Thursday, June 13, 2024

Mental Health Shop in Pink and Acid Wash

Ah, here we go, my friends - the weekend is nearly upon us! Mom took the week off from our Mom-Day adventures to recuperate fully from her Zoe Grad Adventure, so I took a Mental Health Day and went thrifting. 
Although I just came off a wonderful vacation, I didn't get any "me" time to just do my own thing during it. 

  • Jacket - Only, consignment; first worn here in May with Dries and a droopy leopard
  • T-shirt - Andy Warhol by SPRZ NY, consignment, Sidney; purchased here for $19.95
  • Skirt - Jazzino, vintage 80s, consignment; first seen here in October 2023 with autumn whites
  • Sneakers - Converse, consignment; last worn here in May with my maxi-bomber jacket

I spent most of the morning catching up on blogs and responding to comments - I've been remiss in leaving comments for my friends, which I know is important to do. Comments are the best part of blogging! 
I had fun putting this outfit together, just playing in my closet.

I started with the tee, pairing it with this vintage acid wash skirt. 
I went bare-legged with it this time, as I haven't gotten around to in covering the claws that are keeping all the studs on the skirt and like to snag nylons. The only issues I had this time were with the studs on the pockets, which I can easily adjust. Scratchy! 

I like the cropped jacket with the extra-long pencil skirt. 
Shame about the boring back! 

I never took the jacket off, but I liked how the outfit looked without. 
Big pockets on the skirt - I stored my mp3 player in one and my sunnies in the other.

I'm ready to shop! 
I walked down to the Beacon Ave Thrift Shop (my usual Sat brunch visit) and had a thorough browse, then spent a couple of hours going through the big WIN store. 

The stuff: 
Comfy shoes for a long day of shopping. 

  • Purse - Roots 73, thrifted
  • Belt - vintage 80s, thrifted

Pink and blue bling: 
I tend not to try clothes on when I'm thrift shopping (most stores have done away with fitting rooms), so I wore a necklace. 

  • Necklace - Sherman, vintage 50s, vintage fair
  • Silver/kyanite ring - consignment
  • Fulvia Ring - Wendy Brandes
  • Earrings - Kate Spade, consignment
  • Brooch - Fairweather, c. 1986

First, I had a long look through the Beacon Ave Thrift Shop. I found this red t-shirt knit dress. 
It's too big on me, so it'll go to a friend. 

And a special helper. 

It's by Rachel Roy. 
$18.50 felt reasonable. 

I also bought a pair of white linen trousers for $9.50, which I did not photograph, but they did not fit. Feeling grumpy! 

I had much more success at WIN, starting in the jewelry case, where I spotted this really long necklace with very attractive crystals (which are slightly blue). 
When I got home, I realized that you can wear it two ways! See the slightly bigger box on either side? The clasp is actually two hooks that slip together. 

So you can hook each side of the clasp to one of the side boxes. 
And now it's a shorter necklace! How cool. 

I spotted "Stella & Dot" on the back. This is the Eclipse Crystal Convertible Necklace. 
This is from 2015, and sold for $79.00 (found a lookbook with a picture and price here, page 37, all links 'cause I love). I paid $3.95. 

I found a new winter scarf for L. 
It has a fleecy acrylic backing.

Made in Italy, so classy. 
A mere $6.95. 

I had good luck with scarves, filling my basket with three more, including this skinny silk fringed one. 
I love the red-background floral, very rock star. 

It's by Ralph Lauren. 
And only $9.95. 

This big square scarf just screams 1970s, doesn't it? What a groovy design! 
It feels like silk and the edges are hand-rolled, but there is no tag. 

But there used to be a sticker! 
$12.95 for this vintage beauty. 

What a wild colour mix in this scarf! This is peachy-pink, yellow, olive green and purple.
And one side has an extra border. I inspected to see if perhaps the other 3 sides had been removed, but no. The whole scarf has a peach thin border, and the edges are also hand-rolled. 

I spied a faint signature in one corner. 
Mary McFadden, I know that name. She was a famous fashion designer in the 70s - about her here, and an excellent recent Vogue article about her here

I love the old label - gold thread! I think this is from the 70s.
It's 100% silk treated with her patented crinkle process. Glentex is the name of the company that manufactured this after licensing her design. 

Made in Japan.
I found nothing like it online, only a few scarves by her/Glentex. 

It was $28.95 - they knew what they had! 
But worth it! I've never seen anything by Mary McFadden in all my time shopping second-hand. 

I fell for this glorious reptile printed leather purse. 
So very early 00s. 

It has custom lining too! And stays closed with magnets. 
It's by Perlina Studios (I found another metal plaque on one external corner after I took these pictures). 

Really, it's genuine leather! 
For only $9.95? I had to grab it. I found a red version of this on eBay for $40.00.

These gold lace-ups called my name. 
I used to have a bronzy-gold pair of shoes like these, about 10 years ago, that I wore out. 

