Sunday, May 12, 2024

Weekend Wrap-Up: Friday in Sweltering Suede and Two Peacocks; Brunch in Marimekko and Neon Flatforms, Plus a Shop

Welcome back, Gentle Reader! How are you? Are you ready for some outfits? Let's go! 

Once again, I've whiffed on a pic, and this time it's the Stair Picture. Heavens! I think you'll still be able to get an idea of the 'fit regardless. This was my Friday ensemble and I am not keeping the skirt. Let's just get that out of the way now. 
It's too big on me and does zero for me - although I adored the massive pockets and carried a lot of stuff in them. Off to Limbo you go, lovely vintage skirt! 

  • Leather jacket - /id, thrifted, illustrated by me; last worn here in September 2023 in a toughed-up outfit
  • Tee - Denver Hayes, thrifted; purchased here for $3.95
  • Skirt - Marquis, thrifted; purchased here for $22.95
  • Shoes - Effortless Vivian, Fluevog; last seen here in September 2023 with flamingos and windowpane plaid

Horrendous rear view - tsk! Please enjoy my Peacock Jacket instead. 
I drew all that! It was fun showing it off to my colleagues - Nour admired it. 

I took my jacket off several times due to the sweltering 24 degree temperatures. 
Suddenly, it's summer! I had to get our fan out! 

The coolest version of me is Incognito.  
Such excellent giant pockets - I want all my skirts to have them. 

The stuff: 
Classic shoes, but am I still feeling them? That's a very pointy toe and rigid patent leather. Things to ponder, don't need to make a decision now. 

Blue and gold bling: 
My second peacock is the ring on the far right. 

  • Bangle - thrifted
  • Silver/sodalite ring - Scotland, 1996
  • Fulvia Ring/lapis lazuli ring - Wendy Brandes
  • Sterling peacock ring with emeralds and sapphires - c. 1890-1910, great-something (Mom? I should know this)
  • Gold hoops - gift from L, 2002
  • Gold/crystal necklace/earrings - Swarovski, CA's mom's

A close-up of the ring - I see copies of this all over the Interwebz without the same delicate detail, but mine's the real deal. 
I know it's an old family piece, and I know the age from an antiques site that had an identical ring (here, link 'cause I love). The neck on mine has been bent backwards at some point in its history.

After a long day, I came to home to find Vizzini sprawled out on the groovy 1970s tiles of the deck.
"What? I always sleep here."

Most cats have favourite spots - Vizzini is an equal opportunity visitor to every flat (and sometimes not) surface in our house. He will sleep anywhere. 

After a fun evening of board games, L and I slept in for a bit before rousing ourselves to go to have brunch at John's Place. 
This hot weather won't last - time to wear these new pink flatform sandals! 

  • T-shirt - Karl Lagerfeld, consignment; first seen here in March for our Tweed Magazine photo-shoot
  • Skirt - A Tribute to Marimekko by H&M, thrifted; last worn here (2nd outfit) in July 2023 for a grocery shop and brunch
  • Flatform sandals - Skyhigh F Razzle, Fluevog; bought here for $249.99 with gift cards
  • Velour hoodie (below) - Juicy Couture, thrifted; last seen here (3rd outfit) in April for dinner out with L

Following the formula of Interesting Skirt + graphic tee. 
I adore this cotton/silk tissue thin skirt - it's got massive pockets. 

And it's very wide. 
It makes for wondrous billowing when I go down stairs. 

The waist is tiny (it's a size 2), so I don't zip it all the way, and I hide the waistband under a belt. 
I always try all sizes! You never know. 

I sunblocked my arms - it was even hotter on Saturday, up to 24! - and layered this velour hoodie over my tee. 
All shades of pink and orange - this outfit had a lot of admirers while we were out. 

Incognito - it was a very bright day!
After brunch, we drove out to Turnabout so that I could pick up gift cards for two of our friends' birthdays (not a surprise, not ruining anything). 

I may have had a bit of a splurge, spending some of my tax return. 
Everyone loved the sandals - they took a little bit of getting used to walking in that high platform but they were really comfortable overall. 

The stuff: 
The flat platforms ("flatforms," get it?) are much more neon in person. I loved them and can't wait to wear them again! 

Orange bling: 
All the bracelets and belt were a pain while I tried things on, but Turnabout's a dressier place - I always make more of an effort for them. 

  • Purse - Michael Kors, consignment
  • Belt - vintage 80s, thrifted
  • Plastic cuff/ring - Italian, vintage mall
  • Orange bangle - consignment, Sidney
  • Steel/Lucite ring - Calvin Klein, thrifted
  • Earrings - vintage fair

Before we headed out, we went looking for Vizzini. 
"What? I always sleep here."

Gentle Reader, he hasn't slept here in MONTHS. Such a liar! 

I took a picture of L at John's Place. 
So hung over and yet still so cool. 

Our wonderful server Deborah.
Aw, thank you for all the wonderful service, honey. 

After brunch, I bought my gift cards, and did a tour of the menswear section of Turnabout with L, where he found a Jaws-themed shirt, and then settled in for a long browse for myself. L sat outside in the sun and read a book.

He did hang around long enough to encourage me to get these wonderful patent leather over-the-knee boots. 
I thrashed my last pair of OTK boots, and have been on the lookout for another pair for over a year. 

These have elastic backs, which make them a perfect slim fit. 
That's a very comfy heel for me, and there's enough room inside for me to wear socks. Yay! 

The other boot says, "Stuart" on the sole - these are by Stuart Weitzman, and their OTK boots range between $795-850. 
These were marked down from $289.99 to $130.50, a bargain. They hardly have any wear on them. 

