Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Blue Blouse a Third Time, With Orange

It poured rain all day today - I want sun! So I wore a bit of my own sunshine.
Orange sunshine, that is!

This is the third wear of this blue printed silk blouse - and of course, I had to wear it with my cobalt blue skirt! The skirt is my amazing vintage Andre Courreges (thrifted here for $5.00 and worn in the December 2012 capsule three times, recap here).
The obi is the focus piece - it is one of Megan Mae's obi belts that I purchased from her. It's made from two ties, one of which has blue in the pattern. To help pick up the orange theme, I wore a peach cami underneath the blouse, and I'm wearing pale pink fishnet tights (pink, orange, whatever).

I'm doing the blouse tucked in again, and I do think that's the way to go with it. I just don't do the tunic look with my boobage.

Blue/White Sheer Blouse (Elie Tahari for Nordstrom)
Blue/White Sheer Blouse (Elie Tahari for Nordstrom)
pollcode.com free polls 

Check in on the weekend to see if it made the cut in my closet!
I love the length of this skirt - it moves wonderfully when I walk.

The stuff:
The shoes are my Pink rust/teal ones - not an exact match but Close Enough, I say.

You can see the nice patterns of the ties in that picture. So gorgeous and soft!

The shiny bits:
The cuff is from a museum gift shop (St. Paul's Cathedral in London), the earrings were a gift from Elaine, and the ring was purchased last year from my blog-friend Wendy Brandes.

Blouse (Elie Tahari for Nordstrom, thrifted), skirt (Andres Courreges, vintage 80s, thrifted), shoes (Pink), belt (Megan Mae), cuff (St. Paul's Cathedral gift shop), earrings (gift from Elaine), ring (Wendy Brandes).


  1. You're making that blouse work for you and not the other way around.

  2. Eee! What a perfect look for that belt! The orange is set off so beautifully by that blue and sexy t-strap heels. Gorgeous as ever, Lady Sheila~

  3. Sheila, I love this outfit on you. Long pencil skirts really suit you well.

  4. I love blue and orange together, and this has so many perfect little details - the obi, the piping on the shoes, the ring! I hope it brightened your day.

    Sorry you're getting rain. It's really feeling like spring here! I'm going to wear sandals tomorrow. (It'll probably be raining here by then.)

  5. Here is my guess: while the vote is overwhelmingly to keep the blouse (I voted keep too), I think you are going to lose it. Your commentary on all 3 outfits sounds like you have to consciously work this piece into your collection -- that you don't just look at it and have a ton of ideas popping into your head.
    Ironically, if that blouse were mine, I could do that. :) But I'm thinking you're struggling with it a bit, and you don't like to have to do that; it's kind of a sign it isn't working.

    That's my guess. I hope I am wrong because I think it is lovely and it looks very nice on you, but those aren't always the only reasons we keep something. :)

    1. I guess you will just have to wait and see, Kristin! ;-P

  6. really like the orange belt with the blue! :)

  7. OK! I love that blouse now! : > The touches of orange/coral are wonderful with your blues. Gorgeous cuff too.

  8. That's a fabulous obi from Megan, I love the orange color. I think it really pops against the blue, very nice color combo!

  9. Gorgeous outfit!!! Love the bright orange obi with the cobalt blue!! (one of the ties looks familiar--I sent Megan a bunch of vintage ties last summer!)

  10. I'd ask around the bloggy-sphere and see if anyone wants it before you ditch it, and I always have a tough time releasing my clothes back into the wild. I'm so glad you popped by, and the belt is awesome and a great DIY! i love vintage ties and they are so cool. She did a cool belt! great look!!!

    1. I usually give my clothes away locally, either to friends/coworkers, or donate them. If a blogger tells me that they want something, I'll keep them in mind, but I don't offer my clothes up on the blog as it's pretty expensive to ship stuff around.

      One of my coworkers wants this blouse if I don't keep it. :) We'll have to see what my verdict is!

      Great to see you, Reva.

  11. Great colour combinations. I really like this blouse when it's tucked in. The design on it is very pleasing to me. :)

  12. I think the blouse works perfectly tucked in, and with the pencil skirt, it's fabulous. The blue/orange combination is a winner too. Smart and sexy - that's you! xxx

  13. Bardzo ładnie wszystko wygląda a bluzka podoba mi się najbardziej:))Pozdrawiam serdecznie

  14. I like the blouse tucked in, and the longer line of your skirt, very elegant.


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