Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Wrapped Up in Wool

I nearly said, "Happy Monday", but of course, it is Tuesday. Happy...Day...my friends! We are experiencing a cold snap, with temps of 1-3 degrees during the day (feels like -4, thank you, Weather Network), dipping down to -7 overnight. Dang, that's cold. 
I ended up wrapping myself in more extensive layers than I'd originally planned. 

  • Jacket - Simon Chang, thrifted; purchased here for $13.48
  • Dress - Romeo Gigli, vintage 90s, consignment; last worn and Flashbacked here in February 2021
  • Sweater - Intimate, vintage 60s, thrifted; last seen here in November 2021 with orange plaid
  • Shoes - Big Presence Desmond, Fluevog; last worn here in January to brighten up some greys
  • Coat (below) - L'Atiste, consignment, Vancouver; last seen here earlier this month

Instead of wearing the new-to-me/just thrifted cobalt blue sleeveless sweater/top under this grey dress, I swapped it out for a long-sleeved vintage wool mock-neck in the same shade of cobalt blue (I have 3 cobalt sweaters!). I couldn't face bare arms under all this! 
This is the first time I've layered a piece OVER this grey wool dress, and since I had to get an outfit in with this new-to-me jacket right away... The jacket is loose in the body (due to being not my actual size), but I loved how my bigass blue belt cinched everything in. 

I have on three layers of wool here and it's very snuggly and comforting, without being too hot. Wool is the best! 
All this colour makes me happy. My tights are navy blue, which help the conversation of the bright shoes and the slate grey dress. 

Here's the dress on its own - re-belted, of course. I took the jacket off (then put it back on) a couple of times, as my inner furnace fluctuated. 
I'm a massive fan of this Real Designer dress - note the extra-long sleeves, which are part of Romeo Gigli's aesthetic in the late 80s/early 90s. While the rest of the designers of the time (Dolce & Gabbana, Versace, etc.) were piling on the shoulder pads, Mr. Gigli was making garments with really long arms. 

I often wonder if one of his workers at the time - a young man named Lee McQueen, aka Alexander McQueen, you might have heard of him - did the pattern-cutting on this dress. How cool would that be? 

McQueen was a pattern cutter for Gigli in the early 90s, and I just found the most wonderful blog post by Carmen Artigas who worked with Lee at Romeo Gigli - she found a letter from Lee to her, and it's filled with mentions of their time together cutting patterns. Check it out here, link 'cause I love, of course. If you go to the bottom of her post, you can read the letter and see pictures (there's one of Lee in the workroom, and I'm definitely wishing the grey thing on the rack was my dress!).
The dress has a really wide neckline (it likes to go all Flashdance on me), so I usually wear another top under it to hide my bra straps and/or keep me warm. 

Masked up. I shall put my jacket back on now! 
Emily, the receptionist for our building's property management company, oohed and ahhed over my outfit today. Yay, another fashion-y person in the building. 

Outerwear - if it had not been so freakin' cold, I would have worn my new poncho with this. 
I didn't have a lot of choice in coats due to my three layers of clothing, so I chose this oversized thin coat. After work, I carried a couple of heavy bags of groceries so I was plenty warm by the time I got home. 

I nicked this scarf from L's stash in the morning - I don't have a red-based wooly scarf. This one is a vintage wool button-up scarf (with pockets!) that I bought for L on consignment a couple of years ago.

  • Scarf - Scardigan by Mr. Ease, consignment
  • Beret - Parkhurst, consignment
  • Gloves - Echo, consignment
  • Mask - Lazy Susan's

The stuff: 
Bright blue appealed to me this morning - I'd planned on boots, but when I got dressed, these are what I wanted to wear. 

Bold bling: 
Just a few pieces - the bracelet was pointless as it was swamped with my sleeves.

  • Belt - Rohesia Belt, Fluevog; last worn here in January
  • Earrings - thrifted
  • Dome ring - Kenneth J. Lane, consignment, Powell River
  • Lapis lazuli ring - Wendy Brandes
  • Bracelet - vintage 80s (mine, recovered via thrift)


  1. I have to say I loved that you borrowed L's scarf rather than go with off coloring. It's like your accessory option doubles.

    1. Lol, I often steal his scarves (I'm the one who buys them all!). I like matching, Sam!

  2. Ah! So you wear L's clothes! Does he ever borrow yours? I would!

    1. I don't think he has ever borrowed a single thing of mine, Ally!

  3. So fabulously wrapped, dear Sheila, and looking fabulous too!, this dress has an amazing shape and coolness! and love that you wore your jacket immediately!, and so fab that you doubled the plaid, or even tripled with the scarf!. And it's a buttoned-up scarf With Pockets!, borrowing it was necessary!

