.
- Dress - Desigual, 2010; last worn here (3rd outfit) over a weekend in March with the inlaws
- Floofy sheer underskirt - Noa Noa; last seen here (3rd outfit) in August 2015 under a teal strapless dress
- Shoes - Half Truth Tanya, Fluevog; last seen here in May with green and purple
I fully sunblocked up and reapplied many times over the day.
The floofy underskirt adds visual length and gives me a "modesty barrier" in case I'm bending over.
It really helps to check the rear view before you leave the house...
Oops! I didn't even know this was tucked under until I uploaded the pictures today! Ha! I'm sure it sorted itself out.
I added my paper parasol (purchased in Chinatown many years ago) for physical sunblock.
And my sunglasses - I am ready to roll!
If you look at my row of buttons on my dress, you can see that there are a few extras: I added my collection of Fluevog buttons!
"Love: Fluevog", "No,
You're Weird!".
The Desigual actual buttons are really pretty.
I am a fan of "Holiday Button" - I wear this at Christmas.
And down at the bottom...
The "Shoe Person of the Year" button and the "45 Years" anniversary button. The Fluevog staff were very impressed.
The stuff:
I had to wear Fluevogs I could stand in, walk in and shop in all day. Thank goodness these fit the bill. I added the little sheer white and black floral sockettes, which popped several holes in them over the day, but kept the shoes from rubbing on bare toes or heels.
Simple bling:
The dress doesn't require much more.
- Silver bangle - Glee
- Glass bangle - thrifted
- Lapis lazuli ring/Fulvia Ring - Wendy Brandes
Store opening time was 10am, so we met at 9:30ish. Apparently some people were there as early as 7:30! This picture is from the VictoriaBuzz article about the opening
Well, looky there! Who's that on the right side?
It's me and Cat!
The guy behind us in the yellow won the free pair of shoes! Aw! I wanted them! |
At this point, we'd been waiting for about half an hour (Elaine dashed off to Chinatown to purchase parasols for her and Cat). They let limited numbers of people into the store at a time - Victoria's opening set a record for number of people! Hundreds of Fluevog fans showed up!
As I arrived at 9:30. The store windows were papered over, and the line had formed. We were down about half a block from here.
The store is located right at the entrance to Market Square on lower Johnson Street downtown, right in the sweet spot of tourist area and where locals will venture all year round. It's a great location and only a few blocks from my work. Yes, I've told everyone to just buy me gift certificates for every "present event" from now on!
The sign and a wooden shoe form.
It's a beautiful storefront and store - they spared no expense (and it's much classier than American Apparel, which used to be in this location).
From my spot in line, looking up the block.
Fluevog staffers walked up and down the line, giving out pins, gift bags, coffee, Perrier and bottles of water. The atmosphere among the fans was jubilant - lots of people chatting and showing off their shoes! I met a lovely young family while waiting for Cat and Elaine.
This is the other side of the street. Johnson Street was revitalized back in the 70s - these buildings are all late 1880s/90s, from the Gold Rush era when Victoria was a stop for miners on the way to the Yukon.
Flavour Upstairs is on this block, so I'm down here pretty frequently.
Looking up the line.
The dude in the yellow had a gorgeous pair of yellow slip-on loafers on.
One of the staff had a Fluevog box on his head and was being led up and down the line.
They really worked hard to make it a festive atmosphere and to ensure we were all super-excited!
John Fluevog's car was there!
The licence plate frame says, "Park Your Car, Drive Fluevog."
Cat took a picture of me standing beside it.
I hid my green shopping tote behind me after several people in line shouted, "Hide your bag!" People are so nice.
This lovely lady was handing out cupcakes.
I was good; I didn't have one.
Getting closer to the store, I could read the lettering on the window and see that the paper had been removed.
It says (what I can read/remember):
Here we are, two old friends, sitting down 40 years later. When I left Victoria in the 70s, it seemed at the time, the right and only thing to do. Back then, it seemed that I and our store [something like "we were not the right fit for this"] beautifully classic and historic city. A teal rose in a garden of red ones. Still at it, still trying, but now with a gentler [hmmm..."outlook"? "this city has]...changed so much, yet not at all, kind of like ["me"?]. I return to see that lo and behold, what once seemed purely timeless shines with an ever-changing glow.You're mostly the same, yet so very different. Thank you Victoria. You gave me a good start and now...It's true. I'M BACK. Old friends are good friends. John Fluevog.
I like that: a teal rose in a garden of red ones. Their limited edition shoes for the Victoria store (men's and ladies') are teal and red. No coincidence, I'm sure!
And we're inside!
Wow, love that art piece/sculpture along the ceiling. The back wall is a mirror.
