It used to have just an ugly mirror at the end, a ball light with a pull-chain and some skinny shelves at the end on the right. For hanger space, it just had a long bar on each side, with a single shelf above that.
What a nightmare that was; my shoes were always jumbled all over the floor, my sweaters were all stacked up every which way on the shelf, and my purses were haphazardly balanced on the skinny shelves.
But no more! Behold:

That's the "Tower of Power" of my shoe collection on the right side, next to the short skirts (on top) and jackets (on bottom). I also have a bunch of hats and more costumey pieces that you can sort of see on the top shelves on both sides (I can't reach those very well, since I'm short).
My purses are on the left, with my sweaters, above the hanging blouses, long skirts and pants. Not a big pant person, partly because I'm only 5'4", and partly because I just like skirts and dresses more. Just beyond that section on the far left is my "long hang": all my dresses and my archived vintage outfits that I've collected over the years.
I do love to shop, but I am a major bargain hunter - I rarely pay full price for anything (well, maybe my Fluevogs, but those are special!) and I love to shop in discount and secondhand stores.
I would post a picture of today's outfit, but I only went to Weight Watchers (I lost 60 pounds last year) and out for lunch and a movie today. It's just not a special enough outfit, in my opinion. I won't post my boring casual outfits (i.e. weekend wear). I do go out a lot, and I dress up a bit for work, so all those outfits will be posted.
A better shot of the shoes:

Naturally, I have them all properly arranged. They are set as one shoe in, one out, so that I can see the front and heel of each pair. I have about 50 pairs of shoes, including my vintage and super-funky ones that I don't wear very often. I probably buy about 10 new pairs a year, but I try to rotate out shoes that I don't wear anymore and give them to charity or friends.
Since I had the closet built out, I'm much better at actually hanging things up and putting my shoes back where they belong, rather than just tossing things in willy-nilly. See my hangers patiently waiting for me to hang up my pants/skirts?
i've always meant to tell you that i'm quite jealous of your closet B-D
ReplyDeleteHi Sheila, I'm a bit dim sometimes and sometimes my filter doesn't kick in so maybe I blurt things out without thinking. Anyway, I decided I really want to get to know you so have rewound to the start of your blog. Gosh, haven't you been doing this for a while and doing it so well too. I love the intro to your closet set up (just as you've recently done for me, thank you) and will just take my time now getting to know you. Congrats for the 60lbs at WW - hope that's ok to say. I'm so British!
Anna's Island Style