Thursday, June 20, 2024

Mom-Day Adventure at Government House - Coffee Rings, Roses and Recognized

Hello, Gentle Readers, and welcome! Join me for another Mom-Day Adventure - we returned to Government House, which we hadn't visited since way back here in November 2022! Wow, doesn't seem like that long ago, does it, Mom? I just had a browse through the photos - it's a very different place in the summer.
We lucked out with a gorgeous hot day - temps in the low 20s and as you can see by my floaty hair, we had a light breeze. 

I dressed for the a dress! 
Another gorgeous Jammy Dress that I picked up last year for a song at the thrift store. 

  • Dress - Luiza Cerano, thrifted; first worn here in July 2023 with copper and caramel
  • Sandals - Wonders; last seen here in July 2023 for a Mom-Day in a ginormous jumpsuit

I had a lovely view of the Castle.
We'll see more of it shortly - I walked home past that 'hood. 

I dubbed this my Coffee Rings dress when I bought it (for $19.95, in case you're interested - score, right?). 
It's silk with a modal blend lining. I went bare-legged with little sporty shorts underneath. 

This was the perfect thing to wear for a hot day. 
I sunblocked up. 

And wore a light scarf to protect my neck and shoulders.
Also, I'm thrilled that scarves are having a renaissance amongst the fashionably in-the-know. I saw a young lady doing the Movie Star Wrap the other day! 

A vintage disco purse and my Mary McFadden silk scarf - made for each other! 

  • Purse - Julia Sanchez for Vendome, vintage 70s, consignment
  • Scarf - Mary McFadden, vintage 70s. thrifted here for $28.95

First wearing of the scarf - it was light and soft and not too slippery. 

The stuff: 
These pink metallic sandals have been going strong for me since 2017 - I've worn them close to 20 times. They are totally walkable - do the Shoe Math! That's only an inch and half heel. 

Citrus bling: 
I like plastic jewelry in hot weather - it doesn't heat up in the sun and you can wash the sunblock off it. 

  • Yellow cuff - thrifted
  • Orange cuff/ring - Italian, vintage 60s, vintage mall
  • Coral/olivine ring - Hawaii, c. 1976, Mom's
  • Earrings - Reiss, vintage 50s, vintage fair
  • Venetian glass pendant - Venice, Karen's (bought by me for her)

Mom was looking very stylish in her roses top (with rhinestones!) and polka dot pants. I appreciate how nicely the pink sneakers finish the look. 
Mom knows her angles! 

We parked closer to Rudi's Tea Room, which we finally managed to visit for lunch, and did the reverse loop to what we have walked before. 
We followed the right path, taking up the long hill to towards the rose garden and the front entrance. 

We were pleased to see the paths and gardens being enjoyed by lots of folks, local and visitor alike. 
A view of Hurricane Ridge in the Olympic Mountains in Washington State to the south.

We had a steep hill on our right - Government House is at the top. 
Some random foxglove near an old twisted stump, with a skinny Garry Oak looming over it. 

No bikes are permitted on these paths, so it's totally fine to amble along and take in the rich summery smells.
Dragonflies, hummingbirds, and one squirrel. 

It's all downhill from here, Mom! 
Work that pose! 

The property is maintained by volunteer gardeners. 
We spied two gardeners near the rocks on the left, working in the shade. 

Under a huge cedar tree.
Gnarly branches! 

And we're at the rose garden! 
I want to smell them all! 

I stuck my nose in every different rose I could find. 
This funny dog statue is under an arch of red roses, framing the mountains and ocean in the distance. 

Mom, take my picture! 
Oh, Sheila, sit up straight. Tsk, terrible posture! 

So many gorgeous roses. 
Some were lightly fragrant and some punched me in the nose. 

I adore these colours together. 
These had a strong scent. Ah, I want to breathe it in...

Note how the petals are all scrunched in this fat bloom. 
Also a heavenly perfume. 

These didn't have a strong smell, but they sure are pretty. 
They look painted, like in "Alice in Wonderland"! 

This bloom was massive - the size of my hand. 
I just wanted to eat this one up - classic rose scent. 

Looking back as we left. 
I give this rose garden an A+! Lots of roses to smell and get close to. 

There's Gov House. 
From here we crossed the drive and headed toward the turtle pond. 

This blue beauty is a Himalayan Blue Poppy. 
The jewelry bag is for capturing seeds, I think. 

The turtle pond! 
We did not see a single turtle! 

Nor a duck! 
Very disappointed! 

Time to head to the other rose garden, the knot garden. 
We followed the path on the left.

And here's Mom standing under that sequoia. 
We were getting a bit tired from the sun and the long uphill walk, so looked for a bench to have a break. 

I see some benches over under that portico! 
That overlooks the knot garden. Perfect! 

The glass pavilion had some people in it.
This open swath of grass is so inviting. I saw a few people picnicking in other areas. 

This whole place is free to enter - isn't that amazing? 
We sat here and sent "live" selfies to my nieces, my aunt and my brother - for a little while, all of our family was in sync.

There are concerts here in the summer. You can just wander around from dawn to dusk. 
The knot garden was lovely, but these hedges kept me from smelling the roses. C+! 

I approve of this archway that's been added - there are rose plants along the outer edges and they are training them to grow up to the top. 
It's going to be amazing in a few years. 

As we enjoyed the downhill walk back to the Tea Room, we noticed...
...the Gonzalez Observatory in the distance! 

