Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Discombobulated Day

I always get mad at myself when an outfit doesn't work. I'm not really sure why that is, since I don't "test drive" every single outfit, and even a not-great outfit is still better than 90% of what I see on the streets (no diss to any of those people - but you know I like to put my best foot forward, always).
 I like this outfit, but it is not what I started out with. It's the THIRD combination. I royally messed up my morning.

  • Jacket - Tian Art, thrifted; last worn here in January with blue and black leather
  • Pants - Banana Republic, thrifted; first seen here in August with double navy
  • Shoes - Queen of Prussia Louise, Fluevog; last worn here in March with spring velvet
  • Coat (below) - Vassali, consignment; last seen here a couple of weeks ago

All the same pieces were in the first iteration (jacket, pants, shoes), but with a blue top (this one here) and the jacket worn open. I built the outfit around the new-to-me necklace and earrings I bought on the weekend at the vintage fair.

I've worn this jacket open plenty of times, so that wasn't a new thing. I thought I had this handled.
 That top was the wrong proportion with the coat, and once I saw the photos (I did a full shoot with the original outfit!), I deleted them, and waffled in a panicky way about What To Do.

So I tried a white top underneath with the jacket open (the same one I last wore with these pants, here), and did the full suite of photos again. Nope, bad, bad, bad. I resorted to taking the necklace off, and closing the jacket.
 This is actually the back shot from the other photos of the original try - I deleted all the rest. I know, I am vain! I don't want awful pictures of myself here! They just looked bad, trust me.

I was much happier with this look. See, that's not a forced smile at all!
 Okay, maybe a little.

This is definitely me getting whacky, showing off the hot pink satin lining of this lovely piece.
When I have this kind of poor reaction to how my outfit looks, I know something's off, either with me or the clothes. Both of the tops that I tried are now in the giveaway pile. I'll thrift new ones that work better.

I also have put these trousers in the giveaway pile. Much as I love them, they are a size too big, and they make my butt look dumpy. No one needs a dumpy butt! Gone! I feel better already.

Outerwear - you can tell that I'm spiraling out of control - I forgot to do my picture with my dressy shoes on! These are my walkin' boots, my wonderful Doc Martens. I wear them every day, rain or shine.
I also forgot to pour my morning coffee with my breakfast, so I was completely zoned out by the time I got to work. Gimme coffee!

  • Beret - Club Monaco, thrifted - first wear, purchased here for $14.95 - first wearing
  • Fur boa - thrifted; purchased here for $12.99 - first wearing
  • Leather gloves - consignment

I loved the Muppety fur scarf - so soft! I petted it on the way to work - closest thing I had to "pet therapy."

The stuff:
 I love these shoes - they are shockingly comfortable, although I did take the elevator a few times today to avoid doing the stairs up and down between all of the floors (my office is multiple floors in our building).

Silver and blue bling:
Only the earrings remained from the original set that I'd planned to wear...and they KILLED my ears, so they are also in the giveaway pile. I'm splitting up the set and letting them go, but keeping the necklace - at least for now.

  • Earrings - vintage fair, purchased here with matching necklace for $22.00 - first wearing
  • Lapis lazuli ring/Fulvia Ring - Wendy Brandes

Ah well, tomorrow means a fresh start - I'm hereby letting go of this discombobulated day! Begone!


  1. Wow. Glad it's not just me who struggles sometimes making outfits. work. I HATE having to go out in something I'm not 100% happy with -- usually because I assumed a new combination would work and didn't have time to rework it.

    1. It's definitely not, Cynthia! I liked the final outfit, but oh, the frustration!

  2. I love this outfit- the shoes and jacket are fab! Nevermind the struggle. One of the meditation recordings I listen to says "The day is done, it is over now" and it's a great reminder that each day is a new beginning. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jess! Yes, that is a great reminder to just...let it go...

  3. It's good to know I'm not alone in those days where nothing I try on looks right! I think getting rid of the offending pieces is a clever idea, so you don't repeat the same thing again when stumbling across the pieces in your wardrobe later! I'm trying to be more ruthless with my wardrobe!

    1. Oh, you are so NOT alone, Mica! I haven't been 100% happy with either top in any of the outfits I've done, so letting go of them wasn't difficult.

