Sunday, July 21, 2024

Weekend Wrap-Up: Funky Friday in the Completely Impractical Raincoat (and Black and White); Saturday Brunch in Vintage Hawaiian and a Wee Vintage Shop

Welcome back, my friends! It's been a lovely chill weekend, with a little bit of social, a little bit of shopping and a little bit of chillin'. There's nothing better! 

Kicking us off is Friday's funky outfit. I always like to push the sartorial envelope, and this newly-found white skirt was calling to me. 
It was the perfect opportunity to wear the Completely Impractical Raincoat as well.

  • Jacket - Animale, thrifted; last worn here in May 2023 for a Mom-Day walk at Gorge Park
  • Top - Mexx, vintage 90s, thrifted; last seen here (2nd outfit) in October 2023 with gold leather pants
  • Skirt - Acqua & Limone, consignment; purchased here yesterday for $40.00
  • Sneakers - Converse; first worn here in June with green stripes

It's a funny little cropped jacket in cotton, with strings and short sleeves, and a "hood" that covers nothing. 
I like the chalky orange colour and the extra pair of small yet useful pockets. 

And it covers me from the sun. 
I'm playing with proportions - the voluminosity of the skirt means a skinnier top for me. Volume over volume just swamps me.

Said top is a mesh vintage one in a groovy optic pattern. I took the jacket off a few times, but mostly left it on.
I loved this skirt, although the pockets could be bigger, if I'm really being picky. I got a mark on it - possibly lip gloss - but it came out with my Folex. 

Colleagues Viz and Carol-Anne were both quite taken with my ensemble. Thumbs up! 

The stuff: 
I wore a pair of black socks a roaring bear pattern with these squishy and comfy sneakers - you can spot them in a few pics above. 

Bold bling: 
I matched the earrings to the keyhole feature in the top. I'm all about the details. 

  • Black and white cuff - vintage, vintage fair
  • Orange cuff/ring - Italian, vintage 60s, vintage mall
  • Silver/onyx ring - Tocara, vintage fair
  • Silver earrings - Israeli, consignment

A massive and touched "thank you" to Carol-Anne for the gift of this lovely amber bracelet.
She knows I'm fussy (I'm very particular!) about my jewelry so there was no obligation but I immediately liked it. 

It's been around the block a few times, and I suspect that it got caught on something and broke off the wearer's wrist. 
Some of the links are torqued and you can see that it doesn't lay in a straight line. 

The original clasp is missing - this round one is newer, and not the same finish as the rest. 
But it fits my wrist well, it's a gorgeous rich amber and I liked the feel of it on. It also has meaning to me, that it comes from a friend and it holds both of our histories now. 

L and I played boardgames on Friday evening, accompanied by Vizzini.
"Just waiting for you to drop some popcorn, Woman."

We were up really early - for a weekend! - as we'd booked back-to-back eye appointments. It's been a while since we've had our eyes checked and we're both hard on our old glasses and thinking it's time for some new frames to add to the collection. 
I dressed for another hot summer day - temps up to 27! - and a walk to town, as our eyes were dilated and L was not able to drive. 

  • Dress - Malia, Hawaiian, vintage 70s, consignment; last worn here exactly a year ago in July 2023 for a Mental Health Shop with these same sandals
  • Sandals - Doc Martens, consignment; last seen here (3rd outfit) a few weeks ago for our walk around Swan Lake

This dress is a thick woven cotton - perfect for strolling. 
After our appointments, we met up at John's Place for brunch with Nick. 

And after that, we wandered down to Market Square off "LoJo" (lower Johnson St) to check out the vintage pop-up fair. 
I had many admirers of my dress - the vintage vendors know a quality piece when they see it. 

Incognito, and doing that scarf-sleeve trick again. 
I loathe wearing sunblock, and would rather have a physical barrier. Silk is aces for this! 

When I was in the shade, I let the scarf fall off my shoulders. So chic! 
I had my sunglasses on all through brunch and while I shopped, and hours later, my eyes finally went back to normal. 

Both of these thrifted items have been workhorses for me since I found them. 

  • Purse - Roots 73, thrifted
  • Silk scarf - Metropolitan Museum of Art, thrifted

The stuff: 
These are the most comfy sandals I own, and this is their 7th wearing since I bought them a little over a year ago. Considering they only get worn when it's really hot, they should last me for years. 