These are by Zara Woman, and they helpfully tell me that they are "F/W 2011/12."
Twelve years old and barely worn! 

They are stamped "Made in Spain" inside, and appear to be real leather! 
For $22.95? I say YES. 

I also said YES to these crazy Banana Pants. That's it, they are my Banana Pants. 
They're extremely pleated and cropped AND tapered. 

I am pretty sure they are from the late 80s or early 90s. 
The green triangle on the label, plus they were made in England. $24.95 was okay with me. They are baggy and goofy, but I can see playing with them a bit. 

I put this caftan on over my clothes in the store and swooshed in it. A ginormous YES. 
Amazing colours - it's one single piece of fabric on the front and back. 
Showing you the swoops and the woven-in swirls. 

The CA number netted a lingerie parent company (cancelled, which I guess means they've gone out of business). 
It's very faint, but it was made in Canada, and it's washable 100% polyester. 

It's by Collections by Conrad. 
I think it's from the 80s (that print!), so again, happy with $24.95. 

A red t-shirt! I've been looking for a good graphic one - my Wonder Woman tee is wearing out (I sleep in most of my tees). 
"Love from Paris, Karl." 

If only we knew who Karl was! 
Kidding of course, it's clearly Karl Lagerfeld, and I've found my 3rd tee by him. Only $10.95 - a bargain. 

This was the last thing I found - it really stood out! 
It's a repeating snake-print - grey/black and off-white.

It's polyester, woven, and the print goes all the way through (no white back!). 

Essentiel Antwerp! I know this name from my European blogging friends, and my infamous PANK dress is this brand. I knew $19.95 was a bargain! 
I'm shocked, as this is actually currently on their site (link here)! It was originally 165 Euros ($243 CAD), and is on sale for 67 Euros ($98 CAD). How did a new Essentiel Antwerp top end up in a thrift store? 

Either way...
I'm just sayin'. 

And now, Gentle Readers, I'm off for the weekend! Take care and may all your shopping be fruitful. I'll be back on Sunday with tales of adventure! 


  1. Oh that blue leather purse is amazing. I love the design so much. And what a colour. Sounds like you had a good me day!

  2. What kismet! I was just thinking about Mary McFadden last night! I remember being scandalized by an interview with her in the late 1970’s-early 1980’s, where she mentioned that she shaved her face (the first dermaplaner?) to keep it smooth and keep wrinkles away. She said something to the effect of: think about it- men don’t get wrinkles on their upper lips very quickly. Because they are exposing new skin when they shave. Blew my young mind, haha.
    Great thrifting scores! Too bad about the red dress being too large. It seemed like a very Sheila jammy dress…(though I’m sure you will find a good home for it!)

  3. I'm here!
    The denim skirt is insane in a good way. I remember a DJ on Radio 1 back in the 1990s saying how denim skirts were "mumsy" and it's always stuck in my head when I've flirted with them. Yours is anything but!
    Great shopping, love that groovy brown silk scarf and the kaftan especially and Vizzini inspecting the tee shirt dress made me smile. Those ill fitting linen trousers were probably donated because the fit was terrible, that's what I always tell myself if it happens to me!
    Have a fabulous weekend...and off to catch up with what I've missed this week. xxx

  4. Happy weekend! The blue bag with its surprise vibrant and colorful lining is oh so perfect! All your other finds were well worth your time, as well, though I’m not much of a fan of snake prints. Nonetheless, given what you paid for the blouse, it’s a definite catch. The yellow pants reminded me of short jodhpurs or old-time newsboys in England and I am eager to see how you style them. The caftan, ooo la la, I absolutely love the colors and pattern and can see you swooshing about to yours and everyone else’s delight!
    We had a good old fashioned thunder storm yesterday complete with heavy rain and it’s brought us a fresh, clear morning. Today is one of the many open garden days supported by the garden conservancy and we are heading up-county to stroll through two gardens of people who have graciously opened their gardens to the public for today. Makes me think of you and your Mom and the outdoor adventures you two enjoy together. ❤️🌻
    Cheers, Laurie

  5. The denim skirt is very unusual. I like it!
    You are on a roll with your shopping lately...more great finds!
    Although mine aren't from Zara, I have an almost identical pair of shoes to your gold lace ups, but in silver. I must dig them out and wear them!

  6. Great finds! I never have much like at the Pandora WIN. Need to keep trying!
    Isn’t Beacon Ave thrift in Sidney? I have not heard of it in Victoria.

    1. The store is named Beacon Ave Thrift. It is a branch of the Sidney stores (there are about 4 of them in Sidney), but located in downtown Victoria.Sheila

  7. Mental Health Days aren't recognised here, but I'd say that's what I'm up to currently. I've escaped from the island and am off thrift shopping today and then I've got three minor health checks sheduled tomorrow. Love your shopping finds, especially the Zara metallic shoes xxx


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