Sunday, May 2, 2021

Bigass Weekend Wrap-Up: Winesday Spring Birthday Tea and Mad Hatter Tulle

Hello, my friends! This weekend, I got my email to book my vaccine appointment, and I'll be going for my first jab a week Tuesday! I am SO excited, and it feels like a weight has fallen off my shoulders. I find myself having little "relief cries" - it's like there is an end in sight. 

I have a special occasion to share with y'all in today's post! Our Winesday Spring Tea has returned, to honour and celebrate our spring birthday gals: Caro, Ali and Yvonne. Karen was also one of our spring birthdays, and she was there with us in spirit. I have oodles of pics from our Tea Party in the Park below, and if you're interested, here is the 2019 Spring Tea (here, scroll down) at the Abkhazi Gardens.

And, finally, this is the outfit I'll be entering for the "Good Buy/Goodbye Book", and I'm linking up with Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge, and Nancy of Nancy's Fashion Style when that airs in a couple of weeks - so if you are here due to that, thank you for stopping by to check me out! 

L called this "possibly your best outfit ever!" which is a huge compliment as he's totally used to my excessive levels of whackitude. I went full-on Mad Hatter for this tea party! 
Yeah, I went pretty over-the-top with this! I am stoked to dress up for every single freakin' event. Life is short - wear the clothes! 

  • Leather jacket - Baez Leather, consignment; purchased here for $348.00
  • Dress - Anne Elisabeth, thrifted; purchased here for $19.95
  • Floofy underskirt - Noa Noa; last worn here under my Hallowe'en dress in October 2020
  • Shoes - Half Truth Veda, Fluevog; last seen here in October 2020 with casual plaid

It was finally cool enough to wear this new-to-me leather jacket, and I know you've been looking forward to seeing me style it. As the peplum on it is a full circle, it worked perfectly with the full circle skirt of the dress. 
I took the sash off the dress and tied it around my vintage top hat. 

I can't stop looking at the jacket. 
It is truly magnificent, and as you can see, it's a perfect fit. At close to $350 it is easily the most expensive second hand piece of clothing I've ever bought, but so worth it! 

Showing my floofy underskirt, which is my tulle element for the Good-Buy/Goodbye book. I test-drove this outfit on Tuesday last week to make sure I had all the main parts (clothes/shoes) ready to go, then added my accessories on Saturday morning.  
I'd hoped to wear my new-to-me tulle tutu with this but it was TOO pouffy to go under the dress and/or jacket, especially as I knew I'd be sitting on the ground for most of the tea party. It will get worn soon, though! 

I felt like a million bucks in this outfit and twirled in it multiple times (all the pics I tried to take of it were overly blurry). 
I had originally planned for a little hat with a veil (more of a fancy tea look), but knew the wind would wreak havoc with once I had this whole  outfit on, I realized, "Nope, I need the top hat!"

I varied between wearing the jacket fully done up and unzipped thusly. 
Although we had a sunny day, it is still a bit chilly, especially closer to the water (the park is two blocks from the ocean). The thick leather was very good for wind resistance and the black heated up in the sun and kept me warm. 

Without the jacket, so you can admire the dress on its own. 
I adore a classic fit-and-flare dress.

Especially one with massive pockets! 
This joins my Spanish Ladies dress as a permanent fixture in my closet. I always check how well a sleeveless dress will work with all of my tattoos.
I threaded my leather grommet belt through the existing side belt-loops.

I wore a full-length vintage black slip underneath it, with my floofy underskirt, which is a viscose liner plus a layer of tulle trimmed with three rows of double-tulle. My make-up-less face and house glasses. 
I bought the underskirt in March 2010 for $27.95 at Dots - it was a sample from Noa Noa's "Avenue Net" line and originally retailed for $150.00. I haven't consistently tracked my use on it, but I do wear it a few times a year, and over 11 years, I'm sure I'm down to a few bucks per wear. 

Just for fun, check out the first time I wore it (here, in April 2010): I forgot to pack the blouse for my outfit (this is when I carried my outfits to work and changed when I got there - I had a much longer walk to work at my previous job). 

Funny, I note in that post about going back to Dots for a "fancy long jacket" that was also by Noa Noa - that's my frock coat (Flashback here), and obviously I did buy it! 

