Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Popular PANK, a Droopy Leopard and Fancy Boots

I indulged in a bit of Colour Therapy today for my annual performance review (I Exceed Expectations, as you might...expect), and reached for my PANK dress, a popular choice of many of you Gentle Readers.
All together now - "It's so pink, it's PANK!" Very good, I've taught you well. 

  • Dress - Essentiel Antwerp, consignment; last worn here in February for Pink Shirt Day
  • Leggings - Zara, consignment; last seen here in May with a disco bubble dress
  • Boots - Jubilee Gladstone, Fluevog; last worn here in October 2023 with a witchy skirt
  • Sleeveless coat - Only, thrifted; last seen here in April

I've worn it 7 times since I did a Flashback on it here - I've had it since 2017 and have worn it 16 times! 
And differently, every time, I might add - although these boots have been worn with it before. 

Today, I added black snakeskin-embossed leggings to shake things up, and they were comfortable, but they're too baggy. I've already fished them out of Limbo once already - this is it! 
The dress is a swing cut, longer in the back and with plenty of room.

Big pockets! 
Those 18 tiny buttons are how you take it off - fortunately, only about 7 need to be undone to slip it over my head. 

It was cloudy, but we still have mild temperatures (high teens, low 20s) - perfect for light outerwear. 

The stuff: 
My boots attracted a lot of attention in the office - the pink velvet is not quite the same PANK as the dress, but far enough away not to matter. The colours made a lot of folks happy.

Gold bling:
I pinned the droopy leopard at the top of the buttons. 

  • Hinged eelskin bangle - vintage 80s, thrifted
  • Gold bangle - thrifted
  • Brooch - Park Lane, thrifted
  • Crystal ring - Uffizi Gallery gift shop, Florence, Italy
  • Gold/amethyst ring - Frances Jewelers, c. 1965, Dad's
  • Earrings - vintage 80s, consignment; purchased here in Powell River for $18.00

The purple suede in the earrings perfectly matches the purple brocade on my boots - that was a thrill. Finding a match is like winning a wee wardrobe prize. 


  1. PANK- how funny!

    I love clothing with buttons like that, Shiela. It makes everything looks so gorgeous. X

    1. The buttons are such a lovely detail, aren't they, Jess? Thanks so much!

  2. Yay for ‘exceeds expectations’ though it doesn’t surprise me. :) Just realized you’d appreciate my current slippers, they are a twin of ‘so pink it’s plank”!
    Be gone baggy leggings! Join the potato dress!
    Here’s to a delightful rest of the week! Fred and I head home from a mini-vacation on Cape Cod in Massachusetts. Every morning we were delightfully surprised by sunshine (not in the forecast) and it’s been a trip down memory lane as this is where his parents lived for many years in their retirement.
    Cheers, Laurie

    1. Thank you so much, Laurie! I definitely support PANK slippers!

      Yeah, I might have to go BUY a pair of shiny leggings that actually fit me - these were very useful, but they just look awful in the pictures (I deleted a bunch - these are the best).

      Oh, how lovely for you and Fred!! That sounds amazing. <3

  3. It's always a joy seeing the PANK Essentiel Antwerp dress, and I think this is one of your best outfits you've done with it yet. Absolutely fabulous with the Zara snakeskin patterned leggings and those magnificent brocade boots! xxx

  4. I.LOVE.THE.PAAANK.DRESS!!! (I had to add the extra a's because it's so PANK😁)I looked back at all of the ways you have worn it and I was impressed by how many different shoes you wore it with. Sooo gorgeous! Your fluevog collection is amazing. Congratulations on your performance review!

    1. Thank you! I appreciate the extra AAs. Oh wow, thanks for digging back and checking out the previous outfits! PANK goes with a surprisingly wide range of shoes, doesn't it?


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