Sunday, July 7, 2024

Weekend Wrap-Up: Swanning About in a CAFTAN - Brunch, A Wee Shop, Ye Olde Pandemic Parke Mini-Winesday Chill-Out

Thank you, Gentle Readers, for your kind wishes following my bout of plague. It rather feels like a tsunami of allergies (lots of sneezing, stuffy head, puffy eyes) more than some other insidious cold, and the pollen count is very high so...? My head is full of goop, but I am feeling better. 

After a lovely Friday evening of catching up on "Blown Away" on Netflix (me) and hanging with friends (extrovert L), we hung out later and played board games. Saturday was jam-packed with activity, so I dressed for Maximum Armour.
This called for a CAFTAN! We're also having a heat wave (23, feels like 30), so this was also weather-appropriate for swanning about in comfort.

  • Caftan - Collections By Conrad, vintage 80s, thrifted; purchased here for $24.95
  • Shoes - Geox, thrifted; last worn here (2nd outfit) in June with a black linen dress for brunch

It's also Pride Weekend here in Victoria, with our parade going on - I cannot handle parade crowds (the mere thought makes me anxious and woozy), but sending my vibes to my work colleagues and to Vero and her Party-Fit crew! 
What does one wear under a caftan? Not much! I just have on a comfy bra and some long cotton sporty shorts for Thigh Security. 

My hair's due for a colour [spoiler: I did it on Sunday], and looking a bit blah, so I threw a skinny silk scarf in there. 
Some basic plastic jewelry. 

Rock on! 
I felt so incredible in this - like the goddess version of Mrs. Roper. 

Not that anyone looks at my face when all this colour is shouting, "Me! Me! Me!"

I wore my amazing caftan from 10am to close to 8pm.
And I can't wait to wear it again! It is a 100% winner! 

L and I did brunch at John's Place, followed by a grocery shop. I spent a few minutes whipping up a batch of Rice Krispie squares, then we stuffed L's backpack with drinks, a cold-pack and food for a Mini-Winesday at Ye Olde Pandemic Parke. 
Backpack on the floor behind me. I carried my paper parasol for extra sun-shade - I was also sun-blocked up. 

Accoutrements and stuff: 
I threw all of the colours at this outfit. The scarf slid around in my hair, but stayed put. 

  • Parasol (as above) - Chinatown, several years ago
  • Purse - Michael Kors, consignment
  • Silk scarf - thrifted
  • Yellow cuff - thrifted
  • Black/red Bakelite bracelet - vintage mall, gift from L
  • Silver/onyx ring - Tocara, vintage fair
  • Silver/green stone ring - consignment, Sidney
  • Silver earrings - consignment

These shoes were fine for the earlier chores, but gave me a toe-blister on our walk down. Thank you to Randall for the bandaid - I made it home with the rest of my toes intact. 

As usual, while we briefly waited to be seated at John's, I popped into the Beacon Ave. Thrift Shop next door for a 5-minute shop.
This was the only item worth purchasing - it's a classic mid-00s cocoon-style dress. I wondered if I actually owned this myself at one point, but I certainly wore similar dresses early on in my blogging career! 

It has pockets! Woot! Alert the media!
That pattern is such a classic 2008-2009 one - I know I had a stretchy sheath dress in these colours/similar pattern, but I'm not going to go hunting through my....4,236 posts...for a picture though, sorry. 

100% silk. 
This brand is always reliable quality.

I rarely shopped there when they had a store, but I did always go through Club Monaco and look at the styles and garments, wondering when I'd finally see them in the thrift shops.
All green tags were half price, so this was $6.00. I won't be modeling it - it's very much not my style anymore, but it has good pass-along/sale potential. 

And now, some pics of our afternoon and our chill hang-out with our pals at Beacon Hill Park. 
A snap of L as we walked through Rockland and Fairfield neighbourhoods. 

Randall and Yvonne "bathroom host" for us, with much gratitude. 
That's my guy L on the left, chilling on my Ralph Lauren computer poncho, rocking his "Jaws" shirt, teal jeans, Kangol hat and Fluevogs. Randall is a fan of the Guy Laroche shirt he bought from me! I love it! 

Me and Yvonne encouraging our friends to get their arses down to the park! 
Yvo, you're such a rocker in your slouchy cowboy hat! 