Masked up. I forgot to take a picture of the mask on its own, but I wore it while I was in areas with people. 
It's by Mom, and the colours went really well with the slightly aqua tinge of the green dress. 

Some stuff: 
My vintage 80s top hat (rescued from the giveaway pile from L's former boss' wife), with the dress self-belt, plus an additional fascinator clip of feathers. I added vintage 1920 shoe clips to my plain black shoes to jazz them up. 

  • Hat - vintage 80s, Le Chateau, via Alexis
  • Fascinator - Heart's Content, Fan Tan Alley
  • Shoe clips - from Rad Juli @ a burlesque show ($10)

More stuff: 
I wore contacts so that I could wear these blue round sunglasses. 

  • Sunglasses - the Patch
  • Belt - gift from Ruth
  • Turquoise ring - Karen's
  • F@#! silver swear rings - Wendy Brandes
  • Silver earrings - consignment

I look slightly psycho here, since I forgot to look at the camera. 
I re-purpled my hair (it will fade out to lavender in a few days), and as the weather was REALLY windy out, I did pigtails to keep it from snarling. My hat stayed in place despite the gusts of wind - it's pushed down to rest on the top of my bunches. 

Showing my swear rings. 
F@#!, I'm so excited to see my friends! 

L also dressed up. He swapped his porkpie hat for a lower-profile blue cap later on, due to the wind.
Wearing dark jeans, a classic pair of Fluevogs, a baby blue suit jacket from Mango's, and a vintage shirt he found at the Patch on our anniversary weekend in March. 

Vizzini did not join us in the park shenanigans. 
"What? You're going out?"

We didn't get home until close to 7pm, and that was one seething ball of hungry, yowling fury! 

L drove me down to the park - the Winesday Women gathered for two hours on our own, and then our men joined us at 4pm. 
Look at that sexy car! I wouldn't let L take the convertible top down as I was dressed up. I have to plan for "top down" weather. 

I was first to arrive, so staked out a nice open spot not too close to other people sunbathing or hanging out in this field. 
Ali arrived minutes later, and unpacked her picnic bag. I recognized my skirt, my t-shirt and my leather shirt on her. I love seeing my old clothes on my friends! 

She's rockin' the side-pony, and has her teacup and saucer ready. 
$2.00 at the Goodwill for the teacup, well done, Ali! 

I brought my Ralph Lauren poncho as my picnic blanket, plus a placemat, cloth napkin, a fork, a spreader knife, a fancy China plate and a teacup and saucer. 
Also a wad of paper napkins (because of course I have numerous spills, that's how I roll), a thermos of boiling water for my tea, some fancy hair detangler and samples for my gals, plus two tall cans of raspberry green tea. The gift certificates and cards are held down with my thermos, as they tried to blow away. 

We all pre-ordered our individual teas from the White Heather Tea Room (scene of our first Winesday Spring Tea, here, in 2018), which was a wonderful experience. Look at this massive tea I got! 
This is the Claudette Petite Afternoon Tea (link here, 'cause I love). We have: a ham pinwheel sandwich, an egg salad pinwheel sandwich, an apricot scone, a cranberry scone (with raspberry preserves - some of us got lemon curd - and clotted cream), a slice of Earl Grey shortbread, a lemon tart with cream, and a festive coconut macaroon, with a plump raspberry and sliced apple, and decorated with fresh flowers. I ate it all! Yum yum yum.

We got dry tea in pouches, so I popped mine into my thermos of hot water, and enjoyed a few cups of Earl Grey tea. 
This is the cup and saucer that was mine at my Grandma J's when I was younger. The Harry and Megan spoon was a gift from Cat from when she, Yvonne and I stayed up all night to watch their wedding (shenanigans here). 

Kudos and thanks to Yvonne and Randall who picked up our seven takeaway teas (one for Randall!).
Thank you guys! (pic by Ronnie).

Cat is a vision in her blue ensemble.
Awesome dress! Fabulous "arm party" of jewelry, her dad's watch and rings, plus she was wearing one of Karen's pendants. I love those Fluevogs! 

She brought her Harry and Megan spoon too. 
We outlasted the sunbathers in the background. 

Yvonne wore my old coat - you can see how windy it was out! 
The white boxes are our teas, individually packed up. 

