Monday, June 15, 2020

Fall Outfit and Super Fine Cardinal Flashback

Fewer work-days means fewer outfits, so I'm still slowly working through all my still-unworn items from off-season purchases and recent shopping trips. Today, I built my outfit around this new skirt. 
Yes, I have a streak of pink in my hair - I tested a new colour (I like it).

It will be going into my fall/winter wardrobe, as the darker colour mix and overall style reads more cooler weather to me. I wanted to get a wearing in anyway.

  • Jacket - Vivienne Westwood Anglomania, consignment; last worn here in January with punk plaid and roses
  • Sweater - Bleu & Gray, thrifted; last seen here (4th outfit) for Winesday in September
  • Skirt - Cream; purchased here for $9.99
  • Shoes - Super Fine Cardinal, Fluevog; last worn here with red ruffles in March

I don't have a ton of brown, dark red, grey or leopard in my closet right now, so I pulled out a basic black cotton short-sleeved sweater. Easy!
Added this grey funky jacket to pick out the grey in the skirt pattern.

It's a little chilly in my office, and I'm not moving around as much as I usually do.
 A jacket is needed.
I liked this skirt, but it doesn't feel very springy to me. This is totally a fall outfit.

It'll look good with some of my fall boots.
And a nice chunky sweater or a velvet blazer.

Ready for the rain.
That's my galloping horses silk scarf (from France, KLASSY), to go with the equestrian vibe of the chain/tassel pattern on the skirt. The brown/cream pattern also works with the leopard in the border.

  • Scarf - vintage fair
  • Hat - Edward Mann, vintage 60s, thrifted

The stuff:
I knew I wanted to wear my chain gold jewelry with the skirt, and if I'm gonna wear all that gold, may as well wear my gold shoes, right?

Gold bling:
Armour, more like. 

  • Necklace - Givenchy, vintage 80s, vintage fair
  • Leather/chain cuff - local
  • Ball cuff - Butler Fifth Avenue Collection, consignment
  • Chain bracelet - thrifted
  • Earrings - vintage fair


As the other items in today's outfit are either new-to-me or fairly recent acquisitions, we'll take a look at these shiny gold Fluevogs, the Super Fine Cardinals, which I've only had in my closet for 15 months. How much of a workhorse could gold shoes be? Hmmm...

These are last year's anniversary gift from L, purchased at the Fluevog store in Gastown, and I wore them right away with my teal fringed dress and my brand-spankin' new-to-me PANK wool moto jacket, both purchased that weekend in March 2019. 
These replaced my coppery-gold Big Presence Desmond pair (these ones) which had always been a smidge too small on me, and were also a wee bit too high for regular daily wearing. I gave them to Cat after I found these beauties.

I adore a gold or metallic shoe - they go with everything!
 Like a pretty navy blue dress with a bit of gold in the pattern. This was in April 2019.

When you don't have a pair of shoes that matches, gold works great instead as a neutral.
 I need to wear that fringed/beaded/velvet kimono again soon! This is from May 2019.

What colour goes with yellow? Gold!
Taking my cue from the gold zipper pull, this is jammy dressing at its easiest. This was in June 2019.

And here's another yellow dress, which I wore to the theatre with Mom in September 2019.
I kept the previous yellow dress; this one reads a little too "Disney princess" for my current taste.

"I don't have any navy shoes to match!" Gold will work instead!
They look quite classy there in November 2019.

Gold shoes are also fabulous for parties. Add a patterned dress, some gold accessories, and you are ready to rock.
This outfit was photographed on a cold sunny December 2019 afternoon for Terry's party followed by a very late in the evening party at Nick and Karen's.

And here's the last time I wore them, in March 2020, with this new-to-me red dress.
Again, just a few other gold accessories and I'm good to go.

These shoes were $379.00 new, and today makes the 9th wearing of them, bringing my cost-per-wear to $42.11. I can easily see my wearings climbing into the 40+ range over the next several years. I definitely get a lot of wear out of gold shoes - I'm really pleased that I've worn these 9 times in a little over a year!


  1. Now I want some gold shoes! Some gorgeous combinations here, Sheila!

    1. Thank you, Cynthia! Gold shoes are awesome - you totally need a pair.

  2. Gosh, you have some great pieces Sheila!

  3. Oh my gosh those gold shoes are AH-MAZING. Also, again, you ROCK yellow.

    1. Thanks, aren't they cool, Krysten? Aw, I appreciate that - it's the colour I wear when I'm feeling low.

  4. That skirt is lovely on you and as someone with a pair of little gold ballet flats I'm confident you will get 40+ wears out of these shoes - they go so well with all these outfits! :)

    1. Oh, I know they will get a lot of wear! I have other gold shoes too that are older than these. Thanks, Mica!

  5. I actually love this outfit, Sheila, even if the colours might be better suited to Autumn or Winter. The skirt is a wonderful and versatile piece, which I'm sure will come even more into its own in the colder season, but I love the simplicity of the black short-sleeved top with it. Your Vivienne Westwood jacket is fabulous, as is the gold jewellery you piled on. And of course you had to wear those gold shoes! Lovely to see the gold shoes flashback, and I'm swooning once again over that marvellous red dress you wore back in March! xxx

    1. Thank you, Ann! I don't mind it being a bit dark for this time of year, and if I had my whole wardrobe out, it would be worn all year 'round, I'm sure. Thank you - I know, I want to wear that red dress again - soon!

