Monday, April 19, 2021

Official Pinks, and Big Boss Lady Pants Flashback

I covered myself in pink today - I'm not really sure why, but I really wanted to wear these trousers. Maybe I need to feel in control, as I refer to these as my Big Boss Lady Pants. Maybe I needed the cheery colours? I felt good all day in this. 
The new things in this outfit are the shoes and the new-to-me blazer, even though I've already worn both of them. This feels like the "official" spring debut of them both. 

  • Blazer - Zara, consignment; first seen here (2nd outfit) in February with olive joggers and pink shoes
  • Top - Willow & Thread, consignment; last worn here in January with a funky jacket
  • Pants - H&M, consignment, Vancouver; last seen here in September 2020 with pink paisley
  • Shoes - Super Fine Eminence, Fluevog; first worn here (4th outfit, way down) for a visit to Mom's on our anniversary stay-cation

I had originally planned this outfit with a little pleated pink skirt (this one), but the pink pants called to me. I'll wear the skirt in a different outfit. 
I'm very happy with how nicely this jungle-y/floral blazer went with the pink pants and the brighter pink top. 

The pops of pink in the pattern are enhanced nicely. 
There's a lot going on, but don't the shoes look good with the pants? The blue laces matched the bits in the pattern. 

Without the blazer - I was sweaty in the office when I arrived after my brisk walk to town. 
I'm pleased at how much better the pants fit now that I've shed my personal "covid-19" again. 
I felt very swishy in all this fabric and really missed having someone to show the outfit to. 

Masked up - another bold pink. 
Note the ginormous pockets on the pants. The blazer has pockets too. 

Outerwear - I wore this scarf for extra neck warmth, but it was totally unnecessary. 
I ended up carrying it home in my bag. Too warm! 

Outerwear stuff: 
I'm so grooving on bright, rich colours these days. Colour Therapy is real! 

  • Scarf - thrifted
  • Mask - by Mom

The stuff: 
These shoes are a dream to wear - so comfy. I had no one to show them to at work today, so enjoy! I wore all of this just for you! 

Matchy bling: 
You'll pry matching accessories out of my cold, dead hands. Matchy-matchy forever! 

  • Leather belt - Banana Republic, thrifted
  • Gold chain by the inch - vintage 80s, Grandma J's
  • Pearl bracelet - thrifted
  • Fulvia Ring - Wendy Brandes
  • Gold/amethyst ring - Frances Jewelers, c. 1965, Dad's
  • Earrings - consignment, Vancouver

Flashback: Pink Satin Trousers (aka Big Boss Lady Pants)

I spotted these wondrous pink satin trousers at Front & Co.'s pop-up shop on Main Street in Vancouver on our last anniversary trip over to the mainland, in March 2019 (here, many fun pics!). I loved the fantastic colour, thick fabric, generous slash pockets, high waist, and the sewn-in creases on the front and back (they have single large pleats for extra volume in the thighs). 
They're by H&M (I know, shocker), were $28.00 and were quite wrinkled with dirty cuffs; however, after ascertaining that they were machine washable (a must with light-coloured pants), I bit and bought. Seriously, what's not to love?
They were too long on me even with heels/platforms, so I actually paid to have them hemmed to a more reasonable length. The original retail price on them was around $60.

I wore them right away in April 2019 with a top I'd bought on the same trip, which I ultimately didn't keep (not right on me), although I like the brown/rust neutrals with the pink. This first wearing is when I dubbed them my Big Boss Lady Pants, as they make me feel very empowered and "large and in charge" when I wear them. I'm a big boss lady, and these are my pants. 
I was driven by the need to wear platforms, as this is pre-hemming. As you can see, Vizzini is not terribly impressed with me or my pants. Platform sandals Flashbacked here

With my growing love of pink, these pants have been a lot more useful than I ever could have anticipated. My pajama jacket is a tricky thing to style, but when you have pink pants? 
Bob's your uncle! This was in June 2019, and I had the pants hemmed by this wearing. The jacket is Flashbacked here, and the shoes here (although they are no longer in my closet). 

Now that I have bubblegum pink trousers, I'm less leery of picking up patterns with that soft pink in the mix, like this paint-y blazer seen in September 2019. 
I let go of that jacket this past year - it didn't inspire me and I have limited things to wear with it. Shoes Flashback here

The pink works surprisingly well in the colder months - I kept these pants out in my 2019/2020 fall/winter wardrobe, and they were useful as a nice pop of bright colour in those dreary times. 
I wore this in November 2019. I haven't done a Flashback yet on my $1,000 sweater, and I let go of those shoes shortly after this. 