I'd bought cards for each of the birthday gals, and pens for all to sign them. 
"Don't sign your own card!"
This has happened in the past, ha ha! 

Vero is looking chill. 
That cape is my old Smoking Lily one! 

Those are my blue earrings too. 
Looking gorgeous, Vero! 

Caro's got her cast off, finally.
She is dressed for the chill in her puffer and duck boots - that's my old denim maxi skirt. Everyone but Cat was wearing something of mine! 
My friends are glamourous movie stars! I see Ali in the reflection. 

What a beautiful day. 
The little brown thing in the foreground below Yvonne on the left there is a small wineglass that we brought for Karen. We tipped in sips of our drinks (a little wine, a little cider, some fizzy water - stay hydrated!). It fell over at one point - but it's not a Winesday gathering until someone knocks over a glass.
We stayed distanced outside, and kept to the 10-person maximum. Only Yvonne, Randall, Nick and Ali (who's a care-home worker) have had their first shots of the vaccine so far, but our friends should all be able to book their appointments in the next week or so. 

By early-to-mid June, we should all have our first jab of the vaccine. Canada is delaying the second shots by 2+ months, to ensure that we get first shots to everyone before rolling out the second. It feels very slow, but I'm still grateful and hope that our numbers will drop to the point where we can have parties again - I am jonesing for parties badly. 
Chris' chair is waiting. Great boots, Ali! 

Thank goodness for the sun. 
Poor Vero was so cold. She ended up huddled under Caro's blanket. 

A view of the field behind us. 
This filled up with people playing games, hanging out, and folks walked through/around/by us constantly. Lots of people were enjoying the great weather. 

Our guys have arrived! 
As this put our group over 10 people, we split up on gender lines. Nick is still struggling with putting his chair together, hee hee. From left: Chris, L, Nick, Ross and Randall. 

Chris and L. 
It was so good to see our pals in person and just shoot the sh*t, and talk about trivial things. Seeing people on Zoom is not the same! 

Ross and Randall. 
Ross is brave wearing shorts! Someone commented recently that our guys often wear hats - I guess they do! I'm just used to them all wearing hats, but we are very stylish folks for the most part.

Caro and Ronnie. 
Ronnie chilled with the gals for a while. He brought chicken wings to eat - no tea for him! 

He also took some amazing pics - thanks, Ron! You're awesome!
Aw, Chris and Ali. 

L and I are getting ready to go - I've got my backpack on and am adjusting L's clothes. 
He's irritated by it, but I can't NOT do it. I'm a fusser. (photo by Ron).

I love this picture! The shadows are getting long. 
And we have a hungry kitty at home. (photo by Ron).
Let's go feed him before he destroys something we love. (photo by Ron).

One last shot. 
Take care, my dear friends! (photo by Ron),

I hope you enjoyed our weekend fun! 
One last picture with me and Vlad the Jag. 

What kind of mischief have you been up to this weekend?
Thanks so much for swinging by! Stay fabulous!


  1. Oh my gosh, I love the Mad Hatter outfit!! Does it get any more fun than that?! This tea party sounds like such a fun time. And congrats on your vaccine appointment! That is so exciting. I got my second dose this morning and am so so grateful.

    Miles of smiles,

    1. Thank you so much, Grace! It was a really fun outfit to wear (especially when twirling!). Happy to hear you've already gotten your second jab, hooray!

  2. I don't even know where to begin so I'll just start with WOW! Every detail is perfect and you just totally rock the whole look.

    1. Thanks so much, Nana! It felt SO good go be this dressed up again!

  3. How right L is! This is one head-turningly, show-stoppigly, absolutely, positively sensational ensemble!

    Autumn Zenith šŸ§” Witchcrafted Life

    1. Thank you, Autumn! I felt fantastic being all dressed up - I hadn't realized how much I missed my OTT outfits!

  4. Oh sweetie, thank you for the write-up. I so treasure your blog and still drooling over that new jacket! xoxocaro

  5. That is one fantastic Mad Hatter outfit, Sheila! Such fun and totally you. That jacket fits you like a dream. L and the sexy car are the perfect accessories.
    That looked like a brilliant way to spend the day, fabulous company and avery sumptuous cream tea! xxx

    1. Thank you, Vix! I felt so amazing in the whole thing. Ha, yes, L and the car make it even better.

      It was an incredible day - I'm so grateful for my dear friends.

