Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Orange Dress, Brocade Boots and Gold Claws

There have been scary weather warnings all week - snow is on the way! Cold temps are coming! 

I guess I'd better bundle up - and there's nothing like a sweater dress (the best kind of jammy dress in the winter!) to keep one feeling snuggly and warm.

  • Dress - H&M, consignment; purchased here for $35.00
  • Turtleneck - Jacob, thrifted; last seen here layered under a yellow dress in January
  • Boots - Spring Step by L'Artiste; last worn here in October 2020 with burnt orange
  • Coat (below) - Hilary Radley, thrifted; last seen here in January

First wearing of this soft and stretchy knit dress. 
It's VERY orange, but the bright colour made me very happy. 

If you're wondering where the turtleneck is (from the list above), I layered it underneath. 
It didn't show, but it was a really welcome bit of extra warmth. 
Fleece-lined tights on the bottom half too. 

Masked up - gold and black for thematic purposes. 
It's tricky to wear orange and black and not look like Hallowe'en. 

Bundled up. 
My new baby alpaca coat is warmer than the Unsafe Ocelot! I found myself wishing it were longer and less open in the front. 

Outerwear stuff: 
My furry toque and scarf were excellent. 

  • Toque/scarf - Danier Leather
  • Mask - by Mom
  • Gloves - Cejon, thrifted

The stuff: 
My brocade boots are lined with fleece, which makes them impractical once the weather gets warmer - but they were perfect today in the chilly office. 

Claw bling: 
I love this set by Ambush. The gold is real - 18 karat gold plated on sterling silver. This is haute couture stuff (the designers do the jewelry for Dior Homme). The bracelet would have been well over $1,000 retail, and the necklace would have been around $800.00. I spotted them on final markdown at Turnabout in Vancouver (they sold them for $229.99 per piece, and they were marked down to $137.99 each), and L bought them for me. 

  • Necklace/cuff - Ambush, "Holy Mountain" collection, 2012, consignment, Vancouver, gift from L
  • Leather/metal belt - BCBG Max Azria, consignment
  • Earrings - Biko, consignment

I had to wear my gold claws to ward off evil weather spirits, but it didn't work - it's snowing right now! 


  1. First thought at seeing you was “ah, warm, cozy and colorful!” Three cheers for long jammy sweater dresses! I have had one for years and it always gets a few winter wearings. Alas, seeing the vibrancy of your dress, though, makes me wonder about my grey one...mine needs some spice!
    Good luck with the snow! Robin’s forecast is for 3-8 inches in Olympia. LOL a few years ago he shoveled with a dustpan; who needs a snow shovel when it doesn’t snow! (Since remedied. :))

    1. I do love jammy sweater dresses, Laurie! They are so cozy and snuggly. I eye them when the weather is not this cold, but I'm always glad for my collection when the temps dip this low! Pair some colourful tights with your grey dress! I'll be wearing a grey wool dress in the weekend post so you can see how I've worn mine.

      We're forecast for the same. We at least have a shovel for our condo!

  2. PS Meant to continue...the entire outfit is smile producing and stunning on you!

  3. I love the brightness of this dress! I really wish we had the climate for knit dresses like this - the ones I did have in my wardrobe I donated realising I wore them so little even in winter, it just doesn't get cold enough here. I hope the snow doesn't hang around for too long and you stay warm and cosy! :)

    1. Yeah, that kind of sucks, Mica - you don't have the full range of clothes due to the higher temps there. This horrid weather is only supposed to last till Monday and then it all goes back to 5-7 degrees and sunny. Yay!

  4. Oh yes, summer is coming!! That is what the dress says anyway! Gorgeous! I am beginning to appreciate orange more and more. Love the split a lot too! have a great day!

    1. I welcome spring, let's not rush summer, Nancy! I love orange - you would look amazing in this. Thank you!

  5. (Winter glove covered) fingers firmly crossed that the Island doesn't get hit with the steal-your-breath-away temps that we've been experiencing as of late up here in the interior.

    As the season progressed, the optimist in me thought that maybe, just maybe, we'd be spared the annual arctic cold front this time around given that it didn't strike (as per usual) in January. Clearly, no dice! That's okay. I actually really adore winter. The serenity it houses, the productivity it is conducive to for me, and fact that it lets me indulge my homebody side all the more means that I really don't mind if the North Okanagan wants to pretend it's the North Pole for a while each year. 😄

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

    1. It's supposed to be -20/-25 with the wind chill factor this weekend, Autumn - I will be staying indoors as much as I can! I was also hoping we were going to head straight into spring. Sigh. Not gonna happen quite yet, looks like. I do like it to be a bit chilly so that I get the opportunity to wear my more wintery clothes, but not for any sustained period! A week is plenty!