Again, pairing this bold pink with rust, in January 2020. Rust and pink - who knew? 
While I love this look, in actual practice it was a nightmare to wear, as that top is velour and caused me much Velvet Rage. Shoes Flashbacked here

I'm including two pics from the same outfit here in March 2020. This is my daytime look, when I was at work. 
Black and burgundy with a taupe sweater. Cardigan Flashback here; shoe Flashback here.

And this is my outerwear/evening look, for browsing at the Vintage Fair after work with friends. 
I have that amazing coat lined up for spring/early fall wearing, and will do a Flashback on it then. This outfit reminds me that I need to keep colourful items in my fall/winter closet! 

Despite lockdown and only working part-time, I managed to sneak a couple of outfits in last year, including another version of the pajama jacket one from above. 
I'm in my pink hair phase. This was in May 2020. I love this look. So fun! 

And here's the last time I wore the pants, in September 2020 for a pre-Book Club scouting trip to Craigdarroch Castle.
Pink paisley, darker pink and touches of lavender! Why not? 

Mathy stuff: Including today's outfit (but only counting the March 2020 one once), that's nine outfits in only 2 years, which is really good for a maximalist like me. I'm at $3.11 per wear right now, and expect that I'll be building many more outfits with these in the years to come. 

Would you wear pink pants? How do you feel about this polarizing colour? Love it, hate it or somewhere in between?


  1. You are definitely Pretty In Pink! I'm drooling over your shoes! Wow!

    Good for you and congratulations for losing your "Covid 19". Since this all started I bake a lot and cook a lot and apparently eat at lot and have subsequently gained a lot. I am not all that happy with this situation and will need to amp up my activity level and also do some shedding.

    1. Aw, thank you, Nana! The shoes deserved a showcase outfit!

      Thank you - it's slow going as I've been working on it since September, and I'm by no means "fixed" as my weight goes up and down regularly. For yourself, just make a couple of small tweaks to your routine, and be kind to yourself! Big hugs!

  2. Wowww, this is such a fabulous outfit, totally brighten up my day!. No wonder you felt good in it, Colour Therapy Works!. Looking so beautiful in this pink trousers with the jacket and Fabulous shoes! (loving them!)
    And so lovely flashback on this trousers, lots of amazing outfits and inspiring color combos!. Love particularly the pajama jacket with them, rocking it!.

    1. Thanks, Monica - I felt good wearing it! Colour Therapy is a thing, totally! I adore the trousers SO MUCH. I am excited to wear the pajama jacket again soon.

  3. Firstly, your opening outfit is especially nice because it works equally well with or without the blazer, so to me that’s a double plus! With that said, I tend to shy away from pink clothes because I feel it washes me out, especially in winter when my freckles are hibernating. However, I would wear pink corduroy pants because they’d be far from my face.

    You have panache that I greatly admire ❤️👍👏🏻☑️ and your Colour Therapy and Clothing As Armor both resonate.

    Getting back to wearing pink...I would wear a top with pink if there were other colors in it as well. LOL back in my early 20s the first work outfit I purchased was a burgundy pinkish pants suit with a pink sweater. Of course, my red hair was darker, pre-effects of sun, chlorine, and age. ;)

    Enjoyed the pictures last post of your crew tossing around the frisbee and of Vizzini enjoying his spaces. Here’s to friends, being outdoors more, color, and of course, cats. :)

    1. Oh my gosh, laughing abundantly...just went to get dressed this morning and pulled out my one and only....PINK long sleeve top!! Completely forgot about it when writing my initial comment. Oy! It is a deep pink but probably has more red in it than white and am wondering if there is another name for this colour?

    2. Laurie, thank you so much for the big juicy comment! Thank you - I like to look just as nice as I do with a jacket off, especially with hot flashes. It can really depend on the shade of pink - with warm skin tones, a peachier or warmer pink will look amazing on you. I love pink with red hair and freckles!

      Finding a pattern with pink is a great way to incorporate it in your wardrobe, Laurie! Glad you enjoyed the calming weekend pics, thanks!

    3. And laughing at your follow-up comment - you have pink! I'd call it fuchsia, I think. Go for it, wear it!

    4. Thank you, that's it! I looked up fuchsia and the color matches my top. Hazaah!

    5. Well, there you go - good job, Laurie!

  4. Those pink pants look so good on you! I really like that blazer with them and it's good to see the flashbacks too. I do have a couple pairs of pinks, although nothing this shade. I have been wearing my magenta jeans quite a bit lately with the cooler autumn weather here - they are a fun and cheerful way to dress on a cold day :)

    1. Thanks so much, Mica! I like the blazer with them too - and I pretty much love all the outfits the pants have featured in. Magenta is a great colour and you rock it!