Cat and Ross arrived next and set up their chairs. 
Cheers to you two cool cats!

Rosanna arrived, resplendent in her vintage Hawaiian-made dress and lime parasol.
I started singing "Ice, Ice, Baby" when I saw her, due to her bigass clear bead necklace. 

She sent me pics of the labels afterwards. The Kamehameha Garment Company was established in 1936 (link here, 'cause I love - as always!).
"Creators of World Famous Waikiki Beach Togs" - I get a kick out of the word "togs" - so old school! 

Miss Hawaii. This is variously attributed to the 1950s or 1960s. I think it is 60s due to the style.
I know Rosanna probably found this at Value Village - she is an ace thrifter! Thank you so much for wearing this, honey - you know I fully appreciated it! 

A pic from Yvonne. 
Keeping the sun off my neck -  note that I've hoiked my caftan way up to air my legs! 

Caro rose up on her bike! 
There were about 50 people playing soccer at three different pylon-ed off fields behind her - we were beset upon by balls a few times. 

Tracy and Martin (sorry, missed him in the pics) showed up, followed by Vero and Justin. 
Vero crocheted her bikini top! I'm so impressed! 

Where's Justin? 
Sorry, my dear, I managed to miss your face. Django is hiding behind the salal. 

He's an old pup now, 15 years old. 
He snuggled along in the grass. 

As the sun's rays got longer, L and I realized we had to head home to feed our ravenous little furry boy. 
We walked up Vancouver Street, which is lined with old Victorian houses. Isn't this beautiful? They were all originally painted in bright contrasting colours - this is a pretty tame combination.

Two squirrels, practicing their tree poses. 
"Tree hug!" "Branch pose!"

A gorgeous old Garry Oak in an alleyway between buildings. 
The area I've highlighted red in the back used to be Mom's backyard - the house she grew up in was near that spot, and that's where its backyard was. 

Although I wasn't here for this pic (thanks again, Yvonne!), I am always up for this joy. 
May our shadows always be long! 

And now, off to chill with my little fam. 
"I'll be melting over here."

Caught Vizzini sprawled out on the deck tile. He's got the right idea! 

Thank you so much for dropping by, my friends! 


  1. Heat wave! You’ve got one, Olympia has one and we’ve got one, too. Wouldn’t be too bad if it was just heat but toss in poor air quality or a bit of humidity (or worse, both of those at the same time) and the air conditioner must be turned on!

    The caftan is fabulous! It offers sun protection with pizzazz. You and your friends have wonderful older and newer traditions; it’s always special to be privy to your gatherings. With all that, though, I think Vizzini had the best approach to dealing with the heat!

    Glad that you seem to be feeling better and glad, too, that it was likely allergies. Uncomfortable but manageable.

    Cheers, Laurie

  2. That kaftan is epic, I love it on you! What a perfect choice for a heatwave and loving Rosanna's dress, too. Your day out looked like a right laugh and the weather certainly looked perfect,k yoo.
    Look at Vizzini in his sun puddle, so cute! xxx

  3. Enjoy the warm weather! You lool gorgeous in your colourful kaftan! X

  4. The kaftan is glorious! I'm so glad you got to wear it. I have 3 kaftans now and am hoping I get a chance to wear them in our next spell of hot weather - lets hope the few days of hot weather we had a week or so back wasn't our look lovely in your kaftan and the sliders/mules were a fab find.

    It's lovely you all get to meet up in the park regularly; what a brilliant idea!

  5. This kaftan is so dramatic, I love it. It has got a gorgeous cut and pattern. I can see why you felt invincible wearing it. Such a great look on overall.
    Nice to see you and your friends enjoying being outdoors in a park while still being conscious of the necessity of protecting oneself against the sun's harmful effects. Sun is the source of vitamin D and all, but we still need to think about skin protection.

  6. You rock that kaftan. It looks so good on you. Great styling with the sandals and the scarf in your hair.
    Like me, you love to hang out with your friends. So I get that.
    Parasols are a new thing to me. You wouldn't find them in the Netherlands. Mind you, we have more need of an umbrella for the rain.

  7. Goodness that kaftan is a stunner! You look like a proper 70s bohemian!
    Love the long shadows photo and your friend's vintage dress.


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