  6. Good afternoon She, well you have even got me thinking about orange now! love that you layered a turtle neck underneath - I thought where is it at first. Wow to the gold nice to get spoilt by our men isn't it. Now those brocade boots are another work of art . Keep warm and safe Shazxx

    1. Secret layers are the way to go, Shaz! And orange is a great colour, so vibrant and energetic. Yes, L likes to spoil me and buy me things in the moment (I'm very hard to buy for, apparently!). Thanks so much, my friend!

  7. Orange and black are the school colors of our local high school, so folk around here wear that color combination all year around ... no one automatically thinks "Halloween!" when they see you. They just shout out "Go Southeast!" or "Go Falcons!"

  8. I've been bundling up all week, I've even been wearing my thick woollen jumpers! I've been scouring the charity shops for a decent sweater dress but so far no luck. Yours is such a deliciously fruity and vibrant colour, providing instant sunshine! It's got to be really cold if you're wearing a turtleneck underneath though ... I don't think you look like Halloween at all. It never even crossed my mind.
    I'm loving the Ambush set and those earrings, and your boots are once again to die-for.
    Too cold for the Unsafe Ocelot? What is the world coming to :-) I hope your snow doesn't last too long, although combined with a bit of sunshine, it might make for the perfect walking conditions. I'm still on a high from our Winter walk this afternoon. xxx

    1. I'm wearing it all, Ann, and you can bet the pink mohair Muppet skirt will be making an appearance soon too! I've been lucky in amassing a collection of good sweater dresses, and to find one in orange was awesome. Thank you so much.

      Oh, the wind went right through it! Brrr! She can handle most weather, but the alpaca coat is the warmest I've got. Your winter walk sounds lovely! I'll be over to visit soon.

  9. We're into our second week of sub zero temperatures and I'm so over them!
    Those boots are always a joy to see, they're fabulous with the knitted dress although I'm most upset that the Unsafe Ocelot has let you down on the warmth front. I do like a fleece lined boot, that's why I'm permentantly in Mum's Biba boots at the moment, toasty toes!
    How cool is that Ambush set and gold, too - fancy! xxx

    1. Same, Vix, I am through with this stupid weather! Bring on the blossoms!

      I love the boots and was happy that they were toasty warm in the depths of winter. Poor Ocelot, she is not built for cold AND wind. I love the Ambush jewelry - it's so unique.

  10. Oh I do love a sweater dress and this orange one is gorgeous! I loved the boots, too! Good luck with your snow ours has departed but it's still very cold and just right for sweater dresses!

    1. Same here, Vronni, they are fabulous snuggly dresses, aren't they? Thank you - I'll be very happy when this spate of coldness is done!

  11. This H&M orange dress looks gorgeous on you. Sweater dresses are a great option for winter. Put on a nice coat and a pair of boots and you're ready to go. I do like your wonderful brocade boots, nice to see them again. The belt looks lovely with the dress and the coat is fabulous. A great colourful winter look.

    1. I have loved sweater dresses since my first one in the 80s - they look so classy and elegant, but keep you very snuggly and warm. Thanks, Ivana!

  12. Love your orange dress (not Halloween-like at all) and your brocade boots are always a sight to behold.

    Stay warm. X

    1. Thank you, Jess - it's always the first thing my mind goes to when I wear orange: don't look like Hallowe'en!

  13. That starry mask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it! So pretty! I would love to buy one like that- so cool!
    The orange dress looks amazing! What a beautiful shade it is and it looks so cosy!
    You did well on that gold jewellery!!!
    Mmmmmmm, fleece/furry lined brocade boots are a winner for me!

    1. Isn't it cool? Thank you, Mom!

      Thank you - it was lovely and cozy and warm. I love the jewelry - so different. Agreed on the boots!

  14. I am envious of this dress, it is such a beauty. It would horrible on me as I don't have curves at the hip and I have a flat pancake bum, but on you it looks a million dollar. Well styled with the boots, necklace and belt. A+ as far as I am concerned.

    1. Ha, we talked about that! I am lucky that my own shape gives sweater dresses curves! Thank you so much!

  15. woww, such a vitaminic colour and fabulous outfit!, love orange and love a comfy dress and love that you were cosy in the cold weather. The accessories and brocade boots make the difference, and your coat is so cool!

    1. I adore this bright orange - it's so cheery. Thanks so much, Monica!

  16. Those brocade boots are amazing. I think you have the most enviable footwear collection of any blogger I follow.

    1. Thanks so much, Mim! I love funky shoes and boots and I love to show 'em off!


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