    1. Thank you so much! I adore this unusual designer dress, and loved it with all this plaid.

  4. That grey dress is divine. I loved reading the story about the letter. I miss those times when people used to write letters by hand. I do have a few. A friend blogger from Italy (she no longer blogs) send me one.
    The red checkered jacket is fantastic and I love how you belted it. The cobalt heels are super pretty as well. The coat is tres chic as is the beret. I like how your outwear is always as pretty as the outfit.

    1. Thanks, Ivana! I loved that story - it's so beautiful and amazing to see the letter too. I'm so grateful to the author for sharing that.

      Thank you - I love cinching a belt over bulky clothes.

  5. "My tights are navy blue, which help the conversation of the bright shoes and the slate grey dress": how I loved that sentence! The dress is gorgeous, and reminds me of a similar one I had back in the 2nd half of the 80s. The sleeves weren't that long, though, and obviously it wasn't Romeo Gigli! Wearing that plaid jacket on top and cinching it with that stunner of a belt was inspired. I'll have a look at that blog post later, how intriguing! xxx

    1. When I wrote that, I thought of your often-elegant turns of phrase, Ann, so thank you for noticing. Thank you so much - and do check that post out (it's short).

  6. You look very warm and cozy. Love the shoes. SO jealous. Love the dress also.

    1. Don't be jealous! I wear my pretty shoes so that we can all enjoy them - one day, I won't be able to wear them (most likely) and I'll always have these pics.

      Thank you, Kim!

  7. Love the outfit today, as always. The shoes, belt and jewelry are amazing. I am learning so much from your blog. I have been going back and reading the older posts.

    1. Oh, thank you so much, Vicki, but be warned...there are a LOT of old posts! I'm so happy you're enjoying my little corner of the blogosphere.

  8. I love all the cobalt blue and I like how your outfit was cosy but not bulky if that makes sense? I feel things get so bulky so quickly when I layer! Everything coordinates so perfectly too and that's a fantastic first wear for that blazer :)

    1. Thanks, Mica - that makes complete sense to me! I don't want or need any bulk, so I like it when I can rein things in a bit. Thank you!

  9. Love how you styled your new wool jacket -- the cobalt touches make the whole outfit zing!

    1. Thanks, Cynthia! I was really happy with this outfit.

  10. The Romeo Gigli dress is one of the few pieces in your closet that I feel could easily fit in mine as well. I love the shape! I had a little laugh when I read that it felt like -7 there and how cold that felt to you. At night here it has been -15 to -19 and we've had days where the windchill was -22 in the past few weeks. February has been a cold one here.

    1. It's a stunning piece, and so very versatile - I can imagine it on you, easily.

      It's a damp cold! It feels much colder than the dry cold you get out east! It gets right into your bones.

  11. Of course Lee worked at your dress...... didn't he design the best plaid skirts!! Anyway, love that dress and the shoes with it, hope colour combinations are so inspiring!

  12. That dress proves that garments don't need an obnoxious logo emblazened across them, great design (and quality) speaks for itself!
    I loved that article. What a special letter from a beautiful human being. xxx

    1. Absolutely, Vix! I doubt most people nowadays even know the name Romeo Gigli, so I'm so glad to be able to share this little bit of history about his studio, Lee, and Carmen. Wasn't it awesome? I'm happy you liked it.

  13. I love the idea of big sleeves! Clever Gigli!
    That's such a nice story about the letter! IMAGINE if he DID cut your dress?????
    I adore your tartan coat and L's scarf was the perfect item to steal to complete it!!!

    1. They are so fun to wear, Kezzie. I usually flap them at people. :)

      I really want to believe Lee worked on my dress...it's a very slim chance.

      Thank you so much!

  14. I love that red tartan has both Scottish/ country manor and punk/ alternative connotations! Another fabulous look!

  15. You just know this chic, gorgeous ensemble took my breath away, dear Sheila. That rose belt is turning my knees to jelly.

    We had another cold snap up this way recently, too. It was the mildest so far this winter, with temps not dropping beyond around -18. We may get down to around -10 and see fresh snow again this week, but no matter what, I take comfort in the fact that spring will return sooner or later. This year, I feel like the world needs the inherent optimism and sense of hope more than ever.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

    1. Thank you, Autumn! It's a gorgeous, heavy belt and was not cheap (being Fluevog) - I had L buy it for me when it went on sale.

      Oh no, that's so cold!! I am sending you the blue skies we are experiencing today! I hope your spring comes soon.

  16. Brrr! You definitely need a good bit of wool with temperatures like that. I'm guessing your spring wardrobe switchover is still some way off. Still, your winter wardrobe and summer one are equally stylish; it's good to see outfits from both.

    1. I love all these cozy layers! Yes, still a few weeks for me before I do the swap-over. Thank you!


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