  6. Fabulous outfit, check. Glorious day, check. Snazzy car, check. Spending time in person with friends, off the charts!

    Yeehah for your appointment a week from tomorrow! I so understand your breath of relief; felt the same way.

    Thank you for sharing your Tea Party...vicariously enjoyed it all...the food, the location, the outfits, and your wonderful friends, who it often feels like I’ve met thanks to all your prior posts. And I know Vizzini was home paw tapping and wondering: when will my people get home!

    1. Check, check, check, Laurie! Ha ha! It was a wonderful afternoon.

      It feels like such a relief to have my appointment. Just such a hugh load off.

      I'm so glad you enjoyed it vicariously, my dear! The Family I Choose is a pretty solid one - I love my friends so much.

      Vizzini was furious, but got over it once he had his dinner.

  7. That jacket is so amazing on you and perfect with the dress! Such a fun detail to wear the belt around your hat :) It's so good you got to meet up for this and that you should get your vaccine soon - still not looking like any time this year for us, but at least we still have no cases for the moment and hopefully they will be able to vaccinate the doctors and nurses at least that look after the people coming into quarantine from overseas that are infected with the virus to stop it spreading :(

    1. Thank you, Mica! I loved how well they went together. Wow, I hope Australia gets on the vaccine soon, but you guys did such an amazing job on quelling the cases!

  8. The jacket is absolutely glorious - it's very frock coatish I think which is why it looked so fab with the top hat. The gorgeous aqua green dress looked so stylish and I loved the lacy tights, too.

    What a lovely way to celebrate a birthday with an afternoon tea - (I'd rather have an afternoon tea than a dinner) and don't you find them very filling? All your friends looked lovely and I'm just sorry it was a bit chilly out. Never mind it will soon be hot enough to sit outside minus coats/jackets/ponchos.

    Good luck with the vaccine - just over a week to go. It's true: I felt so relieved to get my first jab and on top of the world to get the second...

    Have a great week

    1. Yes, agreed, Vronni - it's a very similar style to my striped frock coat, so has that costumey vibe about it. I was really happy with my outfit overall.

      It was so yummy and yes, very filling! That's a lot of fancy sweets and carbs that I don't usually eat, but it was a treat to enjoy. The weather doesn't bother us too much - we are all used to it here!

      Thank you - and phew, I'll be so glad when it's done! Happy week ahead to you, my dear!

  9. That's the way you make lemonade, or shall I say tea with maybe lemon, out of the current world situation! You have the details perfected and love that real tea cups were used.

    1. Ha, love it, Sam! I encouraged real tea-cups and dressing up (this comes as a huge shocker, I'm sure, hee hee).

  10. Great news that you were able to book your vaccine appointment - I totally misunderstood your previous post, I'm being quite scatterbrained lately. I've just read in today's paper that my age group will probably get their invitations in the week of May 17, so hopefully I'll be getting my first jab before the month is out. I'll believe it when I'll see it though!
    Your Mad Hatter outfit is fun and fantastic! Both your funky dress and fabulous leather jacket couldn't have had a better partner for their first outing. That jacket was definitely worth every penny. I think it has "Sheila" written all over it. Wonderful idea to tie the dress's sash around your top hat. And you're looking very sexy in your vintage slip and floofy underskirt.
    Your tea in the park looks delightful and lots of fun. That must have done you the world of good. Can't wait to see people again! xxx

    1. Yes, I'm so excited about it, Ann! No worries, all these different countries' ways of rolling it out is very confusing. That's fantastic news, and I'm sending good vibes your way to get your jab by the end of the month!

      I had such a great time being all dressed up like this. I have missed that "extra"-ness I usually do for special occasions! I really needed to see all my friends - it was amazing just to hang out with them.

  11. Gosh your friends, and your get togethers, are so my kind a people. How much fun and cozyness! Your outfit looks like you stepped out of a mooie. Fantastic. That jacket fits you like a glove and is super sexy! Looking forward to showcase the outfit on the 15th!

    1. Aren't they awesome? I love my friends so much. I had a great time getting dressed up and basically just hanging out in my get-up. I adore the jacket - and I'm wearing it again today! I'm also excited about the 15th! Thank you!

