Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Orange Suit AKA Dentist Camo

Hello, my friends, and welcome back to the Stair Picture, my own patented sprawl-across-the-stairs pose that makes the outfit look great, but looks very silly in person. It's all about the 3D to 2D. Science!
Orange you glad I wore this suit? I was - I had a dentist appointment midway through my workday.

  • Pleather jacket - Only, consignment; last worn here in October 2024 with the pants
  • Pleather pants - Only, consignment; last seen here in October 2024 with the jacket
  • Blouse - Guess, consignment; purchased here for $37.12
  • Shoes - Mini QTee, Fluevog, consignment; last worn here (2nd outfit) in December 2024 with cords and my snake and roses jacket
  • Baby alpaca/wool coat - Mallia, consignment; last seen here on Monday

As per his recent photo-bombing, Vizzini has been craving the condo hallway lately, so I let him "escape."
"I fooled you! You didn't even see me dash out!"

Sure, buddy, you totally got me.

My dentist and tech both loved my outfit. I blended in to the orange vinyl chair, nearly an exact match. 
"Where's Sheila??" It's camouflage! 

I built this outfit around the new-to-me leopard blouse, which gets a "meh" thumbs up, as the heavy buttons weighed it down in the front. 
I did like the sleeves hanging low - I'd remembered that from when I tried it on, so skipped bracelets. 

Overall, I felt badass in this, although it was rather sweaty. This suit does not breathe.
Colleague Leah came to my desk to check it out, as I'd told her yesterday that I'd be wearing it.

Many years ago, she claimed a bunch of my old clothes (from when I used to give them away), and passed a bunch to to her mom. 
Hi, Leah's mom! 

I walked to work in the morning, but bussed to the dentist and back to work, then bussed home as I was hauling a flat of Vizzini's special food. 
It's still very chilly, but clear. 

Snuggly fur! 

  • Fur scarf - thrifted
  • Leather/fur gloves - thrifted

The stuff: 
These shoes are probably close to 20 years old - I bought them secondhand in 2011, and I have worn them A LOT. 

Minimal bling: 
I wore the necklace under the collar - it didn't stay in place very well. Too heavy for the slinky shirt.

  • Gold-plated enamel brooch - De Passille-Sylvestre, vintage 70s, consignment
  • Necklace - J. Crew, consignment
  • Amber ring - c. 1996
  • Snake double ring - consignment
  • Earrings - thrifted
I pinned the brooch to the lapel of my coat.


  1. I remember wondering how sweaty that suit would be to wear - not that it matters, it looks the business! That brooch is gorgeous! xxx

    1. It's a great suit...but yeah, very sweaty! Thanks, Vix!

  2. That suit's the perfect armour for a visit to the dentist, particularly as it turned out to blend in with the chair. I'm not sure I could have coped with being sweaty, though. Same as Vix, I'm swooning over that brooch! xxx

    1. Everyone found it very funny how well it matched. I was only sweaty for a little while, but it was uncomfortable. Thanks, Ann!

  3. Chair camouflage, excellent. As long as your dentist could find your mouth! Great outfit, and really love all the accessories.

  4. The blouse looks fabulous, that was my first thought upon seeing this glorious outfit, but then I read your comments. Ah well, the 'right' styled item of clothing not only looks fabulous but also feels fabulous. Tsk tsk on the blouse.
    APpologies for past typos and any that come in the next week. Have had one eye's cataract taken care of so my vision is a blend of excellent long distance and so-so close-up. ;-) The second did will be taken care of this Monday and then distance will be super and anything less than 2.5 feet will require reading glasses. I can live with that!
    Cheers, Laurie

    1. Thanks so much, Laurie! We'll see how the blouse works on the next go-round. I'm willing to give it a shot, but feeling very "off" blouses for this very reason (I get sweaty).
      No worries AT ALL, my dear! Good luck on your next cataract surgery! <3 Reading glasses for close-up sounds awesome!

  5. Oooh! The brooch! The brooch!!!!!
    And I admire you for braving the pleather; I simply perspire buckets in it and further dislike how pleather breaks down over not too long a time in the world. However, the notion of becoming one with a chair might sway me…

    1. Thanks, Rita! It is a gorgeous brooch, isn't it? :)
      I am really taking a long hard look at the fake leather/pleather/PVC in my closet. I don't like having it, and I'm probably going to eventually eliminate it from my wardrobe. Matching the dental chair was pretty awesome, though!


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