However, I have learned over many years (nay, decades!) of shopping that sometimes a name brand can be a good shortcut to quality. For example, I love finding second-hand Club Monaco* clothing because I know that a) the company is Canadian b) many of the pieces are made in Canada and c) they use high-end materials and pay attention to detail when the garments are made. No seam on a Club Monaco item I've owned has ever come undone; no hems have ever unravelled and no piece has ever shrunk funny when I've washed it.
When I shop in thrift stores, I know that if I spot a clothing item with a label on it that I trust, that piece of clothing is going to be a good investment.
I will admit, though, that sometimes seeing a "name" label at a cheap price just sends a shiver down my spine! Could it be a score?
*I have no affiliation with Club Monaco, receive no compensation from them and only mention them because I like their company and product.
Thursday - It Must Be Ralph
I found this dress by hand; meaning, I was scanning the racks at a consignment score and the colour caught my eye...and then the fabric caught my hand!

Vizzini looks ready to attach my legs.

Isn't the colour rich? I am in love with this olive green right now.
Speaking of labels...

I was perplexed about the size at first: 1X because the dress (although a little large) actually fits me pretty good. Then I noticed that it had been professionally altered: it's been taken in by about 2 inches on each side of the top.

My belt is a cheap one; not leather, but I like the style and it's nice and soft. The cuff was handmade from a local designer and artist.
I like to mix in some vintage:

Now, this isn't normally "that" sort of blog, but I had to show my vintage slip:

Dress (Lauren by Ralph Lauren, consignment), cami (Plum), slip (vintage, thrifted), belt (Le Chateau), cuff (SkinznHydz), necklace (Trifari, vintage 50s, Grandma J).
Friday - Sucked in by a Label
I have to admit, when I pulled this top off the rack, it was because I saw the label first:
The only Chanel I have ever owned was a bottle of Chanel No. 5 perfume that my ex bought me. I used it to keep Othello from scratching our couches (it didn't work, but our house smelled nice!).
I tried the blouse on because of that label, and I liked how the blouse looked:
Vizzini was actually going under my skirt. He then proceed to try to climb my bare leg. What a devil!
All of the black lines on the top are elastic: the three at the waist and the one around the neckline (the neckline pulls down to an off-the-shoulder look which I am going to do at some point, just maybe not for a Casual Friday at work!).
This outfit is a good example of finding quality that's not attached to a brand name. I found this top in 2009 and I've only worn it three times, exactly a year ago, here and here. It's a nothing name brand; never seen it before, never heard of it, never seen it since, but it's great quality and it's tailored really nicely.

I tried the blouse on because of that label, and I liked how the blouse looked:

The blouse was $25.00, which is not too bad. But would I still have bought the blouse without that Chanel label? I don't know...I might have hesitated. It was probably the deciding point on buying it. Does that make me a label whore? Do I care? Ha!
Seriously, I do think this is a lovely blouse. I love the blush pink colour, and the wrinkly fabric reminds me of overblown poppies. I also like that it shows off my tattoo a bit at the back:
Seriously, I do think this is a lovely blouse. I love the blush pink colour, and the wrinkly fabric reminds me of overblown poppies. I also like that it shows off my tattoo a bit at the back:

I wanted to counter all that ruffliness with something bold so I went with my dark denim mermaid skirt (last seen here). I also wore my little short cowboy booties (these ones) which I'd sort of forgotten about.
I had to cover up for work so I donned my trust boyfriend blazer:
I wore it all day, and it's another example of a brand that I trust when I'm shopping. I met up with L and friends after work for dinner and took it off.
Jacket (Banana Republic, thrifted), blouse (Chanel, consignment), skirt (InWear, consignment), booties (Miz Mooz).
And now it's the weekend...the long weekend! Happy BC Day to my fellow West-coasters and Mainlanders, and happy [insert your province] Day to my other Canadian friends! I took Tues/Wed off this week, so I have some extra days - woo!
This morning, I went to WW:
I had to cover up for work so I donned my trust boyfriend blazer:

Jacket (Banana Republic, thrifted), blouse (Chanel, consignment), skirt (InWear, consignment), booties (Miz Mooz).
And now it's the weekend...the long weekend! Happy BC Day to my fellow West-coasters and Mainlanders, and happy [insert your province] Day to my other Canadian friends! I took Tues/Wed off this week, so I have some extra days - woo!
Saturday in Black and White
This morning, I went to WW:

This is my eyelet skirt that I just got (see here). It has no label at all, as someone removed it prior to dumping it off in a thrift shop. I was attracted to the good quality cotton, the three different patterns of the eyelet and the good cut. I would have bought it regardless of the label, if it had one.
L and I went for lunch today, and since it was sunny (!!) I wore a my thin corduroy jacket over it all:
I tend to shy away from Gap items (although not Banana Republic, same company, how hypocritical of me!) because I find a lot of their clothing is not the best quality, but it's interesting that I still have many Gap items in my closet...ha ha. I rarely venture into Gap stores, because I don't like that all their clothes are made in China, although I seem to have no issue with buying them second hand!

Jacket (Gap, consignment), top (I.N. San Francisco, consignment), skirt (no label, thrifted), shoes (Kenneth Cole Reaction, consignment).
How do you feel about labels? Will you buy something just for the brand? Do you only buy certain brands, and if so, why? Has a brand label ever convinced you to buy something even though you might not have if it didn't have that label?
Food for thought...have a happy weekend!