  • Striped bangles - consignment
  • Black and white cuff - vintage, vintage fair
  • Earrings - West German, vintage fair
  • Silver/onyx ring - Tocara, vintage fair
  • Silver/crystal ring - Soul Flower

I found a few things at the vintage fair, including another Carolina Panthers NFL jersey (that's American football, if you don't know - Carolina is my team). 
This is DeAngelo Williams' jersey, a Running Back who played for the Panthers between 2006-2014. 
Apparently, he's now a wrestler? (Wiki link here, 'cause I love, as always).

It was only $35.00 - a great price for a vintage jersey. 
I happily paid the gent (I can only assume his name is 1700Brady!) with some of my cash from the Limbo Sale. 

I prefer using cash at these events - it's more money directly to the vendors. Speaking of vendors, I heard about this event through Tessa, one of the awesome workers at John's Place. 
I bought these two rings from her stall for $5.00 total - the "gold" one is marked "VIII", and the plastic/metal/crystals one has "LC" in it (which I've confirmed online is Liz Claiborne). 

Here's Tessa! 
I hope you sell it all! 

The last thing I found was this plaid bucket hat. 
I love the colours (it will look amazing with my Welsh wool coat) and am a fan of this shape, as it doesn't blow off in the wind, although it will give me atrocious "hat head."

It was $24.00, which felt pretty good for an angora/wool/poly blend. 
I looked up the CA number and got a hit for Picabo Imports of Montreal, dated 2001. 

Cat and Ross came over for an evening of board games, and L and I had a nice lazy Sunday. 

And now, off to enjoy what's left of my weekend. Thanks again for stopping by! I love to hear your comments, and I appreciate every one. 


  1. I love that Hawaiian dress on you, Sheila. I'm not surprised it got compliments.
    How sweet of Carole-Anne to give you that bracelet and the observation about it holding both of your histories' brought a shiver down my spine.
    Unlike Vizzini William's not a fan of human snacks unless it's pork scratchings (a horrible Black Country speciality Jon loves and stinks to high heaven!) xxx

  2. The Hawaiian dress is super and looks lovely on you. Wonderful sandals and the scarf as sun block is a fab trick. The bucket hat and rings were great finds (I'm not a fan of sportswear). I must say that orange jacket was the oddest jacket I've ever seen!

  3. I love how you played with the proportions in the first outfit. The cropped orange jacket looks great paired with a white maxi skirt. I like how you say that the jacket is both practical and unpractical- I think a lot of clothing items are like that. You just have to work their advantages. Sure, perhaps it's not practical in it doesn't cover much, but it looks fashion-forward and it has pockets, so it's a keeper.

    The second outfit is very pretty. The Hawaiian dress is stunning on you. I love the print, too..and the black and white shoes and accessories. You always have the coolest accessories.
    Buying new frames is always fun! I love to go with my husband when he buys his.

  4. I'm swooning over that vintage Hawaiian maxi, and I'm loving your scarf trick, which I might just give a try myself. The bucket hat will indeed be perfect with your Welsh wool coat and that bracelet Carol-Ann gave you is gorgeous. Aren't you a lucky girl? xxx

  5. The scarf sleeve trick is a good one. I am going to practice it. I think your first outfit is stellar. Totally the opposite of the elegant dress you wore a week later but I like it a lot. One should never be predictable, right?
    And the dress with the scarf is also a really good one.

  6. The hat is beautiful and I think the present bracelet is really pretty! The impractical raincoat is so stylish that it can be forgiven its lack of rain protection!x

  7. While digging around in my winter stash to locate (successfully!) a pair of summer water shorts (what were they doing with the winter clothes!!) I found two silk rectangular scarves and am super psyched because now I can try out your scarf trick!

    Your new-to-you hat is a delight with its color and pattern. I'd definitely wear such a hat! And the more I think about your first outfit, the more it makes me smile. The look is comfortable, a bit funky, and like it would keep you cool on a hot day. I especially like the mesh top.
    As for the Doc Martens, they sure do look comfortable!

    Cheers, Laurie

  8. I'm quite liking the impractical raincoat. I came across a very stylish anorak/wind cheater jacket worn by a UK celebrity last year. Think the brand is Marfa Stance. I'm desperate for them to fall out of favour amongst the rich and famous so that I can eventually pick one up for a fraction of its crazy price tag.
    The vintage Hawaiian dress is beautiful and such a good fit.


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