  12. Oh my, this was such a JUBILANT post! Firstly, I ADORE your Mad hatter's outfit (and really, you got that tophat for free from a giveaway pile!??!! En-vee-ous!!!!
    I adore the combination of clothing and that dress is a dream. The leather jacket is so special- that detailing is marvellous!
    I LOVED the sound of your get together and the fact that most of the ladies were wearing Sheila items!!! That's so cool! I love seeing someone wear my old things- my work colleague Kim has a few things of mine and she always looks so nice in them! That reminds me- I've got a few more things for her to take in!
    The afternoon tea looked divine- those sandwiches!!!! This seemed such a lovely thing to do!
    I also appreciated the cosy Vizzini pic too!x

    1. Thank you so much, Kezzie! It was so fun to wear. I had to rip the hat out of L's hands - he wanted it - but clearly, it's a woman's hat. We had to go buy his top hat right away after that! The leather jacket is amazing in person, even better.

      I was so touched that they all wore "Sheila" items. It's so rewarding to see one's old things get new life with someone else. It was a wonderful tea (and delicious!). Thanks again, my dear!

  13. Your mad hatter outfit is absolutely fabulous. I also love the black vintage slip and the pettiskirt you wore underneath. A pettiskirt is such a great way to add volume. The tights you wore are fantastic as well. The car does look very sexy too! I understand what you mean that you have to dress in a certain way for riding with the top of convertible down. I imagine that driving without a top could mess up one's hairdo and outfit. So, better to keep the top on for this outfit. Speaking of hairdo, I love your re-purple hair. I'm a fan of lavender hair but as my natural hair colour is very dark, that would involve too much bleach so I only draw mermaid hair.

    1. Thanks, Ivana! I love the added volume from my floofy underskirt - it's been a very handy item in my wardrobe for over a decade. I do have to plan if the top is going to be down so that I can cover up my hair! Thanks - I redo it every so often as the purple tends to fade out. Yes, wait till your hair is all white like mine!

  14. You look divine in that ensemble. The jacket was a marvelous find and you fabulous in it. It sounds like you and your friends had a fantastic time together. Your tea looked scrumptious.


    1. Thank you so much, Rena, it was a blast getting all dressed up again! I've missed my friends and the events we all used to go to. The tea was amazing - I'd do it again!

  15. woawwww I totally agree with L. that this is possibly your best outfit ever. I felt in love with your leather jacket the moment I saw it, but it's even better in this ensemble!, overwhelming fabulousness!. Love your dress (woww, fit and flare classic, fab print And Pockets!), love your rings and accessories and Love Your Hat!!
    Totally enthusiastic about your tea party and lovely Friends too!, I miss parties too!

    1. Aw, thanks so much, Monica! I really felt amazing in it. The leather jacket is SO awesome. I hope we can have parties again soon!

  16. I don't know if that is your best outfit ever, but it is pretty darn fabulous! The shade of green in the dress goes beautifully with the purple hair. That jacket is going to add a shot of KAPOW to anything you wear with it.

    Your tea looks lovely - I miss being able to eat scones and sandwiches! I had my first vaccine shot in mid-April and hope my second one happens sooner rather than later. Happy to hear you will be getting yours soon.

    1. I can't think of too many outfits that top it, Shelley! I really loved wearing all of it. The jacket is amazing, just an incredible piece.

      It was so good - I could eat another one NOW. Yay for your first shot! I hope it won't be long until your second one!

  17. What a great outfit. You so were the part. For me as a Dutch person, tea is what you drink from a cup. But of course there is also the meaning tea as a meal. Gosh that looks good. It is like a not-so-mini high tea. Love the dress and the hat and the belt around it and the jacket (oh the jacket !!). And I must have one of these slips. I could so use one.
    Imagine you forgetting to put your blouse on hahaha.
    The one who commented on the guys wearing hats all the time.. I bet that was me (grin).

    1. Thank you, Greetje! Yes, we refer to tea the drink, and tea the afternoon meal - it's part of my city's ongoing image of "a wee bit of Olde Englande" (insert my rolling eyes here). It was a delicious meal, though!

      Thank you - I loved all these pieces so much, but the jacket is the star. A floofy underskirt is a basic in my wardrobe.

      It probably was, ha ha!


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