  5. I love that you call them Big Boss Lady Pants-clever and in charge. Rare to find machine washable satin pants, or am I wrong? Are they steamed to unwrinkle? Your pairings and ensembles are on point.

    1. The name just came to me while I was enjoying them at work. They are indeed machine washable, but I steam all of my clothes before every wearing, just to freshen them up, these pants included. Thanks so much, Sam!

  6. Good afternoon there Sheila, love pink! I have a soft pink top on today. I love pink and always feel myself when I wear it along with blue of course. I love today's outfit and those shoes are stunning the close up shows just how amazing they are. I got rid of the lockdown weight after Christmas and now it's back on! I am being gentle with myself as what is the point of beating yourself up. Well done you though! I love how the trousers pick up the pinks in the blazers some great combos as usual Sheila. Shazxx

    1. Shaz! Happy afternoon to you. I am a big fan of pink, although it's much more recent for me than you. Aren't the shoes amazing? I love them so much.

      Good for you, and also good to be kind to yourself. Beating ourselves up is never helpful! My weight is always on my mind as I want to stay fitting in my lovely clothes! Thank you so much, my dear!

  7. Yes to colour therapy! Don't you look like a vision of Spring in your all-pink outfit! I love the pairing of the sugar pink trousers with the brighter pink of the top, and of course both the jungle jacket and those divine shoes are their perfect companions.
    It's indeed a shocker that the trousers are H&M of all places, but judging from your flashback they have really proved their worth in gold ... or should that be pink, perhaps :-) xxx

    1. Hear, hear, Ann! Thank you so much - I really loved wearing this outfit.

      I know, right? Every so often they bring out something amazing and good quality! They are indeed worth their weight in pink, ha ha!

  8. So much awesome pink!! My blah mood is lifting seeing all your pink. I'm going to the closet and find my pink tops now. Love the pants and your shoes and incredible! I always enjoy seeing the floral coat too.

    1. I really loved this outfit, so glad it helped to lift your mood, Cheryene! Yay, get that pink out and wear it! I love that floral coat - will wear it soon!

  9. Oh yes I would! I have pink trousers in my Zara cart. I loved your boss lady trousers before, they are fabulous! Different schades of pink together is such a good combination. Those shoes are smashing Sheila!

    1. Yeah, Nancy, buy those pink pants - we can match! Thank you so much, my dear!

  10. I love those pink Boss Lady trousers on you, I can tell from the photos that they make you feel feisty. They look wonderful in all the outfits.
    I've got a vintage Indian block printed dress in pale pink (probably started off brighter but faded over the years), it's not a colour I really wear but it's Jon's favourite! xxx

    1. Yup, I feel very "large and in charge" in them, Vix - glad it shows! Pink has really grown on me, the more I wear it. Get that pink dress out - do it for Jon, ha ha!

  11. Those pink trousers are fabulous. They look amazing on you (in all looks). The pink brocade shoes are fabulous and how cool they are comfy as well. The heel in particular makes me think of French court and fashion. The blazer is phenomenal as well.
    Have a great week ahead!

    1. Thanks so much, Ivana! I love the pants, and the shoes too! Yes, John Fluevog was inspired by the trappings of priests and the Pope (these are the Eminence, as in "Your Holy Eminence"), so I get how you see that French influence. I love a nice patterned blazer.

      Happy week to you!

  12. I love all the pink and the color combos in that first outfit! And those shoes are so unique and fun. So many great looks!

    Miles of smiles,

    1. Thanks so much, Grace! I love pink and I loved how this outfit looked with these shoes.

  13. I personally wouldn't wear these pants as I don't like satin on me. But pink, loose trousers with a high waist - yes I would. The pants look fab on you; I loved the flashback pics, too. The shoes are beyond marvellous and clearly a match made in heaven for these pants!

    1. I totally get that, Vronni - satin can be a horrendous fabric at times. I love the high waist and wide leg on these, and I don't think I've done a 'bad' outfit with them. Glad you enjoyed it. Yup, the shoes are amazing!

  14. The shoes do look great with the pants! My favourite combinations are those in which you've paired these pants with something green. It's just such a fresh, cheerful combo.

    1. Thanks, Shelley! That pajama jacket does go so well with them, doesn't it?

  15. What a glamourous outfit!! So good. I like the brighter pink of the top pairing with the shoes.

  16. Great look. Those shoes are divine.


  17. The heels on those eye-catchingly awesome shoes are incredible! I was immediately captivated by them and the fantastic 18th to 19th century vibes they give off. Very, very cool pair of shoes!

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

    1. Good eye, Autumn! They are influenced by the Catholic priests and the Pope, so you're getting the right vibes. Thanks!


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