Friday, May 22, 2020

Fancy Friday: Funky Print and Tall Boots

Happy Friday, everyone! 
I like saving a funky outfit for the end of the week.

  • Dress - Diane Von Furstenberg, consignment; purchased here for $25.00
  • Boots - BCBG Max Azria; last seen here in February with lace and wings
  • Coat (below) - Club Monaco, thrifted; last worn here in April

This outfit definitely falls into that category. It got an "Oooh!" from my coworker David.
That's a very funky pattern, for one thing.
It's a rather short skirt, so I like the tall boots to keep things looking semi-professional. It'll also look fabulous with red heels, but we'll save that for another time.
I like that the top half is a V-neck - it's a good neckline for me, although it tended to slide around from side to side and front-to-back. I'm wearing a black camisole under it so that you can't peek down to my waist!

I amused myself with the top.
Sorry, a bit blurry - I was talking to L as I took these.

Outerwear - the dress rode up a bit, but I'm wearing nylons, so not shocking.
I knew the coat would help keep me covered when I walked to and from work.

The stuff:
I usually keep a couple of pairs of boots out in my spring/summer wardrobe just for mixed weather days like today. These tall boots are awesome, nice and soft.

Gold bling:
I bet you didn't realize I had this much on, right? The funky print totally distracts from everything else.

  • Chain bracelet - thrifted
  • Chain/leather bracelet - thrifted
  • "Striped" cuff - vintage 60s, Mom's
  • Chainmail necklace - vintage fair
  • Wooden ring - Dots
  • Klimt ring - consignment
  • Earrings - vintage 60s, Mom's

I couldn't find Vizzini this morning - I looked everywhere! I should have known....
"I'm prepping for a weekend of napping,Woman."

Oh, that sounds nice! Have a wonderful weekend, my friends! I'll be back on Sunday with tales of adventure.


  1. That is such a fun dress on you and I love the top half paired with the more fitted bottom - it looks so good! :)

  2. Oh, that Diane Von Furstenberg dress looks utterly fabulous on you! I loved its print when you showed it after you'd bought it, but I couldn't work out how its shape would look when worn. Well, now I know, and it's stunning. Very, very funky, especially worn with those tall boots! I can perfectly envision it worn with red boots too. The coat and jewellery just add to the perfection. Have a wonderful weekend full of adventures, Sheila. Ooh, and a letter from you to look forward to! How exciting. It'll get here eventually, I'm sure. Much love xxx

    1. Thank you, Ann! It's such a fun print, but yes, it's hard to see how it's going to look on the hanger. I love tall boots with a short skirt. Maybe red boots - I don't have a pair that's exactly right for this, hmmm, I think I need some!

      Thanks, my dear! I hope the mail doesn't take too long. :)

  3. I adore Diane von Furstenberg and her designs. Love the kind a psychedelic print abs those boots are fabulous under it! Enjoy your weekend!

    1. I know you do, Nancy! I think of you whenever I see something by her now. It's such a cool print. Thank you!

  4. Love it, love it, love it. Your choice of boots is very good with this dress. I would of course, have worn this dress as a tunic on cigarette trousers.

    1. If you ever get bored with it, sell it to me ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜‰.

    2. Thanks, Greetje! Ooh, yes, and it would look amazing on you. If/when I'm tired of this, it's yours - I would never sell to a friend!

  5. That definitely is a funky end-of-week outfit, Shiela! I didn’t notice the jewelerry, you’re right, I was too busy eyeing the pattern of your dress. X

  6. Fabulous and funky! Loved the tall boots with it.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  7. That dress is utterly wonderful, such a gorgeous shape and the print is beyond fabulous. Love it with the boots, too.
    Hope you, L and Vizzini had the best weekend! xxx

  8. What a sizzlingly chic, stylish and downright hot outfit! You look fabulous - and have honestly got me longing for a pair of over the knee boots now, which might just be a first. Swoon!

    Autumn Zenith ๐ŸŽƒ Witchcrafted Life

    1. Thank you so much, Autumn! I love tall boots with a short skirt - they just seem to go together.

  9. woww, that's a Funky print and you look really fab wearing this dress, such an amazing shape and coolness!. And you've styled it so brilliantly, love the boots!

  10. I love those boots so much. They really make me miss mine!

    (If I buy new boots I'm totally blaming you...)

    1. You can go ahead and blame me - I'm a total shopping enabler, Mim! I actually have found these boots to be SO useful in my wardrobe - they were a really good purchase, even though they weren't cheap. Do it!

  11. I love the combination of that fun dress and those tall boots. The boots are gorgeous and they look very comfy.

    1. Thank you - yes, the boots are wonderful! I'll be sad when they wear out.

  12. You are looking sooo cool and hip here - I love this DVF dress and if I may add, your hair looks amazing.

    1. Thank you so much, my dear! I love the dress too. Gah, my hair is driving me nuts! I have a haircut scheduled for next week!


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