Thursday, April 25, 2024

Mom-Day Adventure at Finnerty Gardens in More Blues, Plus a Wee Shop

Welcome to another Mom-Day, Gentle Readers! We went back to Finnerty Gardens to see the rhododendrons - we always seem to miss them - and to hide from the rain. Oh, spring. 
We last visited the gardens here in December 2023, another rainy day.

I seem to have a blue theme going on this week, so why not lean into it and give this new-to-me vintage skirt a trial run?
Spoiler alert: it's not staying in my closet - it's too overwhelming for my frame and the length is dowdy on me. Off to Limbo you go! 

  • Sweater - LL Bean, thrifted; first worn here (2nd outfit) in February for brunch
  • Skirt - Arola, Finland, vintage 80s, thrifted; purchased here for $22.99
  • Boots - 1883 Luchesse, thrifted; last seen here in January with a different Arola skirt
  • Leather coat (below) - Jeno de Paris, vintage 70s, consignment, Powell River; first worn here in March for a cancelled Mom-Day shop

It felt good to wear, though - it has two ginormous pockets, and it's very flowy. 
I like the pattern, which is all woven. 

I spent a bit of time tidying up all the snags on it (you can snip them off with weaves, never with knits).
Yeah, that's too much fabric on my bottom half. 

This is the second wearing of this lovely cotton sweater, which will be a year-round piece in my closet.
It bags out slightly when I look at it sideways, but I love the colour. 

This is how most people saw me, though. All done up for our walk. 
I have a full vintage slip on, plus tights underneath for extra warmth. It's still chilly out! 

Now that I've rediscovered this leopard scarf, get used to seeing it! 

  • Purse - Danier, thrifted
  • Scarf - thrifted
  • Gloves - Parkhurst
  • Beret - consignment

The stuff: 
I love these steel blue boots - they are good in the rain. 

  • Necklace - thrifted
  • Silver/turquoise ring - Karen's
  • Turquoise oval ring - Glee
  • Silver/turquoise earrings - thrifted

We arrived at the gardens, and immediately spotted colourful rhodos through the burgeoning greenery. 
Such a lovely serene place. We only saw a few other people the entire time we were here, which was about an hour. 

I hope y'all like pictures of trees and flowers! 
A luscious pink rhodo. 

Our favourite pond, with the rusting fish sculptures. 
You can see ripples from the rain on the water. 

Ferns unfurling. 
Ginormous lily leaves. 

This fir is wearing a rhodo like a ballet skirt. 
I hope it swooshes in the wind! 

An astonishing carpet of green. 
Twisty arbutus branches. 

We took it all in with deep breaths.
Mom thinks of her dad (my Grandad) when she sees red rhodos. 

"Thanks, Dad."
The rhododendrons were massive, towering over us. 

A fork in the road. 
Of course, we took the less traveled. 

This flower looks like it's made of tissue. 
So delicate. 

Azaleas, rhodos and grrr...that other plant that I like. 
Can't be bothered to look it up. Mom will tell me next time I talk to her. 

Shall we go through the tunnel? 
Duh, of course. 

I've never seen blossoms like these. 
What are they? Mom didn't know. 

Hello, twisty tree! How are you today?
"Oh, good, thanks for asking."

A wall of flowers. 
Tiny birds hopped around and twittered at each other. 

These blooms are so fluffy! 
Our eyes darted here and there, seeing colours through the trees. 

A crossroads. 
I don't remember which way we went. 

But this twisty tree was there.
I like the arching plants on the left - they were not quite in bloom. 

Mom said this is a chocolate lily. 
I was enchanted that they are checkerboard-patterned. Nature has such good taste. 

I think I've taken this picture every time we come here. 
It's just so picturesque.

These rhodos appeal to me. 
Such good colours. 

A purple rhodo towering over me. 
While even taller trees tower over it. 

This way beckoned. 
What a gorgeous place. 

Mom, take my picture! 
This one matches my hair! 

Another twisted tree, but more cerebral. 
My brain feels like that sometimes. 

