Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Gigli Grey and Green

No stair picture, as my usual stairwell was full of a homeless person. I'm thankful for the help of my neighbours in accompanying me as we gave a 10 minute warning, and phew, the person left before we had to call the cops. Not my favourite thing to do - any of it. I was a bit late for work, and feeling rather frazzled.

I'd dressed for comfort anyway, but I really sunk into this wool dress today.
I had to muster my energy to host a company shindig after work at a local poolhall as well. I am now all socialled out.

  • Cotton sweater - Tabi, thrifted; last seen here in November 2024 with my Frankenskirt
  • Wool dress - Romeo Gigli, vintage 90s, consignment; last worn here in November 2023 with blue bits
  • Shoes - Half Truth Tanya, Fluevog; last seen here (2nd outfit) in November 2024 for the Fluevog sample sale
  • Mink coat (below) - vintage 60s, thrifted; last worn here yesterday

This is my fabulously amazing Romeo Gigli dress, found in 2018 for $27.50, a very good investment. It's a very thick wool and is the perfect Jammy Dress - I just change up the accessories! I should do a Flashback on it at some point.
Now that I have a green belt, I decided to add a green turtleneck sweater under it for coverage and warmth - the dress has a very open neck. 

And very long sleeves! This was a thing Gigli did.
My necklace had many admirers among my coworkers. 

See what I mean about the neck? 
The dress is starting to show its age, with a small rip at the slit, and I spotted the tiniest moth hole on the front. *waves fist at moths* I can sew those up and you wouldn't even be able to tell.

Minked up. 
A better hat and scarf. I bussed home and cursed the people who didn't clear their sidewalks of ice and snow, as I took tiny steps in my "real" shoes. Grrrr.

I can't wear my regular backpack with the mink, so I carried a cloth tote with my good shoes in it and put my wallet and phone in my purse, which I wore under the coat.

  • Purse - Rebecca Minkoff, consignment
  • Toque - gift from Tammy
  • Brooch - Monet, vintage 80s, thrifted
  • Fur scarf - thrifted
  • Leather gloves - Roeckl, consignment

A better hat and scarf than yesterday's!

The stuff: 
These old shoes! They still elicit gasps from people.

  • Belt - Fluevog
  • Fang bangle - Alexis Bittar, consignment, Sidney
  • Poison ring - Karen's
  • Green stone/silver ring - consignment, Sidney
  • Gold/Lucite bangle and earrings - Alexis Bittar, consignment, gift from L
  • 3-way necklace - Stella & Dot, thrifted

1 comment:

  1. Neighbors look after neighbors! ❤️ And you looked fabulous!


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