It was total chaos - so many people! I will go back another time and take more pictures (they welcome photography in their stores). I might buy something...
Lovely west coast-looking displays:
And a couple of "archive" cases with iconic styles.
The other case had a pair of shoes that L owns in it, blue patent leather with pink lining. L is an icon, of course.
Near the front window.
We had a quick peek but no try-ons for us. I took pictures, claimed my sock and we left.
"Souls Rejoice!" in neon |
I want these!
Drooling...both of them. Yes, please.
There were people sitting on the floor trying on shoes.
Boxes everywhere! L and Nick stopped by later and reported it was still super-busy. I bet they had a great opening day!
My swag:
A 2017/2018 calendar (meh), a sticker ("Embrace Peculiarity" - thank you, I do!), a button ("No, You're Weird" - the companion button is "Know You're Weird"), a pair of blue shoelaces, and a mirror that says "You Look GREAT". And my pair of socks, reunited again!
We hopped on the bus to Sidney, and sat on the top deck (many of our buses are double-deckers) for the view.
Driving out on the peninsula. Many farms out here. We saw lots of cows and horses.
Looking east, across the Strait of Juan de Fuca. You can just see Mount Baker (a dormant volcano, same chain as Mt. St. Helen's) in Washington State in the distance.
Sorry, blurry pictures. The top of the bus rocks a lot!
Coming along Lochside Drive, with the Anacortes ferry up ahead and Sidney in the distance.
Nearly there!
We shopped for a couple of hours, then went for lunch at the pub on the water.
Sidney was all decked out for Canada's 150th birthday next weekend, everyone dressed in red and white, RCMP/Mountie banners and Sidney banners on the light posts.
This is what I found on our visits to several thrift stores, a few boutiques and a consignment store.
This lovely silk scarf was only 50 cents.
The same thrift store where I scored my vintage Valentino suit for $12.00 (
here's the link to last summer's trip) brought all of us good luck again.
This is a lovely polyester dress with ties at the cuffs.
It's by Rachel Roy.
Yup, only $6.00. I love the blue birds on it!
I'm sure that these earrings are vintage early 60s and are Bakelite.
They were only $2.00.
I bought these napkins at a boutique for the next Winesday, which I am hosting.
"It's not really drinking alone if the cat is home." and "Wine! How classy people get sh*tfaced." Oh, and there are my earrings (by Stella & Dot, consignment) that I forgot to put in the stuff picture above.
I found these amazing shoes in another boutique.
They are pony hair on the front, leather on the back and the edging is a zipper trim.
They are by Matisse.
Isn't that cool? I love the d'Orsay cut of them.
And only $74.00, marked down from $185.00.
A consignment store yielded this fabulous yellow and purple polyester blouse.
It crosses in the front in a loose drape, with wide loose sleeves.
Look! The pattern is a purple tiger!
Like I could say no! It's by Guess and was $28.00.
At another consignment store, I spotted this pink suede jacket top.
It's amazing on! I was in love.
It was $69.00 and is by Danier Leather.
Such a great colour.
And it has split sleeves with a drapey bit.
So fun!
We bused home, stopping in town to buy a few groceries, then went our separate ways. After all that Saturday excitement, I had a nap and then hung out with L and Vizzini in the heat with the curtains drawn for the evening, to prevent our place from getting overheated from the setting sun.
Today, I walked to town to get groceries. It's HOT.
All loose layers are needed!
- Kimono top - Diane Gilman, thrifted; purchased here for $17.99
- Blouse - Violet & Claire, thrifted; last worn here in May with yellow and roses
- Skirt - no label, thrifted; first worn here in April for a weekend chillout with friends
- Shoes - Born, thrifted; purchased here for $14.95
I actually wear this kimono top around the house as a light cover-up. It's been worn tons of times since I bought it.
Long, drapey layers provided a physical sunblock.
And the hat covered my face.
Simply fabulous, darling!
The stuff:
One of the buckles doesn't stay done up on these, and the other buckle rubbed a bit, so I may be removing the ankle strap altogether and threading a ribbon through it to tie around my ankles. That could be a fun and easy DIY!
- Earrings - 5th anniversary gift from L
I went to London Drugs after grocery shopping and bought a few things. I spotted these in the hosiery aisle.
They are knee highs/socklettes - and they are by Kate Spade, marked down from $22.00 EACH to $4.95 a pair. Of course, I bought one in every SPARKLY colour available: black, gold and silver. Now that I have a lot of men's-style shoes, I need little socky things to wear with them. Voila! I saved $51.00 on these ("but you still spent $15.00," says L).
Vizzini, what do think of this weekend?
"Too hot for this Flop Cat." |
I agree, bud!
I hope you all had a wonderful relaxing weekend!