The bamboo pond came into view. 
It will be thick and dense in a few months. 

But now we can see through it to the other side. 
The rain had faded to just a few drops falling from branches overhead. 

Birds hopped around in the branches. 
They were too blurry for me. 

These blooms are as big as my hand! 
I have large hands/long fingers. 

Mom complained that the "obvious" plants had nameplates. 
"What about the ones I don't know?" 

I laughed. 
I am standing inside a rhodo tree! 

And here we are, back where we started. 
Such a rich purple. 

We had yummy salmon burgers and salad at Christie's Carriage House Pub afterwards. 
I see you got the Blue Memo, Mom. 

I popped into House of Savoy on the way home to see how my things were selling, and had a wee browse around, finding an early birthday present for someone I know (and it was free with my credit!).

I also had a peek at the jewelry case at Good Things Consignment, and found this vintage 90s copper set.
It definitely has that late 90s vibe. Better dig out my butterfly clips! I kid, I never wore those. 

There are "gems" and clusters soldered to a flat copper S chain. 
The "stones" are all moulded plastic and set in copper, but the "leaves" are enameled on copper.

I thought the name on the tag was ZniZa. 
Kind of sounds like a 90s name, ha ha. 

When I rotated my picture I realized it's "DZinz" (designs, get it?), which is even MORE 90s. 
It's not high-end, but I like it and it will fit in with some of green, blue and copper jewelry. It was $25.00. 

And now, my friends, I'm signing off for the weekend. 
Thank you so much for such a lovely day, Mom! I really needed that. I love you!

Have a fab weekend!


  1. That plant you like? I assume it’s the bright green one - is Euphorbia aka Spurge.

  2. Again looking beautiful in blue, Sheila. The Arola skirts I've found are always overwhelming on me, too. You'll soon find it a new home.
    Your new-to-you jewellery reflects those gorgeous Spring blooms you snapped on your glorious Mum's Day walk in Finnerty Park!
    Euphorbia is such a weirdly fabulous looking plant - there's loads in our garden. I love a Snake's Head Fritillary, too (the checked one.) That peep at the pond through the bamboo makes a wonderful photo.
    Have a fab weekend! xxx

  3. I love that you're both in blue. The gardens are stunning. These blog posts are day brighteners to read and see in pictures.

  4. The strange little mystery flower is on a vine called akebia. Probably Akebia quinata… Thanks for sharing your mom walks!

  5. I'm hearing you on the skirt, lovely though it is. I've just put one of mine in Limbo for exactly the same reasons.
    What a treat it was to accompany you to Finnerty gardens! I'm loving the fish sculptures and all the different Rhodos. The unknown blossom is akebia quinata or chocolate vine - I see the commentor above me already hinted at it. We have it in our garden and it's very rampant. We also have the checkerboard flowers which are snakeshead fritillaries (fritillaria meleagris). I've never heard them called chocolate lily before, so I googled it and that's another fritillary altogether: fritillaria biflora. I'm a bit of a geek when it comes to plant names :-)
    So funny that your Mom got the blue memo too! Love, love, love the vintage copper set you found. I hope you're having a fab weekend, Sheila! xxx

  6. We went to the park last weekend and while our own rhododendron was in full bloom, none of them were in the park! Such a disappointment as we went especially to see them in full bloom. You were more lucky. How gorgeous is that!

  7. Blue looks good on you Sheila!
    The gardens are so beautiful. I love rhododendrons...they're such glamorous flowers!
    The salmon burgers sound delicious! x

  8. Thanks for taking us on a lovely garden walk! And yes, I love that you found a flower that matched your hair xxx

  9. This is a lovely maxi denim skirt but I understand why you will get rid of it. Oversized items can be hard to style. If something feels too big, you have to work too hard styling it. Often the additional effort isn't worth it , especially if it is easy to find a replacement.
    I do like this all blue styling.
    It's wonderful how you and your mother have your days together. I try to take my mom out from time to time, but we don't live in the same place. Enjoy!

  10. Loved the blue on your mother and her necklace.
    Loved your colourful necklace too.


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