Monday, January 21, 2019

Weekend Wrap-Up: Plaid Cowgirl, Olive Leopard-Bee, and Cat Pictures

Hello, my friends! I am back, but I've been sick this weekend: a nasty UTI (urinary tract infection) hit me this weekend, so I've been laying low and taking my antibiotics. 

Saturday: L and I had some household chore-y things to do, so I geared up to face the world. 
 Plaid flannel, to pretend I am still in bed; and cowboy boots, for kicking butt (mentally, of course).

This is my entry for "Visible Monday" over at Patti's Not Dead Yet Style! Go!

  • Dress - Naughty; last worn here in February 2018 for last year's VFF Gala evening
  • Boots - 1883 Lucchesse, consignment; last seen here in December 2018 (another cowgirl look!)
  • Leather coat (below) - Danier Leather; last worn just a few days ago here

This dress is one of my few retail purchases - I got it at Dots around September 2011 for $30, and first wore it here. It's going on 8 years old this year!
 I love all the swoops and swaths of fabric.

I'm wearing a red vintage slip under it for coverage and warmth, as the dress is unlined.
 It's a 9/10 dress for comfort, fun, and style. I dock it a point for lack of pockets.

Outerwear - should have worn a scarf, although it was a lovely sunny day.
 Klassy, changing up my purse, even.

  • Gloves - Danier Leather
  • Purse - Steve Madden, consignment

The stuff:
 Easy boots. We did a lot of walking and busing around town.

  • Belt - Gap, consignment
  • Black cuff - Guess, thrifted
  • Red cuff - Rimanchik
  • Earrings - Tanya Gleave, Granville Island

Before we leave the house, we always check for Vizzini, as he often gets shut in a closet (he's very sneaky). Look where we finally found him!
"Really, Woman? I'm trying to nap here."
 Having gotten a new bathrobe for Christmas, I cut up my old one (which he liked to sleep on), and lined his scratching post house with it.

Such a cutie! Let's use the flash! Ha ha!
"You have a sick sense of humour, Woman." 
 That's for all the times you wake me up at 4am.

On Saturday night, things were not feeling good. I came down with the aforementioned horrendous UTI, only my second one in 23 years! I barely slept that night, and got up very early on Sunday to get in line at a local medical clinic (my province's huge lack of doctors being readily apparent). Close to 8 hours later - so much waiting! - I was home again and taking antibiotics. I didn't do much on Sunday at all, except lie on the couch and doze and watch football.

Today, up and ready to go to work. I had this outfit sitting in reserve for a day when I didn't have anything planned.
 I look like an olive bumblebee with leopard arms. Perhaps that is the sleep debt talking?

  • Blouse - Planet, consignment; last seen here in February 2018 with yellow
  • Sweater - Tuzzi, consignment; purchased here for $11.50
  • Suede/leather skirt - Ann Taylor, thrifted; last worn here with green and snakes in November 2018
  • Shoes - Chie Mihara, consignment; first worn here in November with green rabbits
  • Coat (below) - Hilary Radley, thrifted; last seen here a week ago

I did manage to freshen up my lilac colour on Saturday before all hell broke loose.
 This outfit was fine, but I left work early today. I was still feeling really wiped out, and a few of my coworkers noticed I was looking pale. Gotta listen to my body, and not push through!

I'm not 100% on this weird sweater - it was itchy, even with a blouse under it - so it's in the giveaway pile. It was worth a shot at less than $12, though. Always attempt the weird, even if it fails.
 The bottom half of the outfit is pretty standard, and I was reminded how nice this suede skirt is.

How I really felt this morning.
 Don't want to go to work. Nope Face!

Outerwear - it's clear and cold, and I wanted to be warm.
 I was.

  • Toque/gloves - Danier Leather
  • Fur scarf - thrifted

The stuff:
 Second wearing of these wonderful shoes. Sorry for such a short outing, shoes. Another time.

Minimal bling:
 Tip #34 for How to tell Sheila isn't feeling well: I don't bother with jewelry.

This is what I really need.
"Woman, I protest this shot of my butt-hole!"
 I'm sorry, buddy, I didn't know it was showing!

This is waiting for me now...
"I shall sleep on you."
On my way.


  1. So sorry you've been feeling poorly! Those UTI's are painful and the treatment is not that much fun either! But you still look marvelous and I love, love your new hair color. And Mr. V in his leopard print home is all the good things! Feel better soon, xox.

    1. Well, just oral anti-biotics for treatment, so not that bad, but the actual UTI itself was brutal.

      Thanks so much for your good vibes!