  4. Lovely outfit, the color combo looks fab! and your shoes! And the amazing textures and fabulous lining! and the cute accessories in pink!
    I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one that goes through several combinations because the first one didn't work as expected. Some mornings I look like a mad raccoon throwing away clothes out of my wardrobe!

  5. Such a great smile!
    Thanks for sharing this great look! :))

  6. Hope your day spirals upwards! You look as fab as usual!🤣

  7. Gah! I hate those outfit struggles. Sometimes I lay tomorrow's outfit out the night before and love it only to find it doesn't look right on me!
    The finished outfit is fab, those trousers fit like a dream and the oriental jacket is gorgeous.
    Good to see the Docs, I took my lavender pair for a walk out today. xxx

    1. It doesn't happen to me as much as it used to - I'm better at weeding out things that don't work - but it's such a pain when I get dressed in the morning and it's not working.

      Thanks so much, Vix! I love the jacket so much. Yay for Docs! I wish I had a lavender pair!

  8. You look fabulous, discombobulated or not! And I'm with you. COFFEE IS ESSENTIAL!!!

  9. Even on a discombobulated day, you dress much better than any other mortal Sheila. This jacket is exquisite and I love the playful shot with the lovely pink silk lining.
    If it first you don’t succeed, try ty again, and you did !
    Don’t beat yourself up! You are tough on yourself my friend.
    Beautiful rings too!

    1. Aw, that is so sweet of you, Elle! I appreciate the reminder not to beat myself up over it. :) Consider it let go of...

      Thank you!

  10. Egads, totally understand your discombobulation! Been there, and it frustrates me if i wind up walking around at school (job) with that sense of not being “complete.” It shows the power or clothing to make or break a feeling. As for the outfit, I like the look of it and if you hadn’t relayed how it made you feel, it would not have been obvious. (The matchy matchy of the shoes and gorgeous jacket, the pants letting the jacket shine, all definitely play well with one another.)

    And look at it this way, an outfit you do not like is always an opportunity for some retail second-hand adventures. :)

    1. Isn't that the worst, Laurie? Clothing is a very powerful thing! I know that no one would have been the wiser if I hadn't said anything, but it's also really important for me to let readers know that I struggle too!

      Oh, you are so right - I plan to go shopping soon!

  11. I love these pants! But I also know the relief of putting clothes in the giveaway pile. I discovered a bag of clothes in my basement that I haven't seen in YEARS. Yikes. So much easier to cull my collection when I had already forgotten the items! Thanks for sharing your real morning with us! It happens! I like that you realized the outfit didn't jive when you looked at your photos. As someone who doesn't photograph my looks, that makes me want to start! Do you guys have snow? We received 4 or so inches in St. Louis! Very unusual. I dug out my boots. Your docs reminded me of them.

    1. I like the pants - I don't love them, Mel-Bee. And if I don't love them, I am not keeping them. Ha, I can't imagine the flashbacks you had, finding that bag of clothes in the basement.

      Photographing myself has really helped me see myself more objectively, which has let me be much more decisive about what suits me and what does not.

      No snow here! Hopefully we won't get any this year - we usually get very little. I love Docs in the snow, though - best shoes ever!

  12. Dumpy butts, sounds like the name of a club I'd join. Hahaha. I'm glad you found an iteration that works, and works so well, but the struggle can definitely take off some of that initial shine we feel. Been there. Plus the missed coffee. Yikes!! Yes, you did make up for it with your next plaids.

    1. Lol, me too, Mel! It was just one frustration I didn't need. Thank you!

  13. I hate it when an outfit which looks right on the hanger ends up feeling awkward when I'm actually wearing it. But, as you rightly pointed out, a not-great Sheila outfit is still better than 90% of what's on the streets. I can see that the jacket, fabulous though it is, could be quite hard to style. Glad you succeeded in the end, even if you missed your morning coffee! xxx

    1. It's hugely frustrating, isn't it? I liked the end result, but that frazzly feeling lasted all day.

  14. Oh gosh I hate those mornings when you just cannot seem to get the look right.
    It was a good choice to edit items that did not work.

    1. It was awful - I was so relieved to get rid of the "bad" pieces.

  15. Thank goodness I'm not the only one who has those kind of days. The trousers looked fab from the front and the pattern looked good, but hey we don't need a bad butt review do we?
    Anna x

    1. You are definitely NOT! I know, they look good here, but they were WRONG.


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