Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Gigli Grey and Green

No stair picture, as my usual stairwell was full of a homeless person. I'm thankful for the help of my neighbours in accompanying me as we gave a 10 minute warning, and phew, the person left before we had to call the cops. Not my favourite thing to do - any of it. I was a bit late for work, and feeling rather frazzled.

I'd dressed for comfort anyway, but I really sunk into this wool dress today.
I had to muster my energy to host a company shindig after work at a local poolhall as well. I am now all socialled out.

  • Cotton sweater - Tabi, thrifted; last seen here in November 2024 with my Frankenskirt
  • Wool dress - Romeo Gigli, vintage 90s, consignment; last worn here in November 2023 with blue bits
  • Shoes - Half Truth Tanya, Fluevog; last seen here (2nd outfit) in November 2024 for the Fluevog sample sale
  • Mink coat (below) - vintage 60s, thrifted; last worn here yesterday

This is my fabulously amazing Romeo Gigli dress, found in 2018 for $27.50, a very good investment. It's a very thick wool and is the perfect Jammy Dress - I just change up the accessories! I should do a Flashback on it at some point.
Now that I have a green belt, I decided to add a green turtleneck sweater under it for coverage and warmth - the dress has a very open neck. 

And very long sleeves! This was a thing Gigli did.
My necklace had many admirers among my coworkers. 

See what I mean about the neck? 
The dress is starting to show its age, with a small rip at the slit, and I spotted the tiniest moth hole on the front. *waves fist at moths* I can sew those up and you wouldn't even be able to tell.

Minked up. 
A better hat and scarf. I bussed home and cursed the people who didn't clear their sidewalks of ice and snow, as I took tiny steps in my "real" shoes. Grrrr.

I can't wear my regular backpack with the mink, so I carried a cloth tote with my good shoes in it and put my wallet and phone in my purse, which I wore under the coat.

  • Purse - Rebecca Minkoff, consignment
  • Toque - gift from Tammy
  • Brooch - Monet, vintage 80s, thrifted
  • Fur scarf - thrifted
  • Leather gloves - Roeckl, consignment

A better hat and scarf than yesterday's!

The stuff: 
These old shoes! They still elicit gasps from people.

  • Belt - Fluevog
  • Fang bangle - Alexis Bittar, consignment, Sidney
  • Poison ring - Karen's
  • Green stone/silver ring - consignment, Sidney
  • Gold/Lucite bangle and earrings - Alexis Bittar, consignment, gift from L
  • 3-way necklace - Stella & Dot, thrifted


  1. Neighbors look after neighbors! ❤️ And you looked fabulous!

  2. Winter is there and here where it’s sleeting on top of a light dusting of snow. Your mink looks lusciously warm and cozy…makes me think of my Mom’s mink that I donated years (12?) ago. It would have come in quite useful this winter.
    The dress looks perfect; I especially like the size of the back slit. Not only does it make walking easier but the proportion appeals to my eye.
    Stay warm, no slipping!
    Cheers, Laurie

    1. I love the mink, but it's only usable for a small window of below-zero cold here. Thanks so much, Laurie!

  3. Oh no, that sounded like a traumatic start to the day.
    I love the ultra long sleeves on that dress, I'm sure you'll do something fabulous to hide the damage from those pesky moths. xxx

    1. It was not fun, Vix! Thank you - I am ignoring it at the moment!

  4. What a horrible start to your day, no wonder you ended up being frazzled!
    I'm loving your Romeo Gigli dress, and I'm sorry to hear the moths having taken a shine to it too. Also love the pops of green from your polo neck, belt and shoes, and that necklace is another stunning statement piece! xxx

    1. Life has felt very frazzly lately, Ann. Work is busier and feels overwhelming too. Thank you - it was a tiny tiny hole, so I'll have to be really careful now.

  5. It is indeed a perfect dress which suits you so well. I am in awe of the coat, but as they spraypaint you here if you wear real fur I wouldn't dare wearing it. I don't know whether your coat is real fur or fun fur but it looks very real (and lovely).

    1. I have never seen or heard of anyone in Canada getting spray painted - no one carries paint around! Maybe you are worried about something you don't have to?? It's real fur - real mink!

  6. The dress looks uber comfy and with that coat over the top it's superb! I've just started to do visible mending on some moth holes in my sweaters - learning the beautiful art from a book and loving the results!

    1. Thanks so much, Anna! I love the idea of visible mending and was inspired by the exhibit at the local Art Gallery to learn how to do this.

  7. I can imagine how it must have been a stressful and sad start of the day.
    The outfit is lovely!

    1. I was very glad for my neighbours (lovely people!), and also for my comforting dress. Thank you!


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