  2. Two fabulous looks here Sheila! Love the ruched plaid flannel dress, such a cool twist . I can see the comfy factor here too, a must when you are under the weather! Also love the leopard and plaid.
    How smart, and good for world that you used your old robe that way.
    Do you take cranberry supplements? They reduce the incidence of changing the PH levels.
    And a good probiotic.. sorrry I wear my honorary doctor coat too often, but I want to be sure,

    Take good care, we are in hibernation mode here in NY.. so cold out and I am getting a biit whacked by my autoimmune disease.. I may need to wear my kick butt boots too.
    Much love,

    1. Thanks, Elle! I love that dress. Since this is only my 2nd UTI in 23 years, I think I'm okay, but I have heard that about cranberries, thank you! I do not mind you in doctor mode, my dear. :)

      Thank you!

  3. I hope you feel better real soon!! Always good to attempt the weird!

  4. Hope you're feeling better, Shiela. Your cat is too cute. Your checkered dress is fab too. X

  5. Oh sorry to hear you were unwell Sheila - it's crazy to hear how long you had to wait to see the doctor! It makes me feel very lucky to live where I do! We can have the doctor come over to the house if we are too unwell to leave or we have a 24/7 medical centre just 5 minutes away. Although the wait can be up to 2 hours at busy times it's nowhere near your wait! Rest up and feel better soon!

    1. Thanks for the good vibes, Mica! Part of that is waiting to get into the clinic before it opens, then waiting in the clinic to get a time to come back, then waiting in the clinic again, then waiting at the drug store for my prescription. It's ridiculous!

  6. Hope those meds kick I fast and you're back to your perky self soon.

  7. Very nice dress. Hearing its origin makes me feel better about occasionally buying retail.

  8. Sorry to hear you've been sick, Sheila, and in a weekend to boot :-( Those UTI's can be really nasty. I haven't had one for ages, but I do remember what it felt like. Just awful! And having to wait so long at the clinic can't have been much fun either. Loving Saturday's flannel dress. Comfy and stylish all in one. And how cute is Vizzini in his little leopard bolt hole! xxx

    1. Thanks, Ann, I appreciate the good wishes. UTIs are nasty, horrible things. Isn't Vizzini the cutest? Almost as cute as Phoebe on her tissue.

  9. What a great plaid dress. It goes really well with the red slip underneath and the coat and the really cool gloves and purse. Love the whole outfit! Bummer the hooded sweater didn't work out. It's really cool too. Itchy sweaters are the worst!
    Hope you feel better soon.

    1. Thanks, Cheryene! It's been a favourite for years. I know, I'm sad that the stripey sweater didn't work - I can't handle that much itch.

  10. Did you really had to wait almost eight hours for your anti biotic s?? Goodness that's a whole day! I hope they are working now and that you feel better. Btw, shocking to read that you shop retail.......πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. From start (waiting at the clinic) to end (getting an antibiotic prescription filled), yes, nearly 8 hours. So much for my Sunday!

      I don't very often - Dots is a place I will still shop, though. I did buy that dress in 2011!

  11. Love your plaid dress and how gorgeous you look wearing it! Love it with these boots and coat!
    Sorry that you've been sick, those UTI are awful and even more awful to have to wait so much to have the antibiotics!. The good thing is that they work quickly!

    1. Thank you so much, Monica! I'm feeling much better now.

  12. I love the first outfit and the red coat. But I would never ever wear a dress without sleeves in winter. Never.
    Love the cat stories as always.

    1. It hasn't been that cold, and with my hot flashes, sleeveless has been working really well for me. Hee, I think Vizzini is more popular than me!

  13. Its too bad the sweater is itchy I love it and love the strip and leopard print, you always open my eyes to patterns that I would never think to put together. Kailani was a HUGE fan of the mixing of patterns and commented that it was like being in a jungle - RAWR!

    Take care of yourself and get better xox

    1. I like it too, and it's too bad that it was SO itchy. Thanks, Kailani! Thanks, Trish, working on it...

  14. UTIs are just the pits....I do hope you're feeling better now. I've been told cranberry juice is a good instant remedy and I know the last time I had a UTI ( along time go thank goodness) I was able to buy some proprietary medicine over the counter and it worked! But a full blown UTI needs antibiotics.

    Loved the cow girl look but I agree with you the sweater even looks itchy!

    1. Cranberry juice would not have fixed this, believe me! Antibiotics were needed badly! It was no fun at all.

      Thank you! Yup, sweater is GONE.

  15. Oh, I certainly hope you are feeling better. I don't even remember the last time I went to the ER, but the situation is pretty much the same, you have to wait forever.
    That Dots dress is such a classic. It reminds me of McQueen.

    1. Yup, the ER is even worse here. We have a major shortage of doctors.

      Agreed, that is probably why I love it so much!


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