Monday, July 31, 2017

Pink and Cream, and Crow/Cat War

Oh, another week. At least we have the Monday stat holiday to look forward to - and it's supposed to get really hot in the next couple of days, into the 30s. Zoiks!
 In a shocking change of pace, I went nearly all neutral. Cream!? Who is this woman?

  • Sweater - Hawick of Scotland, consignment; last seen here in February with brrrr! SNOW!
  • Skirt - Kate Spade, thrifted; purchased here for $22.95
  • Shoes - Effortless Bebe, Fluevog; first worn here with a zigzag dress earlier this month
  • Jean jacket (below) - Ann Taylor Loft, NYC; last seen here in February 2016 for my at-work Stair Challenge team dress-up day (our team was grunge!)

 Lookin' all perky in my new bra, tee hee! This is a lovely sweater that I keep, even though I don't wear it that often. It's like a white shirt or a black camisole: useful for certain situations and outfits. I vaguely thought about doing a pink top (I have a suede one, but too hot!), but then I just decided that I liked the simplicity of just the sweater.

I loved wearing this swishy silk skirt all day! I steamed it last night, and thought about pressing all the pleats into it (as it's supposed to have) for oh, about 3 seconds and then "NAAAHHHHHH". Forget that!
 I steamed the bottom half (it was quite wrinkled already), and gently allowed the steamer to crease the pleats near the waistband. I quite like the effect, and it's way less work.

Outerwear purely for sun coverage. Now that my hair is dark purple again, we'll make a wee bit of effort to keep it that way.
 I haven't worn this jean jacket on the blog for a long time, but it's still being worn - I wore it all of last spring/summer as outerwear (without taking any pictures of that), and have literally worn it hundreds of times since I got it in 2007 in the Ann Taylor Loft in Times Square, NYC. It's a great cut and shape and I have no need for any other jean jacket.

The stuff:
 Lovely pink shiny shoes! The heels were making farting noises all day, though! WTF? That better not be a new "feature" of them or they will not be lasting long!

Pink and gold bling:
 Round things go with the round polka dots. That's totally a theme.

  • Earrings - gift from Simar
  • Bracelet - Lia Sophia, thrifted
  • Ring - Frances Jewelers, early 60s, Dad's

There was a ruckus out on the deck this morning. Vizzini has an enemy: a crow who lurks in the oak tree out front who taunts him.
"Come down here and say that to my face, crow!"
 Vizzini was chattering away - if cats can swear, he was going a blue streak!
"If I can't bite him, I can at least say nasty things!"
I'm sure he gave as good as he got!


  1. Ooh, I love your new skirt! It looks great with those shoes! I love the pink and gold bling too. My two cats have a crow nemesis too! Don't they sound adorable when they are swearing?!!

    XXX Sasha

    1. Thank you! It's not a terribly exciting colour mix, but I liked it. Kitties are so adorable when they swear!

  2. It might not have all the pleats but it's still a beautiful skirt - I love it with the cream top and pink accessories, I really like this Sheila!

    Hope you survive the heat - 30s is normal summer for us here but I'm also very aware our homes are designed to deal with the heat, and not built to stay warm and survive the cold winters you experience! Fingers crossed you can relax and stay cool on your holiday Monday.

    1. Thanks, Mica! It's outside of my normal brightness, but I still really enjoyed it too. 30s is way too hot here - and Victoria isn't built for ANY temperature extremes (last winter was unusually cold and snowy), so we are not ready for these temps. Thanks!

  3. This outfit looks so "feminine" and "ladylike" with its silhouette and colors but also quite edgy with your choice of accessories. I can't wait to see how else you style that gorgeous skirt. Do you use a specific brand of shampoo or conditioner to make your color last? I love it even when it gets pinker.

    I love it even when it gets pinker.

    1. Thanks, Chalotalo! I'm also looking forward to creating more outfits with it!

      No, I just use drug store brand shampoo and conditioner (thickening shampoo and argan oil conditioner). It's the colour itself that lasts forever - it's called Splat! and it's a super strong dye/stain that lasts until my hair grows out (notwithstanding the fading from the sun). No worries, my hair will go pink again in a few weeks!

  4. such a beautiful skirt, I love those polka dots and the fab color combo!, and fab accessorizing too!, you rock!

  5. Super cute skirt---don't even worry about pressing pleats! :)

  6. I was a lurker, but had to comment. Love your style and your bargains. I have kitties too and appreciate the cursing that they do.

    1. Oh, thank you so much for de-lurking and commenting - I really appreciate it! Thank you for your kind words - hee, for our kitties and their swearing!

  7. YAY! YAY! YAY! You look fabulous Sheila! Love the addition of the straw hat.

    Yah...farting shoes are no fun. Well. I guess they could be fun to some people, LOL.

    1. Thank you so much, Sue! Gotta wear my hat! Gah, the farting shoes - they'd better get over that fast!

  8. Even though you barely recognise this woman in these colors YOU LOOK FABULOUS!!!! The skirt is gorgeous and the sweater and new bra ;) look so good. I had not thought of that idea on ironing a pleat skirt, very smart.

    1. I know, right? "Who is this person in all neutrals??" Thank you, Lorena! Ha, yes, I call that "lazy ironing"!

  9. I like the added colour of the jacket. Great shoes again. Oh all right ... the rest is nice too 😂.

  10. Thank goodness you wore your fuchsia Vogs, otherwise I wouldn't have recognized you ;) Cream is a colour I usually avoid because I look like a bowl of oatmeal, but this outfit is very pretty on you. Goes to show we should always try things we never thought we could wear. Hope Vizzini gave that crow What For!

    1. I know, it's almost urban camo on me. Who is this cream person!? I loathe beige, but cream is okay. The Vizzini/crow battle rages...


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