  6. I bought gold ankle boots a couple of weeks ago! If you ever think of throwing that jacket in the give away pile, think of me!
    πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Vivienne Westwood! I wished she was my mother, lol.

    1. Nice, they sounds fabulous, Nancy! Ha ha, I will! I love her stuff too.

  7. Those gold shoes are beautiful. I love metallic shoes. I painted some of my shoes gold but I'm not sure have I ever actually bought gold shoes. I'm sure if I see a nice pair of gold shoes that I won't miss it.

    Your autumn styling is beautiful. Yes, the colour do look more like autumn inspired palette, but why shouldn't we wear any palette at any time, right? It's a great outfit. The skirt is gorgeous, it looks great with those gold shoes and the jacket is amazing.

    1. Thanks, Ivana, I love metallic shoes as well. You'll have to keep an eye out for a pair.

      I appreciate that, thank you. I agree, and as I noted to Ann above, if I had a smaller wardrobe or kept all of my clothes out all year, I'd wear it more.

  8. Terrific shoes with every outfit and the new skirt looks amazing. You look tres professional chic! I agree; you should wear the fringed/beaded/velvet kimono again, it is far too pretty to languish in the closet.

    1. Thanks, Nana! I will wear that kimono again soon - I can't wear a coat over it so it has to be a warm day.

  9. woww, You Rock your Golden shoes!, they look magnificent in every outfit and love how you style them so brilliantly!. And you make them work as neutrals too, which is Fabulous!
    I think that my favourite outfit is that with the knitted dress, such a glamourous ensemble, you look actually Ready To Rock!.

    1. Thank you, Monica! I love them too - they really are a neutral. I am with you: that dress is fantastic and I can't wait to wear it again soon.

  10. Your first sentence intrigues me. Of course work is a catalyst for us dressing nice but is it necessary for us to do so? Do we create good outfits because of work? That thought depresses me a bit and I'm hoping it isn't true.

    As someone who hopes to leave work soon, I don't want to stop caring about fashion: to the contrary, I want to dress up MORE often when I don't have to go to an office.

    1. Although I do dress up on the weekends, I tend to make more of an effort for work. Dressing up is definitely necessary for me! I don't think I would dress up to my current work-outfit standards if I weren't working.

      You should do what you want! If being retired means you can dress more outlandishly, then do it! Nothing stops you but you.

  11. The Super Fine Cardinals are just that - super fine! Gold shoes do go with everything - who knew?

    Loved today's outfit; oh, that Vivienne Westwood jacket is just gorgeous! The skirt looks very cool but I agree it's more autumn than summer...

    1. They are super fine, indeed, Vronni! They are a total neutral.

      Thank you so much - I'm going to enjoy rediscovering it this fall.

  12. The Cradinals really are a work of art, they're incredible!
    I absolutely love your outfit, seasonally appropriate or not it's just so stylish and Klassy! That skirt is fabulous, the hat looks so good and the Viv jacket is perfection. xxx

    1. I love this family of shoes. I want the black suede booties too.

      Thank you so much, dear Vix. I felt pretty spiffy in it!

  13. The skirt is fab and will be an absolute asset to your autumn/winter collection. And oh my goodness - what doesn't go with gold shoes? Clearly nothing! My fave outfits were the short yellow shift dress and that stunning red pleated frock. Brilliant x

    1. Thanks, Anna! I think so too. Gold shoes go with everything! I need to wear that red dress again soon.

  14. I've realized in the three months that I've been working from home that I miss getting dressed for work. When I just have to go from my bedroom to my living room, and am home all day with a heavily-shedding cat, I am going for comfort and not style these days. It's a treat when my friend Heather comes over for a socially distanced visit and I'll wear something pretty.

    1. I don't know if I could have made it through the lock-down without dressing up - it's such an important part of how I interact in my life. I still go for comfort - dressing + comfort are not mutually-exclusive! - but I need my "real" clothes for my mental health. I'm glad you have the opportunity to dress for Heather!

  15. Yes the skirt feels more like fall but it's still a great piece!
    And those shoes ! I totally agree with you, you will have a super cost per wear on them.

    1. It's...okay. I'm not completely enamoured of it, but it's interesting enough for me to keep it for a while. I ADORE the shoes.


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