We had a better view of Gonzales Hill further down. 
The green spaces on the other side of the field (where those white triangular things are) is the Tea Room's garden - all their vegetables are from there. 

Overlooking the lower parking lot. 
An outcropping of rock. Makes me want to climb it! 

We arrived at the Tea Room after being greeted by a bevvy of lovely volunteers at the entry to the Castle Mews. A shout-out to the lovely Linda in her green ensemble and tassel earrings! You impressed me, Linda - you knew who Mary McFadden was (the scarf). 
I heartily recommend Rudi's Tea Room if you are in Victoria - the prices were very good, the food was AMAZING and the volunteers there absolutely wonderful. Link here, 'cause I love! I plan to come here again! 

We sat inside with a beautiful view of the patio and trees. It's all first-come/first-served - you walk up to a window to order and the volunteers run your food out not even 10 minutes later. Very fast service! 
The plants and sign are all hand-painted on the wall. In addition to patio seating and indoor tables, there are also picnic tables outside, and you can take away food to eat as well as dine in.

I'm not much for taking pictures of my food (get that in my belly!), but I had to show off our delicious lunch. "The quiche is fantastic," raved a customer leaving as we arrived, so of course, we both ordered the salmon, potato quiche with lightly-dressed side salad. I've never had such fresh greens before.
I also had to order a pavlova for dessert! You so seldom see them and they are so yummy! This one has fresh blackberries, blueberries and strawberries with a generous dollop of whipped cream. Our drinks are their house-made lemon-ginger-ade.

One of the volunteers  - Vince - in the Tea Room asked me if I was a blogger doing vintage - his wife Jennifer is a reader and he recognized me! I posed for a picture with Vince and he texted it to her - "I met Sheila!" Thank you so much for reading, Jennifer, and so nice to meet you, Vince! I truly appreciate you both! 

It's so fun to be recognized, and how hilarious that, as we were leaving, Mom and I ran into Emilie of House of Savoy and her mom Dominique, also a faithful reader! "I know you!" Dominique grinned, as we were leaving the Tea Room. I last ran into her at the Royal Theatre - so lovely to see you again! 

Mom headed off, and I walked through the Rockland neighbourhood towards home. 
A deer! She was just calmly eating the grass, but ambled across the road as I got closer. 

The Castle looms.
It looks much different from this angle. 

There's my tower. 
There were a lot of people visiting, which is great to see. 

I caught Vizzini lolling about in a patch of sun. 
"This is the best sun ever."

What a cutie! 

And now, my friends, I'm signing off for the weekend, but I'll be back with tales of adventure on Sunday! Thank you for visiting!


  1. Fabulous outing on a glorious day! You and your Mom, yet again, have unintentionally coordinated your outfits not only to each other but also to the gardens! Floral pastels, yes please. Comfortable clothing, another yes please. Lovely weather, oh yes. Your lunch does look and sound delicious, aided by the light and airy surroundings. Sounds like a perfect Mom Day Adventure!
    May your weekend be just as enjoyable!
    Cheers, Laurie
    PS I quite like both your and your Mom’s outfits - colors, styles and jewelry.

  2. Thanks for the shout out Sheila! My husband was so excited to meet you and get his picture taken with you…it made his day🙂.
    I love wandering through the grounds at Government House. The gardens are beautiful and as you mentioned are lovingly maintained by volunteers.
    Your “outfit of the day” was perfect (as usual) for the occasion!
    Jennifer 💐

    1. Thank YOU for reading, Jennifer! It was just as thrilling for me to meet a fan. <3

  3. Genius tip about using plastic jewellery in summer Sheila, thankyou! I love the coffee rings dress (I do drink a lot of coffee).

  4. What a lovely day. You both looked wonderful. That deer is adorable and Vizzini looks so happy in his sun puddle. xxx

  5. This dress is so beautiful. The coloured circles really add dimension to the pattern. I love that scarves are making a come back. They are one of the most versatile accessories, they can be so glam and funky at the same time.
    Your mom's outfit has some nice patterns as well.
    It seems you two had a great time together.
    What a lovely place you have taken us to. The flowers are gorgeous...and the coffee place is stunning. Love the hand painted details. The deer is adorable...
    ....and back home Vizzini is the master charmer.

  6. I love both that dress and all the accessories! It's so sweet you were recognised - you not only dress like an incredibly stylish movie star Sheila, you have the appropriate fan base too! :)

    It's a very cold winter here so I'm really appreciating the sunny floral blooms photos, wrapped up here in a cosy knit and fluffy slippers!

  7. How lovely that you were being recognised! And you match so good with that beautiful Rose garden! Love a good quiche too!

  8. Bliss, the sun is out in your neck of the woods too. It makes such a difference. Your dress and shoes look gorgeous.

  9. How lovely to have summery temperatures for your mom-day adventure to Government House. Your coffee rings dress is gorgeous and I'm loving the citrus bling with it. I'm totally with you on plastic jewellery in hot weather, by the way. And oh my, doesn't that quiche look delicious! xxx

  10. Your coffee rings dress is a very similar style to one I've just posted on my blog - I'm relieved to see you wear something that for us is quite tame style-wise and yet still of merit in our wardrobe. I do love to see these posts with you and your mom xxx

  11. Lovely post - from those gorgeous pink sandals to the divine Himalayan blue poppy. Oh and the scenery's not bad either!
    Thanks for the alternative view of the castle too!


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