I found this wonderful pleated, poufy, and fold-y skirt. 
I love the paprika red shade, and the bubble hem, which is elasticated like the waist. 

It has pockets! 
Nice big ones! 

It's by Kaliyana, a boutique on Sussex Drive in Ottawa, and they specialized in this baggy, folded, layered aesthetic. 
This is similar to their Tessa or Kyoto skirts, which retail for $269.00 (link here, all links 'cause I love). I paid $114.99. 

Only things that REALLY ring my bell (or are really cheap, ha ha) get to come home with me - this shop, I bought fewer items, but really love what I found. 
What a pretty mix of colours - I have all of these in my closet! 

This is a linen-rayon blend tie-front cover-up, with a gorgeous tropical leaf pattern. 
It's by Maison d'Amelie, a brand that seems to be a Marshalls/Winners one. 

It was New With Tags. 
I paid $42.99. I think the set was a pair of wide-legged trousers (I saw a similar set online). 

This was in with the athletic wear. 
Is it a dress? Maybe...? 

Or is it a really long bomber jacket? 
I knew I loved the print and the colours, and the sporty cuff/hem trim. 

It's a coat...although it doesn't have any pockets (grrrr). 
Wonderful purple satin lining! 

It's just polyester. 
But it feels very silky. 

It's by AMT (Above Mediocre Taste). Ha, I like that - my taste is not mediocre. 
I got zero hits for this company, and zero matches for anything similar. It was $79.99 and I can't wait to wear it! 

I gasped when I saw this studded suede jacket. Chocolate brown! 
So many studs! 

OMG, the back is fringed! 
Oh, my heart! 

And there are more studs under the fringe! 
And all the different studs - what great detail. 

More fringe! 
The sleeves! Note also the little side lace-ups. 

Nice big zipped pockets. 
Thick brass zippers. 

Wait, why are there no studs on one side of the collar?
That's so odd - someone must have spaced out at the factory. The studs aren't missing (no holes). 

It's made of goat leather. 
Sorry, goats, but you are creepy anyway. 

No goats were sacrificed, you'll be happy to know. Just in case you were worried. 
However, they did get eaten (!). This is by Zara, it's New With (some) Tags, and I saw the same one on the Interwebz ranging between $189 to $258 (and one site claiming this was from the 80s - it is NOT). I paid $85.00 - it was marked down from $229.99. 

When we got home, Vizzini threw himself down at my feet. 
"What? I always flop here."

That's true, actually - this is where I stand to pose, so he knows he's in my way. 

He seemed happy to see me. 
"What's that you're dangling...?"

Uh-oh, the camera cord has caught his...


Someone's feeling frisky! 

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Much love to my mom and all the moms (and children of moms) out there! 


  1. What gorgeous finds you came across this weekend! There is a lot of your favorite “pank” in this round. Good for you!

    It’s warming up in Arizona too now. But we definitely expect it here.


  2. Sounds like you had a good weekend Sheila . Good to see you dressing for Spring as we head into Autumn/Winter. I love your peacock jacket , you are so talented. I love your bright pink flatforms , always so comfortable.
    I am always in awe of the amazing finds in your recycle shops , those otk books are amazing.

  3. Your peacock jacket more than makes up for the ‘off it goes’ pink skirt. As for your brunch-shopping outfit, I love it! The vibrancy and fluidity are simply perfect! Kudos to you for trying those platforms. They are definitely a conversation starter and their height make it easier for the skirt to flow and swish.

    Hey Vizzini, nice to see you claiming your many spaces. ;) I’ll bet the tile feels good on hot sunny days.

    Swooning over the boots, skirt and tie top from your shop. Picturing them together as one outfit. As for the item you called a coat, to me it looked like a silk robe. Am definitely curious to see how you style it.

    Here’s to a fabulous week!
    Cheers, Laurie

  4. Yes, I see what you mean about the first skirt, Sheila - never mind you can't win them all. Your peacock jacket was beautiful; you clever thing! The second skirt is magnificent; I loved it and the flatform shoes, too. You found some brilliant stuff on your shop (you have such a good eye). I really liked the 'coat' and the fringed and studded jacket as well as the lovely colourful tie top.

    Don't animals always get under your feet? Rain is forever blocking my entrance/exit; just standing there like a lemon...

  5. So many great outfits. That blue jacket is gorg and I love the pink skirt as well. You styled everything so well.

  6. That pink suede and leather skirt might be gorgeous but you're absolutely right in that it does nothing for you. What a shame, though! Your Peacock Jacket totally steals the show, though, and I'm head over heels with that fabulous peacock ring!
    Your Marimekko by H&M skirt is making my heart sing, and so do those pink flatforms!
    Great finds, as usual, my particular favourite being the AMT coat!
    Vizzini's choice of sleeping/flopping spots made me smile. Bess does have her usual spots, but every so often she finds a new one which makes us panic as we cannot find her! xxx

  7. Hello Vizzini, I've missed ya!
    Your peacock jacket is magnificent, as is the inherited ring. It's always a joy to see the Marimekko maxi skirt and as you know, I love a flatform.
    I can see you rocking the heck out of that paprika skirt, great jacket, too. I scored a fantastic studded and rhinestone encrusted black leather moto jacket before I went away, it looked fantastic on but ye gods, my hair kept catching on the adornments and I slung it in the Kinky Shed before I went bald. Hopefully I'll find a buyer with a crew cut! xxx

  8. I'm swooning over the pink skirt and flatforms and the new puffy paprika skirt!


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